TN Board Class 10 Social Science Solved Previous Year Question Papers 2017

Students should begin their exam preparation by solving TN Board Class 10 Social Science Solved previous year question papers 2017. Solving the previous year papers will make students feel more confident while writing the final exam paper. The previous year question papers of Social Science will help students to get an overview of the types of questions asked, weightage of marks, important topics, etc. Students can refer to these TN Board Class 10 Social Science Solved Previous Year Question Paper 2017 with solutions to self analyse their performance and their exam preparation levels.

The solutions cover all the questions solved by our subject specialists. Students should solve at least 2-3 years of previous year papers as there is a chance that few questions might be repeated in the upcoming exam. Here, in this article we have provided downloadable pdf of the solutions which is easily accessible. Students can refer to these solutions to clear their doubts and to learn the correct methodology of writing an answer.

Here, in the article we have provided the links to access the TN Board Class 10 Social Science Solved Previous Year Question Papers 2017 as well also the unsolved question paper.

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TN Board SSLC Class 10 Social Science 2017 Question Paper with Solutions

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1. The French East India Company was established by:

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Colbert

(c) Louis XVI

(d) De Brazza

Answer: b

2. Austrian crown prince was:

(a) Francis Ferdinand

(b) Francis Duke

(c) Francis de Lesseps

(d) Francis Baycon

Answer: a

3. General Services Enlistment Act was passed in:

(a) 1856

(b) 1857

(c) 1858

(d) 1859

Answer: a

4. First President of India:

(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(b) Gandhiji

(c) Dr. Radhakrishnan

(d) Sathyamurthi

Answer: a

5. The First Secretary General of SAARC was:

(a) Jinnah

(b) Abul Ahsan

(c) Kofi Annan

(d) Gandhiji

Answer: b

6. Thembavani is related to:

(a) Hinduism

(b) Sikhism

(c) Christianity

(d) Islam

Answer: c

7. The customers are exploited by the:

(a) Carpenters

(b) Farmers

(c) Tailors

(d) Traders

Answer: d

8. Palk Strait separates India from __________ .

(a) Sri Lanka

(b) Myanmar

(c) Maldives

(d) Lakshadweep

Answer: a

9. The crop that grows in drought is __________ .

(a) rice

(b) wheat

(c) jute

(d) millets

Answer: d

10. The costliest and most modern means of transport is __________ .

(a) Air Transport

(b) Road Transport

(c) Water Transport

(d) Rail Transport

Answer: a

11. Maps created by using aerial photographs are called __________ Maps.

(a) Ortho – photo

(b) Aerial photo

(c) Physical

(d) Political

Answer: a

12. National Income of a country can be calculated by:

(a) 2 Methods

(b) 3 Methods

(c) 4 Methods

(d) 5 Methods

Answer: b

13. Chairman of Planning Commission of India is:

(a) President of India

(b) Prime Minister of India

(c) Finance Minister of India

(d) Vice President of India

Answer: b

14. Green Revolution was introduced in the year:

(a) 1967

(b) 1977

(c) 1987

(d) 1957

Answer: a

15. Match the following:


Black Shirts T.M. Nair
New York Mussolini’s followers
Martin Luther of Hinduism E.V. Ramasamy Periyar
Justice Party Headquarters of the UNO
Vaikam Hero Swami Dayanandha Saraswathi
Muslim league

Answer i:

Black Shirts Mussolini’s followers
New York Headquarters of the UNO
Martin Luther of Hinduism Swami Dayanandha Saraswathi
Justice Party T.M. Nair
Vaikam Hero E.V. Ramasamy Periyar


Shillong Plateau Cotton
Black Soil Heavy rainfall
Mangrove forests Delhi
Southern Railways Sunderbans
Rubber Chennai
A type of coal

Answer ii:

Shillong Plateau Heavy rainfall
Black Soil Cotton
Mangrove forests Sunderbans
Southern Railways Chennai
Rubber Kerala

16. Define Imperialism.

Answer: The term imperialism refers to the policy of extending a country’s rule.

17. What are the Organs of the League of Nations?

Answer: The Organs of the League of Nations are

  • The General Assembly
  • The Council
  • The Secretariat
  • An International Court of Justice
  • International Labour Organization

18. What does the term “Fascism” mean?

Answer: The term Fascism is derived from the Latin word ’Fasces’ means a bundle or group

19. Write a note on the Scorched Earth Policy.

Answer: When Hitler invaded Russia in 1941, Russians followed the Scorched Earth Policy. They abandoned the villages and set fire to crops, roads, railways, factories, and even houses so that the Germans could not gain anything.

