TN Board Class 10 Social Science Solved Previous Year Question Papers 2018

TN Board Class 10 solutions of previous year question papers of 2018 will help students while preparing for their exam. The solutions are solved by subject professionals who have deep knowledge in the field of Social Science. Students should solve previous year question papers to understand the exact question paper, important questions, weightage of marks, etc. It will help them to make their exam preparation accordingly. TN Board Class 10 Social Science Solved Previous Year Question Papers 2018 is given here in this article for the students to solve and practise.

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TN Board SSLC Class 10 Social Science 2018 Question Paper with Solutions

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1. The English East India Company was formed in

(a) 1644 AD

(b) 1600 AD

(c) 1700 AD

(d) 1644 AD

Answer: b

2. Kaiser William – II stationed a fleet at

(a) Jutland

(b) Heligoland

(c) Ireland

(d) Holland

Answer: b

3. Indian Historians described the revolt of 1857 as

(a) the first war of Indian Independence

(d) Sepoy Mutiny

(c) Military Revolt

(d) Great Revolt.

Answer: a

4. At Vedaranyam, the Salt Satyagraha was led by

(a) Rajagopalachari

(b) TS Rajan

(c) VOC

(d) Bakthavanchalam

Answer: a

5. India brought a resolution in the UN General Assembly in favour of disarmament in

(a) 1995

(b) 1965

(c) 1976

(d) 1956

Answer: d

6. The Election Commission of India is situated at:

(a) Moradabad

(b) Chennai

(c) New Delhi

(d) Mumbai

Answer: c

7. World Consumers’ Day is celebrated on:

(a) March 14

(b) March 15

(c) March 11

(d) March 16

Answer: b

8. The river known as the ‘Sorrow of Bihar’ is

(a) Luni

(b) Ganga

(c) Indus

(d) Kosi

Answer: d

9. The ‘Rice Bowl’ of Tamil Nadu is:

(a) Thanjavur

(b) Madurai

(c) Karur

(d) Thiruvarur

Answer: a

10. Yellow revolution is associated with the production of

(a) Milk and milk products

(b) Marine products

(c) Fruits

(d) Oil Seeds

Answer: d

11. Expand the abbreviation TISCO.

(a) Tata Instruments and Screws Company

(b) Tata Iron and Steel Company

(c) Teja Industries and Steel Company

(d) Titan Investments and Share Company

Answer: b

12. The main technology centres in India are

(a) Trivandrum, Mumbai and Chennai

(b) Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad

(c) Bengaluru, Mumbai and Kanpur

(d) Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad

Answer: d

13. The highest literacy rate is found in the state of …… in India

(a) Bihar

(b) Uttar Pradesh

(c) Kerala

(d) Maharashtra

14. The Green Revolution was introduced in the year …..

(a) 1967

(b) 1977

(c) 1987

(d) 1957

Answer: a

15. Match the following:


Kaiser William Secret Police of Mussolini
Ovra Germany
Atlantic Charter Chennai Manavar Mandram
S.Satyamurthi F.D. Rossevelt
Dr S. Dharmambal Poondi reservoir
Avvai Illan

Answer i:

Kaiser William Germany
Ovra Secret Police of Mussolini
Atlantic Charter F.D. Rossevelt
S.Satyamurthi Poondi reservoir
Dr S. Dharmambal Chennai Manavar Mandram


El-Nino Iron and Steel
Zaid Madhapuri
Solar Energy Centre Surveying
SAIL Tamil Nadu
GPS Mining
Fruits & Vegetables
Weather Phenomena

Answer ii:

El-Nino Weather Phenomena
Zaid Fruits & Vegetables
Solar Energy Centre Madhapuri
SAIL Iron and Steel
GPS Surveying

16. Write about Military Imperialism?

Answer: Military Imperialism means ruling a country directly by the military force. For example: USA’s invasion of Iraq.

17. Why did Japan resign from the League of Nations?

Answer: In 1931, Japan captured Manchuria and captured it Manchuko and made it a puppet state. When the League protested against this, Japan resigned from the League.

18. What were the four pillars of Fascism?

Answer: The four pillars of Fascism are:

  • Charismatic Leadership
  • Single Part rule under the dictator.
  • Terror
  • Economic Control

19. What are the organs of the European Union?

Answer: The organs of the European Union are

European Parliament

Council of the European Union

European Commission

Court of Justice

Court of Auditors

20. What are the services rendered by the Arya Samaj?

Answer: The services rendered by the Arya Samaj are:

  • The Arya Samaj opposed Child marriage, Polygamy, Purdha System, Castesim, Sati, advocated women education, intercaste marriage and inter dining.
  • It insisted on the education of women and upliftment of the depressed classes.
  • The Samaj started a number of Schools all over the country to impart English and Vedic education called DAV Schools and Colleges.

