Squares and Cubes

Square of a Number

The square of a number is the multiplication by itself. That means, for any integer, we can obtain the square by multiplying the integer itself. For example, the square of an integer 4 will be: 4 × 4 = 16, i.e., the square of 4 is equal to 16.

This can be written using exponent as: 42 = 4 × 6 = 16

In the same way, we can find the squares of numbers or square numbers.

Thus, the notation for writing the square of a number “n” is n2.

Cube of a Number

The cube of a number is the multiplication by itself thrice. That means, for any integer, we can obtain the cube by multiplying the integer by its square. For example, the cube of an integer 5 will be: 52 × 5 or 5 × 5 × 5, i.e., the cube of 5 is equal to 125.

This can be written using exponent as: 53 = 5 × 5 × 5 = 125

In the same way, we can find the cubes of given numbers and the values obtained here are called perfect cube numbers.

Therefore, we can give the notation for writing the square of a number “n” as n3.

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Squares and Cubes table

The list of squares and cubes upto 50 is given in the table below.

Squares (n2) Cubes (n3)
12 = 1 262 = 676 13 = 1 263 = 17576
22 = 4 272 = 729 23 = 8 273 = 19683
32 = 9 282 = 784 33 = 27 283 = 21952
42 = 16 292 = 841 43 = 64 293 = 24389
52 = 25 302 = 900 53 = 125 303 = 27000
62 = 36 312 = 961 63 = 216 313 = 29791
72 = 49 322 = 1024 73 = 343 323 = 32768
82 = 64 332 = 1089 83 = 512 333 = 35937
92 = 81 342 = 1156 93 = 729 343 = 39304
102 = 100 352 = 1225 103 = 1000 353 = 42875
112 = 121 362 = 1296 113 = 1331 363 = 46656
122 = 144 372 = 1369 123 = 1728 373 = 50653
132 = 169 382 = 1444 133 = 2197 383 = 54872
142 = 196 392 = 1521 143 = 2744 393 = 59319
152 = 225 402 = 1600 153 = 3375 403 = 64000
162 = 256 412 = 1681 163 = 4096 413 = 68921
172 = 289 422 = 1764 173 = 4913 423 = 74088
182 = 324 432 = 1849 183 = 5832 433 = 79507
192 = 361 442 = 1936 193 = 6859 443 = 85184
202 = 400 452 = 2025 203 = 8000 453 = 91125
212 = 441 462 = 2116 213 = 9261 463 = 97336
222 = 484 472 = 2209 223 = 10648 473 = 103823
232 = 529 482 = 2304 233 = 12167 483 = 110592
242 = 576 492 = 2401 243 = 13824 493 = 117649
252 = 625 502 = 2500 253 = 15625 503 = 125000

The above contains squares and cubes of numbers from 1 to 50. These are very useful for the students who are preparing for competitive exams. Memorising these values will help in managing the time while performing numerical calculations.

Chart of Squares and Cubes

The square and cubes of 1 to 20 are given in the below chart.

Squares and cubes chart

Squares and Cubes PDF

Get the pdf of the square, cubes, square root and cube root of numbers here.

Click here to download the PDF of Squares and Cubes of numbers:- Download PDF

Squares and Cubes upto 30

The below table shows the squares and cubes from 1 to 30 along with their notations. These values will help the students in solving numerical problems quickly.

Squares of Numbers Cubes of Numbers
12 = 1 162 = 256 13 = 1 163 = 4096
22 = 4 172 = 289 23 = 8 173 = 4913
32 = 9 182 = 324 33 = 27 183 = 5832
42 = 16 192 = 361 43 = 64 193 = 6859
52 = 25 202 = 400 53 = 125 203 = 8000
62 = 36 212 = 441 63 = 216 213 = 9261
72 = 49 222 = 484 73 = 343 223 = 10648
82 = 64 232 = 529 83 = 512 233 = 12167
92 = 81 242 = 576 93 = 729 243 = 13824
102 = 100 252 = 625 103 = 1000 253 = 15625
112 = 121 262 = 676 113 = 1331 263 = 17576
122 = 144 272 = 729 123 = 1728 273 = 19683
132 = 169 282 = 784 133 = 2197 283 = 21952
142 = 196 292 = 841 143 = 2744 293 = 24389
152 = 225 302 = 900 153 = 3375 303 = 27000

Solved Examples 

Example 1:

Evaluate: 93 – 192


Cube of 9 = 93 = 9 × 9 × 9 = 729

Square of 192 = 19 × 19 = 361

Now, 93 – 192 = 729 – 361 = 368

Example 2:

If b2 = 2209, find the value of b.


Given, b2 = 2209

As we know, the square of 47 is 2209.

That means 472 = 47 × 47 = 2209

Therefore, b = 47.

Example 3:

A cube has an edge of 8 units. Find the volume of the cube.



Edge of a cube = a = 8 units

Volume of the cube = a3

= 83

= 8 × 8 × 8

= 512 cubic units

Therefore, the volume of the cube is 512 cubic units.

Practice Problems

  1. Find the area of a square field whose side length is 23 m.
  2. Calculate the value of 122 + 133.
  3. What is the sum of cubes of the first 5 natural numbers?

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What are squares and cubes?

Squares are the results obtained when we multiply a number by itself. For example, the square of 3 is 3 × 3 = 32 = 9.
Cubes are the results obtained when we multiply a number by itself thrice, i.e., three times. For instance, the cube of 3 is 3 × 3 × 3 = 33 = 27.

Are any cubes also squares?

Yes, there are some perfect cubes which are also perfect squares. For example, 64 is a perfect square and cube number since 82 = 64 and 43 = 64.

What are the square and cubes of 20?

Square of 20 = 202 = 20 × 20 = 400
Sube of 20 = 203 = 20 × 20 × 20 = 8000

What is the cube of 40?

Cube of 40 = 403 = 40 × 40 × 40 = 64000

Is 8 a cube number?

Yes, 8 is a cube number since 23 = 8 and the cube root of 8 = 2, which is a whole number.


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