20. Why do we call Periyar as Vaikam Hero?

Answer: We call Periyar as Vaikam Hero because

  • Periyar led the Vaikam Satyagraha in 1924, where the people of downtrodden community were prohibited to enter into the Temple.
  • Finally the Travancore government relaxed such segregation and allowed the people to enter into the temple.

21. Name the important leaders and centres of the Great Revolt.

Answer: The important leaders and the centres of the Great Revolt are as follows:

Delhi Bahadur Shah – II
Central India Rani Lakshmi Bai
Lucknow Begum Hazarat Mahal
Kanpur Nana Saheb, Tantia Tope
Bihar Kunwar Singh

22. What are the teachings of Vallalar?

Answer: The teachings of Vallalar are:

Service to mankind is the path of Moksha

God is the personification of mercy and knowledge

The path of compassion and mercy are the only path to God

23. Mention any two poems of Subramania Bharathiar.

Answer: Vande Matharam, Jaya Bharatham.

24. Why is world peace an essential one?

Answer: World peace is an essential one because if we see the opposite side of it which is war or destruction it means it will destroy everyone. Economic development of the nations can be achieved only through world peace. And if the peace is there in between worlds then it will lead to a good life as peace means progress and happiness. So, world peace is an essential one.

25. Name some of the religions of India.

Answer: Some of the religions of India are: Hinduism, Christianity, Zoroastrian ism, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism

26. Name a few well – known holy places in the Northern Mountains of India.

Answer: A few well – known holy places in the Northern Mountains of India are:

1) Amarnath

2) Kedarnath

3) Badrinath

4) Vaishnavidevi Temple

27. Name the factors determining the climate of India?

Answer: The factors determining the climate of India are:

  • Latitude
  • Altitude
  • Distance from the sea
  • Wind
  • Position of mountains

28. What do you understand by the term natural resource?

Answer: All materials obtained from the nature to satisfy the needs of our daily life are known as Natural Resources. E.g. Air, water, sunlight, soil and minerals.

29. What are Plantation Crops?

Answer: The Plantation Crops are:

  • Tea,
  • Coffee
  • Rubber

30. What are the by-products of Jute Industry?

Answer: Gunny bags, hessian, carpets, ropes, strings, rugs and cloth, tarpaulins, upholstery etc.

31. What is meant by e-waste?

Answer: E-Waste is the electronic waste or unused electronic materials or obsolete materials discarded by users. E-Waste results from all stuff like mobile phones, electronic or electric toys, machines, computers or their parts, printed circuit boards, chips, electronic components, calculators , smart devices, TV screens, video games, MP3 or MP4 players, disks, CD Roms, DVDs, flash pen drives, intelligent devices embedded in household appliances.

32. State the merits of pipeline transport.

Answer: The merits of pipeline transport are

  • Pipeline can be laid through difficult terrain as well as underwater.
  • Initial cost of laying the pipeline is high but subsequent cost for maintenance and operation is low.
  • It ensures steady supply and minimizes transshipment losses and delays.
  • Pipeline operation involves very low consumption of energy.

33. What is meant by remote sensing?

Answer: Remote sensing can be defined as the collection of data about an object from a distance.

34. What is Laissez-faire?

Answer: Laissez-Faire means non-intervention of the Government in economic activities.

35. What is a mixed economy?

Answer: When all the economic activities will be owned by both the public and private sector then it is called a Mixed Economy.

Distinguish between any four of the following:

36. GMT and IST

Answer: The difference between GMT and IST are:

Greenwich Mean Time Indian Standard Time
The Greenwich Mean Time was established by the Royal Observatory in 1675 with the purpose of assisting navigators at sea. The Indian Standard Time was established as the official time zone of India upon its independence on August 15th, 1947.
The term Greenwich Mean Time is used commonly in the United Kingdom and in the Commonwealth of Nations such as Australia, New Zealand and many other countries of the Eastern Hemisphere. Indian Standard Time is used observed in India and Sri Lanka but it takes references from the UTC (Universal Time Coordinate). The UTC has been developed as a successor to the Greenwich Mean Time.

37. Renewable resource and Non renewable resource.

Answer: The difference between Renewable resource and Non renewable resource are:

Renewable Resources Nonrenewable Resources
This type of resource can be used over and over throughout its life. This type of resource should be used limitedly.
They are the energy resources which cannot be exhausted as they are present in unlimited quantity. They are the energy resources which can be exhausted one day as they are present in a limited quantity only.