21. What were the Mountbatten Plan?

Answer: The Mountbatten Plan is mentioned below:

  • According to this plan India had to be divided into two independent countries namely Indian Union and Pakistan Union.
  • The Princely states were given the option to join either of the two new nations or to remain independent.
  • Both the Congress and the Muslim League accepted this plan.

22. Why was Kamaraj called as “King Maker”?

Answer: Kamaraj made Lal Bahadur Shastri as the Prime Minister of India in 1964. After the death of Sastri in 1966, he made Mrs. Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister.

23. What are the aims of Self-Respect Movement?

Answer: The Rowlatt Act was passed by the British government to increase their grip on power over the common folk. This law was passed in March 1919 by the Imperial Legislative Council which gave them the power to arrest any person without any trial. To abolish this act, Gandhi and the other leaders called for a Hartal (suspension of work) to show Indians’ objection with this rule.

24. Write a short note on the policy of Apartheid?

Answer: Apartheid is a policy of racial discrimination which was followed in South Africa. The whites did not give equal rights to the native Africans. India had raised this issue for the first time in the United Nations General Assembly in 1946. It was due to the continuous struggle of Dr. Nelson Mandela, the policy of Apartheid was abolished in 1990.

25. Give Abraham Lincoln’s definition of Democracy?

Answer: Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people’.

26. What are the main physical divisions of India?

Answer: The main physical divisions of India are:

i) Northern mountains

ii) Northern Great Plains

iii) Peninsular plateaus

iv) Coastal plains

v) Islands

27. What are Jet Streams? How do they affect the climate of India?

Answer: Air currents in the upper layers of the atmosphere is known as jet streams. It could determine the arrival and departure of monsoon winds in India.

28. Name the places where petroleum is mined in India?

Answer: The places where petroleum is mined in India are Mumbai High, Gujarat, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu.

29. What are the types of agriculture?

Answer: The types of agriculture are:

i) Primitive agriculture

ii) Subsistence agriculture

iii) Commercial agriculture

iv) Plantation agriculture.

30. What is manufacturing?

Answer: A process of converting the natural resources into usable products is known as manufacturing. For example, cotton has to be processed before it brought into use in the form of finished product.

31. What is Global Warming?

Answer: Global warming is caused by the increase of green house gases such as carbon-dioxide, methane, water vapour, CFCs which are responsible for the heat retention ability of the atmosphere. The rapid increase in average temperature of the earth will cause major changes in weather patterns all over the world.

32. What is the significance of border roads?

Answer: The significance of border roads are

  • Border Roads are the roads constructed along the northern and north-eastern borders of our country.
  • These roads are constructed and maintained by Border Roads Organization which was set up in 1960 by the Government of India.
  • BRO is regarded as a symbol of nation building, national integration and an inseparable component in maintaining the security of the country.

33. What are the important aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction?

Answer: The important aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction are:

  • Mitigation
  • Early Warning System
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Recovery

34. Define National Income.

Answer: National Income is a measure of the total value of goods and services produced by an economy over a period of time, normally a year. National Income is commonly called as Grass National Product.

35. Write a note on Cottage Industries

Answer: Cottage industries are household industries depending on local market and

production is of primitive methods. Example: Handlooms, Coir industries.

Distinguish between any four of the following:

36. Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats

Answer: The difference between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats are:

Western Ghats Eastern Ghats
It is a system of continuous hills. It is a system of discontinuous hills.
It extends from Tapti valley to Kanyakumari. It extends from Mahanadi river in Orissa to Vaigai river in Tamil Nadu.
It is parallel to west coastline (costal region). It is almost parallel to east coastline (coastal region).
Most of the rivers originate in the Western Ghats drain into the Arabian Sea Drain into Bay of Bengal
The highest peak Dottapetta is in Nilgiris The highest peak is Mahendra Giri

37. Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers

Answer: The difference between Himalayan Rivers and Peninsular Rivers are:

Himalayan Rivers Peninsular Rivers
Large basins and catchment areas Small basins and catchment areas
Flow through deep I- sloped valleys Flow through broad and shallow valleys
Receive water both from the monsoon and the melting of snow Receive water only from the monsoon rains
Very useful for irrigation Not very useful for irrigation

