Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry MCQs are available here online. The objective questions are provided with their respective answers and detailed explanations. The Coordinate Geometry MCQs are prepared for Class 9 students as per the latest exam pattern. Students can practise these questions and score good marks in the final exam. These selective questions are given here, as per the CBSE syllabus (2022-2023) and NCERT guidelines. Also, check Important Questions for Class 9 Maths.
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MCQs on Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry
Students can solve the multiple-choice problems given below to increase their problem-solving skills. Each question has 4 multiple options. Students need to choose the right answer.
1) The name of the horizontal line in the cartesian plane which determines the position of a point is called:
a. Origin
b. X-axis
c. Y-axis
d. Quadrants
Answer: b
2) The name of the vertical line in the cartesian plane which determines the position of a point is called:
a. Origin
b. X-axis
c. Y-axis
d. Quadrants
Answer: c
3) The section formed by horizontal and vertical lines determining the position of the point in a cartesian plane is called:
a. Origin
b. X-axis
c. Y-axis
d. Quadrants
Answer: d
4) The point of intersection of horizontal and vertical lines determining the position of a point in a cartesian plane is called:
a. Origin
b. X-axis
c. Y-axis
d. Quadrants
Answer: a
5) If the coordinates of a point are (0, -4), then it lies in:
a. X-axis
b. Y-axis
c. At origin
d. Between x-axis and y-axis
Answer: b
Explanation: Since, x=0 and y=-4. Hence, the point will lie in the negative y-axis 4 units far from the origin.
6) If the coordinates of a point are (3, 0), then it lies in:
a. X-axis
b. Y-axis
c. At origin
d. Between x-axis and y-axis
Answer: a
Explanation: Since, x = 3 and y = 0, therefore, the point will lie at the positive x-axis 3 units far from the origin.
7) If the coordinates of a point are (-3, 4), then it lies in:
a. First quadrant
b. Second quadrant
c. Third quadrant
d. Fourth quadrant
Answer: b
Explanation: Since x = -3 and y = 4, then if we plot the point in a plane, it lies in the second quadrant.
8) If the coordinates of a point are (-3, -4), then it lies in:
a. First quadrant
b. Second quadrant
c. Third quadrant
d. Fourth quadrant
Answer: c
Explanation: Since, x = -3 and y = -4, then if we plot the point in a plane, it lies in the third quadrant.
9) Points (1, 2), (-2, -3), (2, -3);
a. First quadrant
b. Do not lie in the same quadrant
c. Third quadrant
d. Fourth quadrant
Answer: b
10) If x coordinate of a point is zero, then the point lies on:
a. First quadrant
b. Second quadrant
c. X-axis
d. Y-axis
Answer: d
11) Signs of the abscissa and ordinate of a point in the second quadrant are respectively
a. +, +
b. +, –
c. -, +
d. -, –
Answer: c
Explanation: The signs of abscissa (x-value) and ordinate(y-value) in the second quadrant are – and + respectively.
12) The point (-10, 0) lies in
a. Third quadrant
b. Fourth quadrant
c. On the negative direction of the x-axis
d. On the negative direction of the y-axis
Answer: c
Explanation: The point (-10, 0) lies in the negative direction of the x-axis.
13) A quadrant in which both x and y values are negative is
a. First quadrant
b. Second quadrant
c. Third quadrant
d. Fourth quadrant
Answer: c
Explanation: In the third quadrant, both the abscissa and ordinate values are negative. Example (-2, -2), which lies in the third quadrant.
14) Abscissa of all the points on the x-axis is
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. Any number
Answer: d
Explanation: Abscissa of all the points on the x-axis can be any number. The coordinates of any point on the x-axis is (x, 0), where x can take any value.
15) Ordinate of all points on the x-axis is
a. -1
b. 0
c. 1
d. Any number
Answer: b
Explanation: The ordinate of all points on the x-axis is 0. We know that the coordinates of any point on the x-axis is (x, 0). Here, the abscissa can take any value and the ordinate is zero.
16) Abscissa of a point is positive in
a. I quadrant
b. I and II quadrants
c. II quadrant only
d. I and IV quadrants
Answer: d
Explanation: In a coordinate plane, x can take positive values in the first and fourth quadrants. For example, (2, 2) and (2, -4) lie on the first and fourth quadrants, respectively.
17) Points (1, -1), (2, -2), (4, -5), (-3, -4)
a. lie in II quadrant
b. lie in III quadrant
c. lie in IV quadrant
d. Does not lie in the same quadrant
Answer: d
Explanation: The point (1, -1), (2, -2) and (4, -5) lies in the fourth quadrant, where (-3, -4) lies in the third quadrant.
18) Abscissa of all the points on the y-axis is
a. 0
b. 1
c. -1
d. Any number
Answer: a
Explanation: The abscissa of all the points on the y-axis is 0. We know that the coordinates of any point on the y-axis is (0, y). Here, the ordinate can take any value and the abscissa is zero.
19) Ordinate of all the points on the y-axis is
a. 0
b. 1
c. -1
d. Any number
Answer: d
Explanation: The ordinate of all the points on the y-axis can be any number. The coordinates of any point on the y-axis is (0, y). Here, abscissa can take only the value of 0 and the ordinate can take any value.
20) The point which lies on the y-axis at a distance of 5 units in the negative direction of the y-axis is
a. (5, 0)
b. (0, 5)
c. (-5, 0)
d. (0, -5)
Answer: d
Explanation: The coordinates of any point on the y-axis is (0, y).
Hence, abscissa should be 0.
Given that, the point lies in the negative direction of the y-axis. Hence, the value of y should be negative.
Therefore, the point which lies on the y-axis at a distance of 5 units in the negative direction is (0, -5).
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