38. Commercial and Subsistence agriculture.

Answer: The difference between Subsistence Agriculture and Commercial Agriculture are:

Subsistence Agriculture Commercial Agriculture
The type of farming done to meet family needs is called subsistence farming. If farming is done for the purpose of business or profit, it is called commercial farming.
The land area used for subsistence farming is considerably small. Commercial farming requires large areas of land.

39. Iron and Steel Industry and Software Industry.

Answer: The difference between Iron and Steel Industries and Software Industry are:

Iron and Steel Industries Software Industry
Iron and steel industries are mostly located in the Chotanagpur Plateau region. The department of electronics has established an “Electronic park” in different parts of our country.
There are 11 integrated steel plants, and 150 mini steel plants rolling and rerolling mills in India. At present there are more than 500 software firms in India.

40. Air Pollution and Noise Pollution

Answer: The difference between Air Pollution and Noise Pollution are:

Air Pollution Noise Pollution
Air pollution refers to the release of harmful contaminants (chemicals, toxic gases, particulates, biological molecules, etc.) into the earth’s atmosphere. Noise pollution refers to the excessive amount of noise in the surrounding that disrupts the natural balance. Usually, it is man-made, though certain natural calamities like volcanoes can contribute to noise pollution.
Volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radioactivity are the natural causes of air pollution. The unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological health.

41. Internal trade and International trade.

Answer: The difference between Internal trade and International trade are:

Internal Trade International Trade
Also known as Domestic or Local Trade Also known as Internal Trade
Land transport plays a major role. Ocean transport plays a major role
Based on the nation’s currency. Different countries are involved.
Road transport plays a dominant role Waterway plays a dominant role

42. Roadways and Railways

Answer: The difference between roadways and railways are:

Roadways Railways
Roadways are easy to construct and maintain. Railways are not easy to construct and maintain
Construction of roads is less expensive. Construction of railways is expensive.

43. Loo and Norwesters.

Answer: The difference between Loo and Norwesters are:

Loo Norwesters
These are strong hot winds which blow during the day time These are local thunder storms.
They blow over the north western part of India They blow over north eastern part of India

44. Battle of Plassey and Buxar :

(a) Who was the Nawab of Bengal in 1757?

(b) Who introduced the Subsidiary Alliance?

(c) Name the policy of Lord Dalhousie.

(d) When was Queen Victoria’s Proclamation issued?

Answer a: Siraj-Ud-Daulah

Answer b: Lord Wellesley

Answer c: Doctrine of Lapse

Answer d: 1858

45. Adolf Hitler:

(a) Where was Adolf Hitler born?

(b) What was his father?

(c) What did he organize?

(d) Name the book written by Hitler.

Answer a: Adolf Hitler born in Austria.

Answer b: Customs Officer

Answer c: Nazi Party/ Nationalist Socialists

Answer d: Mein Kampf or My Struggle.

46. Ramakrishna Mission.

(a) Who was Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?

(b) Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission ?

(c) When and where was the Parliament of Religions held?

(d) Who represented the Hindu religion at the Parliament of Religions?

Answer a: Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was born in an orthodox Brahmin family in Bengal. He was a priest in the Dakshineswar Kali temple, a social reformer and guru of Swami Vivekananda.

Answer b: Swami Vivekananda

Answer c: In 1893 at Chicago in the USA

Answer d: Swami Vivekananda.

47. Jallian Wala Bagh Tragedy.

(a) Who were the prominent leaders arrested?

(b) Where did the people gather?

(c) Who was the British Military Commander of Amritsar?

(d) What did Rabindranath Tagore do?

Answer a: Dr.Satyapal and Dr.Saifuddin Kitchlu.

Answer b: At Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar.

Answer c: GeneraI Dyer.

Answer d: Renounced his Knighthood.

48. (a) Write a paragraph about Relief, Recovery and Reforms introduced by Franklin D Roosevelt.


(b) What were the Administrative and Military causes of the Great Revolt of 1857?


(c) Write a Paragraph on the formation and achievements of the Justice Party.

Answer a: President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the Relief, Recovery, and Reform programs, known as the ‘Three R’s’, at the time of the Great Depression addressing difficulties of mass unemployment and economic crisis. His either, immediate, temporary, or permanent actions and reforms were collectively known as FDR’s New Deal. Many Relief, Recovery, and Reform programs were initiated by a series of laws passed between 1933 and 1938. The laws were focused on relief programs, regulating the banks and the stock market, providing debt relief, managing farms, initiating industrial recovery, and introducing public works construction projects.

