Is 89 a Prime Number?

Is 89 a prime number? Yes, 89 is a prime number. In Mathematics, a number is said to be a prime number if it has two factors, such as 1 and the number itself. Whereas, if a number has more than two factors, then the number is considered a composite number. In this article, we will discuss whether the number 89 is prime or composite, why the number 89 is considered a prime number and many interesting facts about the number 89.

Table of Contents:

Is 89 a Prime or Composite Number?

Is 89 a prime number? The answer to this question is: “Yes, 89 is a prime number”. By the definition of prime numbers, if a number has exactly two factors, such as 1 and the number itself, the number is said to be a prime number. If a number has more than two factors, then the number is considered as a composite number. So, the numbers 1 and 89 exactly divide the number 89 without leaving a remainder value. If any numbers other than 1 and 89 divides 89, it leaves a remainder of some integer value. Since, the number 89 has exactly two factors, the number 89 is a prime number. In other words, we can say, the number 89 is not a composite number.

Why is 89 a Prime Number?

To check whether the given number is prime or composite, one must know the factors of a number. If a number has exactly two factors, then the number is prime. Otherwise, it is a composite number.

Thus, the factors of 89 are 1 and 89.

As the number 89 has exactly two factors, 89 is considered a prime number.

Is 89 a Perfect Square?

No, 89 is not a perfect square. A perfect square is a number which can be expressed as the product of two equal integers. Thus, 89 is not a perfect square because it cannot be expressed as the product of two equal integer numbers.

For example,

81 is a perfect square, as 9 × 9 = 81

100 is a perfect square as 10 × 10 = 100.

As the number 89 is between 81 and 100, we cannot express the number 89 as the product of two equal whole numbers.

Is 89 a Perfect Cube?

No, 89 is not a perfect cube. Since the number 89 could not be expressed as the product of three equal integers, 89 is not a perfect cube.

For example,

64 is a perfect cube, as 4 × 4 × 4 = 64.

125 is a perfect cube, as 5 × 5 × 5 = 125.

Thus, we cannot express the number 89 as the product of three equal integers, as 89 is in between 64 and 125.

Is 89 an Even or Odd Number?

The number 89 is an odd number. By the definition of odd numbers, if a number is divisible by 2, it leaves a remainder of 1. Whereas a number is completely divisible by 2 and leaves a remainder value as 0 are the even numbers. Thus, if we divide 89 by 2, it leaves a quotient of 44 and the remainder value as 1. Hence, 89 is an odd number. In other words, we can say 89 is not an even number.

Also, read:

What are the Multiples of 89?

The multiples of 89 are the numbers, in which the number 89 is multiplied by consecutive integer numbers. The first ten multiples of 89 are given below:

89 × 1 = 89

89 × 2 = 178

89 × 3 = 267

89 × 4 = 356

89 × 5 = 445

89 × 6 = 534

89 × 7 = 623

89 × 8 = 712

89 × 9 = 801

89 × 10 = 890

Multiples of 89: 89, 178, 267, 356, 445, 534, 623, 712, 801 and 890.

Square Root and Cube Root of 89

The square root of 89 is a number, which, when multiplied by itself, results in the number 89. Thus, the square root of 89 is approximately equal to 9.434.

(i.e) √89 = 9. 434

The cube root of 89 is a number, which when multiplied by itself three times results in the number 89. The cube root of 89 is approximately equal to 4.465

(i.e) 3√89 = 4.465

Frequently Asked Questions on Is 89 a Prime Number?


Is 89 a prime number?

Yes, 89 is a prime number as it has exactly two factors, such as 1 and 89.


Is 89 a composite number?

Since the number 89 has only two factors, 89 is not a composite number.


Is 89 a perfect square?

No, 89 is not a perfect square because it cannot be expressed as the product of two equal integers.


Is 89 a perfect cube?

No, 89 is not a perfect cube, as it cannot be represented as the product of three equal integers.


Is 89 an odd or even number?

The number 89 is an odd number. If 89 is divisible by 2, it leaves a remainder value as 1 and hence, 89 is an odd number. In other words, we can say 89 is not an even number.

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