38. Thermal electricity and Hydro Electricity.

Answer: The difference between Thermal energy and Hydro Electricity are:

Thermal Energy Hydro Electricity
It is produced by using coal petroleum, natural gas etc. It is produced by water conserved dam of electricity power station
Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa and Delhi have Thermal energy producing Centres. It is mainly produced in Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya, Tripura and Sikkim
The initial expenses are much more than wind energy. Low expenses compared to Thermal energy

39. Commercial Agriculture and Plantation Agriculture.

Answer: The difference between Commercial Agriculture and Plantation Agriculture are:

Commercial Agriculture Plantation Agriculture
Crops in great demand are grown in commercial agriculture on large scale. The plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry
It is practiced in Gujarat, Punjab, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. It is practiced in North Eastern states, West Bengal and South India
Cotton, sugarcanes, jute and cereals Tea, coffee and rubber

40. Agro based and Mineral based Industries

Answer: The difference between Agro based and Mineral based Industries are:

Agro based Industries Mineral based Industries
Agro based industries use agricultural products as their raw materials. Mineral based industries use both metallic and non-metallic minerals as raw materials.
Eg: Cotton Textile Industry and Jute Industry. Eg. Iron and Steel Industry

41. Water Pollution and Land Pollution

Answer: The difference between Water Pollution and Land Pollution are:

Water Pollution Land Pollution
Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water Land pollution is contaminating the land surface of the earth through dumping of urban waste matter.
It has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives in it. It arises from the breakage of underground storage tanks, application of pesticides and percolation of contaminated surface water, oiI and fuel dumping, leaching of waste from landfills.

42. Exports and Imports

Answer: The difference between exports and imports are:

Exports Imports
Exports are explained as the goods and services manufactured in one country and acquired by citizens of another country. The import trade is referred to goods and services purchased into one nation from another.
India exports nearly 7500 goods to 190 countries. India imports nearly 6000 goods from 140 countries.

43. Airways and Waterways

Answer: The difference between Airways and Waterways are:

Airways Waterways
Airways are the quickest, costliest most modern means of transport Waterways are the cheapest means

of transport

They carry passengers, freight and mail They are most suitable for carrying

heavy and bulky goods at low cost

They link local, regional, national and

international cites.

Waterways are in the form of rivers, canals, backwaters, seas and oceans.
Airways are classified into domestic

airways and international airways.

Waterways are classified into island

waterways and ocean routes.

44. Course of the War

(a) Give the duration of the First World War?

(b) Who were called the Central Powers?

(c) Who were called the Allies?

(d) What were weapons used in the war?

Answer a: The duration of the First World War is 1914 to 1918

Answer b: The side of Germany were called central powers (or) Germany, Austria — Hungary, Italy.

Answer c: The side of Britain were called allies (or) England, France, Russia

Answer d: The weapons used in war are Artillery, Tanks and Submarines

45. Franklin D Roosevelt

(a) When was the Presidential Election held?

(b) How was Franklin D Roosevelt commonly known?

(c) What was his election manifesto?

(d) Name the policy formulated by him?

Answer a: The Presidential Election held in 1932

Answer b: Franklin D Roosevelt commonly known as F.D.R.

Answer c: “I pledge you, I pledge myself to a New Deal for the Americans”.

Answer d: New Deal Policy.

46. Revolt at Central India

(a) Who led the revolt at Central India

(b) Name the place captured by Rani Lakshmi Bai

(c) What was her end?

(d) What happened to Tantia Tope?

Answer a: Rani Lakshmi Bai

Answer b: Gwalior

Answer c: She was killed in the war

Answer d: Tantia Tope escaped but captured and put to death

47. The August Offer:

(a) When was the August Offer announced?

(b) What was promised for India after the Second World War?

(c) Why was the committee set up?

(d) To whom, the representation was promised to be given in the War Council?

Answer a: The August Offer announced in 1940

Answer b: Dominion Status was promised for India after the Second World War

Answer c: To frame the Constitution for India

Answer d: Indians

48. (a) Write any five causes of Imperialism


(b) Write any five major achievements of the UNO?


(c) Explain the stages of Non-cooperation movement of 1920-22? Why was it suspended?

Answer a: Five causes of Imperialism are:

  • Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution created a great demand for raw materials and new markets.
  • National security: Among the European Political groups desired to ensure national security and self-sufficiency instigated colonial imperialism.
  • Nationalism: Many nations developed pride over their culture and language so, acquired colonies to enhance prestige.
  • Growth of Population: The Population growth and its impact of unemployment force the Europeans to emigrate in search of new lands and careers abroad.
  • State of Anarchy: There was no international organization to enact and enforce laws for nations to maintain peace and security among countries before the first world war.

