100 in Roman Numerals

100 in roman numerals is expressed using the symbol ‘C’. 100 is a mathematical value that is used in many forms, such as counting numbers. It expresses a value that is equal to the original number. Roman numerals are the ancient number system that is used mostly for labelling or naming something. These are expressed using the English alphabet in capital letters. The roman number symbol is fixed for all the positive numbers. Hence, 100 in roman numerals is C, and no other alphabet can be used to represent 100.

Roman Number 100 = C

Value of 100 in Roman Numerals

The value of 100 in Roman numerals is C.


The value of Roman numeral C in number is 100.

100 and other Related Roman Numerals

As we know, 100 is written as C in Roman numerals. The other roman numerals using the letter C are listed below in the table.

Numbers Roman Numerals Numbers Roman Numerals
90 = 100 – 10 XC 101 = 100 + 1 CI
91 = 100 – 9 XCI 102 = 100 + 2 CII
92 = 100 – 8 XCII 103 = 100 + 3 CIII
93 = 100 – 7 XCIII 104 = 100 + 4 CIV
94 = 100 – 6 XCIV 105 = 100 + 5 CV
95 = 100 – 5 XCV 106 = 100 + 6 CVI
96 = 100 – 4 XCVI 107 = 100 + 7 CVII
97 = 100 – 3 XCVII 108 = 100 + 8 CVIII
98 = 100 – 2 XCVIII 109 = 100 + 9 CIX
99 = 100 – 1 XCIX 200 = 100 + 100 CC
100 C 300 = 100 + 100 + 100 CCC

From the above table, we can learn to write the numbers related to 100 in roman numerals.

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Solved Examples on 100 in Roman numerals

Q.1: What is the value of 100 + 5, in Roman numerals?

Solution: As we know, 100 in roman numerals is 5 and 5 is V.


100 + 5 = C+V = CV

Q.2: Write the value of 150 – 100 in Roman numerals.

Solution: The value of 150 – 100 is:

150 – 100 = 50

Therefore, 50 in Roman numerals is written as L.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs (100 in Roman numerals)


What is 1000 in Roman numerals?

1000 is written as M in Roman numerals.


What is 500 in Roman numerals?

500 is written as D in Roman numerals.


What is 90 in Roman numerals?

90 in Roman numerals is XC.


What is 200 in Roman numerals?

200 in Roman numerals is CC.


How to write 99 in Roman numerals?

99 is written as XCIX in Roman numerals.

Test your Knowledge on 100 in Roman Numerals


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