Answer b: The Administrative and Military Causes of the Great Revolt of 1857

Administrative Causes

  • The British replaced the Persian language by English as court language
  • The judicial system was costly, mechanical and involved much time.
  • The peasants had to pay heavy land taxes.
  • The British excluded the Indians from all high civil; and military jobs.
  • So the educated Indians were disappointed.

Military causes

  • The Indian sepoys were paid less than the British.
  • No promotion for Indian soldiers.
  • The feeling of discontent was intensified by Lord Canning’s General Services Enlistment Act.
  • The number of Indian soldiers was five time more than that of the British
  • The sepoys were insulted badly.

Answer c: The Formation and achievements of Justice Party are

Formation of Justice Party

  • The Justice party officially known as the South Indian Liberal Federation in the Madras Presidency of British India.
  • Established in 1916 by T.M. Nair and Thyagaraya Chetty.
  • lt demanded more representation for Non-Brahmins in administration

Achievements of Justice Party

  • Set right the imbalance in the representation of communities and improved the status of depressed classes.
  • College committees were created to the regulate higher educational institutions
  • Andhra University and Annamalai University were opened.
  • Temple committees were created and the Hindu Religious Endowment Bill was passed.
  • Women were granted the right to Vote in 1921.

49. (a) Write about Pancha Sheel and the policy of Non-Alignment?


(b) Mention the types of election and explain them.


(c) What are the measures taken by the Government of Tamil Nadu to Protect the Consumers?

Answer a: Panchsheel

Indian Policy makers understood the linkage between peace and development and survival of mankind. In view of the destruction caused by two world wars, they realized that for the progress of a nation a durable world peace was needed. Without global peace, social and economic development is likely to be pushed to the background. Thus, the founder of India’s foreign policy, Nehru gave utmost importance to world peace in his policy planning. For him, India desired peaceful and friendly relations with all countries, particularly the big powers and the neighboring nations. While signing a peace agreement with China; he advocated adherence to five guiding principles known as Panchsheel. Panchsheel was signed on 28 April, 1954 and since then it has become a guiding principle of India’ bilateral relations with countries also. Panchsheel includes the following five principles of foreign policy:

  1. Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
  2. Non-aggression against each other.
  3. Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.
  4. Equality and mutual benefit.
  5. Peaceful co-existence.

These principles of Panchsheel were later incorporated in the Bandung Declaration, signed in the Afro-Asian Conference held in 1955 in Indonesia. They are the core principles of Non-alignment and still guide the conduct of India’s foreign policy.

Non – Alignment

The NAM is an international forum of 120 developing countries that believe in the ideal of non-alignment with the major power blocs. It was established in 1961 in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia under the leadership of the then Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser and the President of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito.

In the aftermath of the Second World War and the decolonisation process, many countries in the developing world in Asia and Africa felt the need for a strong movement towards securing peace and prosperity, and establishing security for all countries. This was when the world was divided into two power blocs, that of the USA and the Soviet Union, especially after the signing of the NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Most of these countries felt the need for mutual cooperation and coordination with respect to not formally aligning with or against any of the power blocs. The collapse of colonialism and the cold war led to the need for improved coordination among the Global South. It is interesting to note that the term ‘third world’ arose during the cold war era to denote countries that were not aligned to either of the two power blocs.

Answer b: In India, people elect their representatives through Direct and Indirect Elections. The types of elections are:

  • Direct election
  • Indirect election
  • By-elections
  • Mid-term polls

Answer c: Measures taken by Government of Tamil Nadu to protect the consumers are

  1. In every educational institution consumer clubs are established.
  2. Women self-help groups and Panchayat Level Federations provide consumer education in rural areas in masses.
  3. The Residents Welfare associations provide awareness in urban areas.
  4. Workshops and Seminars are conducted to create awareness.
  5. Through mass media and short video films propagates awareness.
  6. Tamil Nadu Nugawor Kavasam – a monthly magazine published and circulated.

50 (a) Explain the origin of the Himalayas.


(b) What are the effects of acid rain?


(c) What do you understand from the term ‘Recovery Stage of Disaster Risk Reduction’?

