HCF of 4 and 9

The HCF of 4 and 9 is 1. The three most popular methods used for determining the HCF of 4 and 9 are listing common factors, prime factorisation and long division. The greatest number that divides 4 and 9 perfectly, leaving no remainder, is known as the HCF of 4 and 9. 4 and 9 have the factors 1, 2, 4, and 1, 3, 9, correspondingly.

Also read: Highest common factor

What is the HCF of 4 and 9?

The answer to this question is 1. This article shows how to find the HCF of 4 and 9 using various methods for your reference. The greatest of all their common factors is the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of two or more numbers.

How to Find HCF of 4 and 9?

There are three methods to find the HCF of 4 and 9:

  • Prime Factorisation
  • Long Division method
  • Listing common factors

HCF of 4 and 9 by Prime Factorisation Method

The prime factorisation of 4 and 9 is given by:

Prime factorisation of 4 = (2 × 2)

Prime factorisation of 9 = (3 × 3)

Hence, the HCF of 4 and 9 is 1.

HCF (4, 9) = 1

HCF of 4 and 9 by Long Division Method

The divisor that we get when the remainder is 0 after doing long division repeatedly is the HCF of 4 and 9.

HCF of 4 and 9 1 HCF of 4 and 9 2

No further division can be done. 

Hence, HCF (4, 9) = 1

HCF of 4 and 9 by Listing Common Factors

To calculate the HCF of 4 and 9 by listing common factors, list the factors as shown below:

Factors of 4: 1, 2, 4

Factors of 9: 1, 3, 9

Since 1 is the only common factor between 4 and 9, the Highest Common Factor of 4 and 9 is 1.

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HCF of 4 and 9 Solved Example

Find the highest number that divides 4 and 9 exactly.


The highest number that divides 4 and 9 exactly is their Highest Common Factor .i.e HCF of 4 and 9.

⇒ Factors of 4 and 9:

Factors of 4 = 1, 2, 4

Factors of 9 = 1, 3, 9

Therefore, the HCF of 4 and 9 is 1.

Frequently Asked Questions on HCF of 4 and 9


What is the HCF of 4 and 9?

The HCF of 4 and 9 is 1. To calculate the Highest Common Factor of 4 and 9, we need to factor each number (factors of 4 = 1, 2, 4; factors of 9 = 1, 3, 9) and choose the highest factor that exactly divides both 4 and 9 .i.e 1.

How to find the HCF of 4 and 9 by prime factorisation?

To find the HCF of 4 and 9, we need to find the prime factorisation of the given numbers .i.e 4 = 2 × 2; 9 = 3 × 3. ⇒ There is no common prime factor for 4 and 9. Hence, HCF (4, 9) = 1.

What are the methods to find the HCF of 4 and 9?

There are three commonly used methods to find the HCF of 4 and 9. They are: Long Division Listing Common Factors Prime Factorisation

How to find the HCF of 4 and 9 by long division method?

To find the HCF of 4, 9 using the long division method, 9 is divided by 4. The corresponding divisor (1) when remainder is 0 is the HCF.

What is the relation between LCM and HCF of 4 and 9?

The following equation can be used to express the relation between LCM (Least Common Multiple) and HCF (Highest Common Factor) of 4 and 9 .i.e HCF × LCM = 4 × 9.


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