HCF of 26 and 169

The HCF of 26 and 169 is 13. The numbers 26 and 169 are divisible evenly by the HCF. The factors of 26 are 1, 2, 13, 26, and the factors of 169 are 1, 13, 169. The methods to determine the value of HCF are prime factorisation, long division and listing common factors. The experts prepare the HCF articles after wide research to provide a good hold on the Maths concepts among students.

Also read: Highest common factor

What is the HCF of 26 and 169?

The answer to this question is 13. Using three different methods, the HCF of 26 and 169 can be calculated. The HCF of 26 and 169 is 13, which divides the given numbers exactly.

How to Find HCF of 26 and 169?

The methods to get the HCF of 26 and 169 are:

  • Prime Factorisation
  • Long Division method
  • Listing common factors

HCF of 26 and 169 by Prime Factorisation Method

The prime factorisation of 26 and 169 is:

26 = 2 × 13

169 = 13 × 13

Common prime factor of 26 and 169 = 13

Hence, HCF (26, 169) = 13

HCF of 26 and 169 by Long Division Method

Let us divide (26, 169) by the factors to get the HCF of 26 and 169. The divisor in long division, when the remainder is zero, is the HCF.

HCF of 26 and 169

No further division can be done.

Hence, HCF (26, 169) = 13

HCF of 26 and 169 by Listing Common Factors

The HCF of 26 and 169 by listing common factors is shown here:

Factors of 26: 1, 2, 13, 26

Factors of 169: 1, 13, 169

There are 2 common factors of 26 and 169, and they are 1 and 13.

Therefore, the highest common factor of 26 and 169 is 13.

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Question: If the LCM is 338, find the HCF of 26 and 169.



LCM = 338

HCF × LCM = 26 × 169

HCF = (26 × 169)/ 338

HCF = 13

Hence, the HCF is 13.

Frequently Asked Questions on HCF of 26 and 169


What is the HCF of 26 and 169?

The HCF of 26 and 169 is 13.

Using the prime factorisation method, find the HCF of 26 and 169.

Using the prime factorisation method:

26 = 2 × 13

169 = 13 × 13

Hence, the HCF is 13.


What methods can be used to find HCF of 26 and 169?

The methods which can be used to find the HCF of 26 and 169 are Long Division, Listing Common Factors and Prime Factorisation.

Find the LCM if the HCF is 13 and the product of two numbers is 4394.


HCF = 13

Product = 4394

HCF × LCM = Product

LCM = 4394/13

LCM = 338


Mention the relation between HCF and LCM of 26 and 169.

The relation between HCF and LCM of 26 and 169 is:

HCF × LCM = 26 × 169

HCF × LCM = 4394


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