Binary Division Questions

Let us first understand what a Binary system is, before jumping to the binary division questions.

In our day-to-day activities, we use a number system that is termed a decimal system, which has 10 numbers, starting from 0 to 9. It is also called the base 10. Now the Binary system is another number system where only 0 and 1 are used. It is also called the base 2 system, as only 2 numbers are used. The next question is why or where we use this system. Even though the decimal system is very helpful for many mathematical operations, it has its own demerits. Binary systems are mainly used in the computer world. All basic internal operations work on the 2 numbers 0 and 1, termed as bits. You can find a detailed explanation of the binary system here.

This article is more about the problems that deal with Binary division. Hence it is important that we revisit the rules of binary division.

Since there are only 2 digits in the binary system, the combination of divisors is only 4. The possible 4 divisors and their rules are:

  1. Divide 1 by 0 ⇒ 1 ÷ 0 = Not defined/invalid
  2. Divide 1 by 1 ⇒ 1 ÷ 1 = 1
  3. Divide 0 by 1 ⇒ 0 ÷ 1 = 0
  4. Divide 0 by 0 ⇒ 0 ÷ 0 = Not defined/invalid

You can refer to more on division rules at Binary Division Rules.

Binary Division Questions With Solutions

Here are a few Binary division questions with steps that lead to the answer.

Question 1:

Divide 1002 ÷ 102


When 1002 ÷ 102 the quotient is 102

Binary Division Questions 1Binary Division Questions

Question 2:

Convert the decimal numbers into binary and divide in binary

55 ÷ 5


Given decimal numbers are 55 and 5. The division of 55 and 5 gives us 11 as the quotient in the decimal system. Let us convert 55 and 5 into binary and then divide them into binary.

Conversion of 55

2 55
2 27 1
2 13 1
2 6 1
2 3 0
1 1

5510 = 1101112

Conversion of 5

2 5
2 2 1
1 0

510 = 1012

Conversion of 11

2 11
2 5 1
2 2 1
1 0

1110 = 10112

Dividing 1101112 by 1012

Binary Division QuestionsBinary Division Questions 2

The quotient is 10112 which is the same as 1110.

Question 3:

Divide 10002 by 102


Binary Division QuestionsBinary Division Questions 3

When 10002 is divided by 102, the quotient is 1002

Question 4:

When 11110 is divided by 10, the quotient is 1111. Prove this statement.


Binary Division QuestionsBinary Division Questions 4

Yes. The statement is true. When 11110 is divided by 10, the quotient is 1111

Question 5:

Divide 10100012 by 10012


Binary Division QuestionsBinary Division Questions 5

When 10100012 is divided by 10012 the quotient is 10012.

Question 6:

Show that 3510 divided by 710 is 510 by converting 35, 7 and 5 into binary numbers and by binary division.


Converting 35, 7 and 5 into binary.

  1. Converting 35 into binary
2 35
2 17 1
2 8 1
2 4 0
2 2 0
1 0

3510 = 1000112

  1. Converting 7 into binary
2 7
2 3 1
1 1

710 = 1112

  1. Converting 5 into binary
2 5
2 2 1
1 0

510 = 1012

Binary Division QuestionsBinary Division Questions 6

When 3510 (1000112) is divided by 710 (1112) the quotient is 510 (1012).

Question 7:

Divide 1100100002 by 101002


When 1100100002 is divided by 101002, the quotient is 101002. Check the division in the image below.

Binary Division QuestionsBinary Division Questions 7

Question 8:

Divide 1101102 by 100102


When 1101102 is divided by 100102 the quotient is 11

Binary Division Questions 8Binary Division Questions

Question 9:

Prove that 1100002 divided by 10002 is 1102. Prove this statement by converting binary numbers into decimal systems.


Given numbers are

1100002 = 1 × 25 + 1 × 24 + 0 × 23 + 0 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 0 × 20

= 32 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0

= 48

10002 = 1 × 23 + 0 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 0 × 20

= 8 + 0 + 0 + 0

= 8

1102 = 1 × 22 + 1 × 21 + 0 × 20

= 4 + 2 + 0

= 6

48 divided by 8 is 6. This proves the statement that when 1100002 is divided by 10002 the quotient is 1102

Question 10:

Divide 100000112 by 102


Binary Division QuestionsBinary Division Questions 9

When 100000112 is divided by 102, the quotient is 1000001.12

Note that 100000112 is not completely divisible by 102, we need to place a decimal point to complete the division.

Related Articles:

Practice Questions on Binary Division

  1. Solve the following binary division
    • 1010102 ÷ 101
    • 1110002 ÷ 111
    • 11102 ÷ 110
    • 10012 ÷ 101
    • 1100112 ÷ 111
  2. Solve the following binary division
    • 11002÷ 11
    • 10102÷ 10
    • 10012÷ 100
    • 00112÷ 1110
    • 01012÷ 1010
  3. Follow the below steps to solve the given problems
  4. Divide the following decimal numbers
  5. Convert the decimal numbers into binary
  6. Divide the binary numbers
  7. Compare the results obtained by the division of decimal and binary.

Problem 1: 125 ÷ 5

Problem 2: 13456 ÷ 2

Problem 3: 7890 ÷ 10

Problem 4: 166782 ÷ 11