Answer b: The five major achievements of the UNO are as follows:

  1. UNO has rendered a great service in establishing Peace and Security by solving various problems, generally political disputes by Security Council, Legal disputes by the International Court of Justice and others by special agencies.
  2. It settled disputes between Israel and Palestine, Iran and Iraq and withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
  3. It has signed many Nuclear Test Ban treaties like NTBT in 1963 and CTBT in 1996.
  4. The UN conducted the conference of environment and development at Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
  5. The UNO played a vital role in the Suez Canal crisis of 1956. It made France, Britain, and Israel withdraw troops from Egypt. The UNO also settled the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

Answer c: Gandhiji decided to start the Non co-operation movement in 1920. The movement was observed in three stages.

  • First Stage: Indians who received titles and honours from the British renounced them in protest.
  • Second stage: There were large scale demonstration including hartals. All Government institution including schools, colleges, offices and legislatures were boycotted.
  • Third stage: The most important and final stage of the movement was non- payment of taxes. The congress session held in 1921 at Ahmedabad called upon the people not to pay taxes to the Government till their demands were met.The non co-operation movement was in its full swing, hartals and lock-out were all over the country.

Suspension: In 1922 at Chauri Chaura in Uttar Pradesh a procession of peasants was organized. The police fired at the peasants. In retaliation the angry peasants attacked and burnt the police station killing 22 police men.

49. (a) Write a short note on SAARC.


(b) Explain the role of the Opposition Party in a democracy?


(c) Write a paragraph on the Rights of consumers?

Answer a: India took the initiative to form SAARC to maintain peace in the regional level. SAARC’S first meeting was held at Dacca in Bangladesh on Dec 7, 1985. Ashan of Bangladesh was the first Secretary General of SAARC. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation member countries are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Srilanka. The SAARC countries identified mutual co-operation in the following areas, transportation, postal services, tourism, shipping, meteorology, health, agriculture, rural reconstruction and telecommunication.

Answer b: The role of the Opposition Party in a democracy are:

  • The Success of the democracy depends to a great extent on the constructive role of the opposition parties.
  • In every democracy all the parties cannot get majority seats all the time in the Parliament.
  • The parties which do not get majority seats are called opposition parties.
  • The party which gets majority seats in the Lok Sabha next to the ruling party is called the recognized opposition party. The leader of the opposition party enjoys some privileges equivalent to that of a cabinet minister.
  • All the powers mentioned in the Constitution are exercised by the ruling party. The opposition party also functions in an effective manner, and the work is no less important than that of the ruling parties.
  • The check the government from becoming authoritarian and to restrict its power, the opposition parties keep a watch over them.
  • The main duty of the opposition party is to criticize the policies of the government.
  • Outside the legislature the opposition parties attract the attention of the press and report their criticism of the government policy in the newspapers.
  • The opposition parties have the right to check the expenditure of the government also.
  • During the question hour, the opposition parties criticize the government generally.

Answer c: The rights of consumers are:

  • Right to Safety- Before buying, a consumer can insist on the quality and guarantee of the goods. They should ideally purchase a certified product like ISI or AGMARK.
  • Right to Choose- Consumer should have the right to choose from a variety of goods and in a competitive price
  • Right to be informed- The buyers should be informed with all the necessary details of the product, make her/him act wise, and change the buying decision.
  • Right to Consumer Education- Consumer should be aware of his/her rights and avoid exploitation. Ignorance can cost them more.
  • Right to be heard- This means the consumer will get due attention to express their grievances at a suitable forum.
  • Right to seek compensation- The defines that the consumer has the right to seek redress against unfair and cruel practices or exploitation of the consumer.

50 (a) Write the importance of forests?


(b) Explain the types of Indian Roads?


(c) What are the advantages of Remote Sensing?

Answer a: The importance of forests are:

  • Forests provide valuable timber for domestic and commercial use and raw material for industries.
  • It supplies such as Lac, Gum, Resins, Tanning materials, medicines, herbs, honey and spices.
  • Export of forest products earns valuable foreign exchange.
  • Grazing cattle in the forest helps in dairy farming.
  • Many forest reserves have been developed into tourist centres.
  • It controls air pollution, soil erosion, floods and land reclamation.
  • Forests help in water percolation and thus maintain underground water level
  • It provides a natural habitat for animals and birds.
  • Forests absorb atmospheric carbon-dioxide and help in controlling air pollution.
  • Forests meet 40% of energy needs of the country.