Answer a: The Origin of the Himalayas are:

  • Millions of years ago there was only one large land mass of earth called — Pangea
  • It was surrounded by all sides water called – Panthalasa
  • In due course, Pangea split into two parts — Angara land in the North and Gondwana in the South
  • The sea separating the two land mass was called — Tethys Sea
  • Rivers deposited silt in the Tethys Sea.
  • Tectonic forces uplifted these deposits to form fold mountains called the Himalayas.

Answer b: The effects of acid rain

  • The most basic microscopic organisms such as plankton may not be able to survive.
  • Coral reefs will be affected.
  • The corals control the proportion of CO2 in the water to the limestone shell.
  • Other ecosystems such as forests and deserts will also be harmed.
  • Loss of bio-diversity.
  • Extinction of rare species will occur.
  • Change the acidity level of the soil by leaching crucial nutrients.

Answer c: The term Recovery State of Disaster Risk reduction are:

  • Decision and action taken after a disaster with a view to restoring or improving the conditions of the community and strengthening their capacity to cope with future disaster.
  • It also ensures return to the normal situation and recovers equilibrium. The rehabilitation and reconstruction are the tasks in this stage and afford a valuable opportunity to develop and implement the measures of disaster risk reduction.
  • The community activity, school disaster management committee and education on disaster management play a vital role in reducing the severity of natural and man-made hazards.
  • The Government of Tamil Nadu has initiated the disaster risk management programme with the support and guidance given by the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP).
  • The main objective of the programme is to enhance the capacity of the local community by providing training on first aid, search and rescue, early warnings etc.

51. (a) Explain the methods of calculating National Income.


(b) Write down the objectives of Eleventh Five-Year Plan.


(c) Explain the various Power Programs in Tamil Nadu.

Answer a: The methods of calculating National Income are:

  • Product method
  • Income method
  • Expenditure method

1. Product Method – In this method the total value of all goods and services produced in a country is taken into account.

2. Income Method – In this method the income and payments received by all the people in the country are calculated

3. Expenditure Method – In this method we add up the expenditure of all people on consumer goods investment and saving.

Answer b: The objectives of Eleventh Five-Year Plan

  • Increasing public investments in irrigation, rural electrification and rural roads
  • To reduce the subsidies in power fertilizer
  • Promoting agriculture research
  • To ensure environmental protection
  • Create larger employment opportunities
  • To develop rural infrastructure
  • To reduce the dropout rate in primary schools

Answer c: The important power stations in Tamil Nadu are listed below.

  • Thermal Power – Thermal power stations are in Ennore, Tuticorin, Mettur, Basin Bridge and Neyveli.
  • Hydel power – Hydel power stations are in Mettur, Kundah, Periyar Dam. Kothayar Dam, Pykara, Singara and Moyar.
  • Atomic Energy – Atomic power stations are in Kalpakkam and Koodankulam.
  • Wind Energy – It is a non conventional form of energy. The windmills are situated in Coimbatore, Kanyakumari, Tuticorin, Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli.
  • Biomass Energy – This is another kind of Non-conventional energy. This kind of electricity is produced in Namakkal and Dharmapuri Districts. Biomass energy is a non-conventional form of energy made from agricultural waste.

52. Any five important Indian events between the years 1920 – 1950.

Answer: Five Important Indian events between the year 1920- 1950 are:

1920- Khilafat Movement, Non-Co-operation Movement

1927 – Formation of Simon Commission

1928 – Arrival of Simon Commission

1930 – Salt Satyagraha, First Round Table Conference

1948 – Assassination of Gandhi

1950 – Indian Constitution came into force – India became Republic

Map Questions:

53 (a) Mark the following places in the given outline map of Asia:

(i) Peking

(ii) Hongkong

(iii) Korea

(iv) Japan

(v) Red Sea


Mark the following places in the given outline map of India

(i) Meerut

(ii) Kanpur

(iii) Chennai

(iv) Barrackpore

(v) Lucknow

Answer a and b: Activity to be done by yourself

54: Mark any ten places/regions on the given outline map of India.

(i) Aravalli Range

(ii) Palk Strait

(iii) Lakshadweep

(iv) Cotton Growing area

(v) Mount Everest

(vi) River Narmada

(vii) Alluvial Soil

(viii) Kolkata

(ix) Gulf of Kutch

(x) Mountain Forest

(xi) Bengaluru

(xii) Deccan Plateau

(xiii) Link Chennai and Kolkata by rail route

(xiv) Ganga Plain

(xv) Show the areas receiving less than 50 cm of rainfall

Answer: Activity to be done by yourself


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