MVIII Roman Numerals

MVIII Roman Numerals is 1008. You will know the expansion of MVIII to numbers considering the place value of each digit. The procedure followed in the conversion of roman numerals has to be grasped well if a student wishes to perform well in the exams. Therefore, MVIII is written in numbers as 1008.


Roman Numeral



Roman Numerals mviii

How to Write MVIII Roman Numerals in Numbers?

This section contains the steps used to convert MVIII as 1008 in numeric form.

MVIII = M + V + I + I + I

MVIII = 1000 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1

MVIII = 1008

Video Lesson on Roman Numerals

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Frequently Asked Questions on MVIII Roman Numerals


Write the numeric form of the roman numerals MVIII.

We know that

MVIII = M + V + I + I + I

MVIII = 1000 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1

MVIII = 1008


What is 1000 + 8?

We know that

1000 + 8 = 1008

Hence, 1000 + 8 is 108 which is written as MVIII.


Determine the remainder if MVIII is divided by V.

We know that

MVIII = 1008

V = 5

The remainder if MVIII is divided by V is III.


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