Zeros and Singularities

The zeros and singularities of a complex analytic function are points where the given function vanishes and ceases to be analytic, respectively, within a domain of that function. An analytic complex function is differentiable at each point of its domain of the complex plane. The zero of analytic function is a point at which the function vanishes, or its value becomes zero, which is analogous to the zero of a real polynomial function.

Singularities of a complex function are points in its domain where the function does not act as an analytic function. There are several types of singularities when we are dealing with analytic functions.

Zeros of a Complex Function

A zero of an analytic function f(z) is any value of z for which f vanishes or we can say,

There exist z = zo in the domain of f(z) such that f(zO) = 0

A zero of order k, a function f(z) which is analytic in a domain D, has a zero of order k at point

z = a in D if and only if the f(n)(a) = 0 for n = 1, 2, 3, …., k – 1 but f(k)(a) ≠ 0. A zero of order one is known as a simple zero.

For example, consider the complex function f(z) = z sin(z2) = z3 – z7/3! + z11/5! – … , this function has zero at z = 0 of order 3

f’(z) = 2z2cos(z2) + sin(z2) which is equal to 0 at z = 0

f’’(z) = 6zcos(z2) – 4z3sin(z2) which is equal to 0 at z = 0

f’’’(z) = 6 cos(z2) – 8z4cos(z2) – 24z2sin(z2) which equal to 6 at z = 0

Hence, f has a zero at z = 0 of order 3.

Singularities of a Complex Function

Singularities are few finite points of a bounded domain D of an analytic function f(z) on which the function stops being an analytic function, that is, when z equals a point of singularity in the domain then f is not differentiable.

For example, if f(z) = 1/(1 – z) then f has a singularity at z = 1.

There are various classifications of singularities. We shall discuss all four types of singularities in brief.

Isolated Singularity

A point a in the domain D of function f(z) is said to be a point of isolated singularity, if f(z) is analytic at each point in some neighbourhood |z – a| < R of a, except not being analytic at a.

Zeros and singularities

A point a in domain D of f is an isolated singularity, if f is analytic in any neighbourhood of a except at point a

For example, f(z) = (z + 1)/[z(z2 + 2)] have isolated singularities at points z = 0, √2i and -√2i, except these points have no singularities within the neighbourhood of these points.


Pole is another kind of singularity defined as if there exist a positive integer m such that

\(\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \lim_{z \to a}(z-a)^{m}f(z)\neq 0\end{array} \)
, then z = a is called a pole of order m.

For example, let f(z) = 1/(z – 5)3, then

\(\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \lim_{z \to 5}(z-5)^{3}\frac{1}{(z-5)^{3}} = 1 \neq 0\end{array} \)

Hence, f has a pole of 3 at z = 5.

Isolated Essential Singularity

The definition of isolated essential singularity is, if there does not exist a finite value m such that

\(\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \lim_{z \to a}(z-a)^{m}f(z) = k\end{array} \)
, where k is a non-zero finite constant. The point z = a is called an isolated essential singularity.

For example, let f(z) = sin[1/(z – a)] where sin[1/(z – a)] = 1/(z – a) – 1/(z – a)33! + 1/(z – a)55! – …

Here the function has infinite terms in negative power of (z – a), so it is not possible to find a finite value of m.

Removable Singularity

A singularity z = a is said to be a removable singularity of a complex function f(z) if

\(\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \lim_{z \to a}f(z) \end{array} \)
exists finitely.

For example, let f(z) = (sin z)/z = 1/z (z – z3/3! + z5/5! – …) = 1 – z2/3! + z4/5! – …

clearly , f has a singularity at z = 0, but

\(\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \lim_{z \to 0}1- \frac{z^{2}}{3!} + \frac{z^{4}}{5!}-… = 1\end{array} \)

Hence, z = 0 is a removable singularity of the function f.

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Solved Examples on Zeros and Singularities

Example 1:

Find the type of singularity of the function f(z) = ez.


Given, f(z) = ez, clearly f has singularity at z = ∞ which will be same as that of the function f(1/z) at z = 0

f(1/z) = e1/z = 1/z + 1/2z2 + 1/3z3 + …..

There are infinite terms in negative power of z, hence we cannot find a finite value of m for which

\(\begin{array}{l}{z \to a}(z-a)^{m}f(z) = k\end{array} \)
, where k is a non-zero finite constant.

Hence, f has an isolated essential singularity at z = ∞.

Example 2:

Find the kind of singularity of function f(z) = sin [1/(1 – z)] at z = 1.


Given function f(z) = sin [1/(1 – z)] = 1/(1 – z) – 1/3!(1 – z)3 + 1/5!(1 – z)5 – ….

Since, we cannot find we cannot find a finite value of m for which

\(\begin{array}{l}{z \to a}(z-a)^{m}f(z) = k\end{array} \)
, where k is a non-zero finite constant.

Hence, z = 1 is an isolated essential singularity.

Frequently Asked questions on Zeros and Singularities


What is meant by the zeros and singularities of a function?

The zeros of a complex analytic function are points in the domain of function, for which the given function vanishes at that point. The singularity of a function means those points in the domain of a complex function where the function ceases to be analytic. There are different kinds of singularities, poles, isolated singularity, isolated essential singularity and removable singularity.


What is meant by the order of a zero of a function?

If a positive non-zero number m exists such if z = a is a zero of the function f(z) then f(n)(a) = 0 for all n = 1, 2, 3, …, m – 1 but f(m)(a) ≠ 0. Then m is called the order of zero.


What are the different types of singularities?

There are four different types of singularities which are isolated singularity, pole, isolated essential singularity and removable singularity.


What is the difference between zeros and singularities?

Zeros are the points in the domain of an analytic function for the function vanishes, whereas singularities are the points in the domain of an analytic function where the function does behave as an analytic function.


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