Answer b: The types of Indian Roads area:

  • Village roads – Link villages with towns. They are maintained by village Panchayats.
  • District Roads – Link the towns with district headquarters. They are maintained by the corporations and municipalities.
  • State Highways – Link district headquarters and maintained by the state public works
  • department.
  • National Highways – Link the states capital with the national capital and maintained by Central Public Work Department.
  • Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways – It is a major Road development project launched by Government of India.
  • Expressways – Expressways are the technologically improved high class roads in the
  • Indian Road network.
  • Border Roads – Border Roads are constructed and maintained by Boards Roads Organisation.
  • International Highways – International Highways are the roads that link India with neighbouring countries for promoting harmonious relationship with them.

Answer c: The advantages of Remote Sensing are:

  • This system has the ability to provide a synoptic view of a wide area in a single frame.
  • Remote sensing systems detect features of inaccessible areas that cannot be reached human vision. For example : Equatorial forest in the Congo basin, Africa.
  • Cheaper and rapid method of acquiring data up to-date and continuous information over a geographical area. For example: It helps agriculturists to identify the areas affected by pests, crop related diseases etc.
  • Helps the planners for formulating policies and programmes to achieve the holistic functioning of the environment. For example : Spots the areas of natural disasters such as tsunami drought prone, flood affected and cyclone hit areas and helps in providing relief and rehabilitation program in the affected areas.
  • Enable the cartographers to prepare Thematic maps with a great speed and accuracy. Eg: Geographical maps, soil maps, population maps etc. with great speed and accuracy

51. (a) Explain the need for the study of National Income.


(b) Explain the Economic Reforms of 1991.


(c) Explain Green Revolution

Answer a: The need for the study of National Income

  • To measure the size of the economy and level of country’s economic performance.
  • To measure the production of goods and services.
  • To trace the trend or speed of the economic growth of our country in relation to previous years and that of other countries.
  • To know the contribution of primary, secondary and tertiary sector in the National Income.
  • To help government, to formulate development plans and policies to increase economic growth.

Answer b: The Economic Reforms of 1991

  1. The year 1991 has a special significance in the Indian economy.
  2. Allowing the foreign the investment, encouragement to private sector and co-existence of public sector and private sector.
  • Liberalisation:Free market system. Withdrawal of regulation and restrictions for private sectors.
  • Privatisation: Reforming of all economics activities from public sector to private sector.
  • Globalisation: Worldwide movement towards economic financial, trade and communication integration. Linkage of nation’s markets with global markets.

Answer c: Green Revolution

  • It was introduced in the year 1967.
  • The Indian Council of Agricultural Research introduced this new strategy through land reforms. High yielding variety seeds and improved irrigation facilities to increase agricultural production.
  • The Green Revolution means increasing production of food grains by using High Yielding Variety seeds — especially of Wheat and Rice. .
  • High yielding variety seeds require regular supply of water fertilizer pesticides and financial resources.
  • The credit of introducing high yielding variety seeds goes to Indian Council of Agriculture Research and many agricultural universities in India particularly at Ludhiana, Pant Nagar and Coimbatore.

52. Write any five important Indian events between the years 1930-1950.

Answer: Five important Indian events between the years 1930-1950 are:

1930 – Salt Satyagraha, First Round Table Conference

1931 – Gandhi – Irwin Pact, Second Round Table Conference

1935 – Government of India Act

1939 – Beginning of the Second World War

1950 – Indian Constitution came into force – India became Republic

Map Questions:

53 (a) Mark the following places in the given outline map of Asia:

(i) Turkey

(ii) Philippines

(iii) Farmosa

(iv) Shakhalin Islands

(v) Singapore


(b). Mark the following places in the given outline map of India

(i) Delhi

(ii) Barailley

(iii) Araah

(iv) Vedaranyam

(v) Chauri Chaura

Answer a and b: Activity to be done by yourself

54: Mark any ten places/regions on the given outline map of India.

(i) Mt K2

(ii) Gulf of Mannar

(iii) Western Coastal Plain

(iv) Visakhapatnam

(v) Cheerapunji

(vi) The Headquarters of the Indian Railways

(vii) One Tea Growing Area

(viii) Rann of Kutch

(ix) River Cauvery

(x) Thar Desert

(xi) Black Soil Area

(xii) Sunderbans

(xiii) Andaman and Nicobar Islands

(xiv) Mumbai

(xv) Waterway from Chennai to Kolkata

Answer: Activity to be done by yourself


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