97008 in words is Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight. For instance, Joy purchased a two-wheeler worth Rs. 97008, then you can say, “Joy purchased a two-wheeler worth Rupees Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight. Since the number 97008 is used to express the value, we can conclude that 97008 is a cardinal number. In this article, let us learn how to write and spell the number 97008 in English with a complete explanation.
97008 in Words | Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight |
Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight in numerical form | 97008 |
97008 in English Words
We write numbers in words using the English alphabet in Mathematics. Hence, the number 97008 can be spelt in English as Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight.
How to Write 97008 in Words?
We use a place value system to write the number 97008 in words with ease. The table below depicts the place value chart for the number 97008.
Ten Thousands | Thousands | Hundreds | Tens | Ones |
9 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 8 |
Therefore, we can write the expanded form as:
9 x Ten Thousand + 7 x Thousand + 0 x Hundred + 0 x Ten + 8 x One
= 9 x 10000 + 7 x 1000 + 0 x 100 + 0 x 10 + 8 x 1
= 90000 + 7000 + 0 + 0 + 8
= 90000 + 7000 + 8
= 97008
= Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight
Hence, 97008 in words is written as Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight
Learn more about place value here
Interesting way of writing 97008 in words
9 = Nine
97 = Ninety-Seven
970 = Nine Hundred and Seventy
9700 = Nine Thousand Seven Hundred
97008 = Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight
Thus, the word form of the number 97008 is Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight
About the Number 97008
97008 is a natural number that precedes 97009 and succeeds 97007
- 97008 in words – Ninety-Seven Thousand and Eight
- Is 97008 an odd number? – No
- Is 97008 an even number? – Yes
- Is 97008 a perfect square number? – No
- Is 97008 a perfect cube number? – No
- Is 97008 a prime number? – No
- Is 97008 a composite number? – Yes