Difference Between Tracheids And Vessels

Food, nutrients, water, minerals are transported from roots to leaves by two types of vascular tissues, viz, xylem and phloem.

Xylem tissue transports water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plants, with the help of tracheids and vessels. These Xylem tissues are also known as tracheary elements.

Cells of tracheids and vessels die at maturity, they have lignified walls, and they are present in primary as well as secondary Xylem. Below are some major differences between tracheids and vessels.

Tracheids vs Vessels

Following are the important difference between tracheids and vessels:

Tracheids Vessels
In all vascular plants In angiosperms
Type of cells
Imperforated Perforated
Cell wall
Thin Thick
Lateral End to end
Cross section
Polygonal Circular
Water conduction
Inefficient Very efficient
Narrow Wide
Cell length
1 mm 10 cm
Surface to volume ratio
High Low
End walls
Transverse or diagonal
Less large pits Large small pits

What are Tracheids?

Tracheids are present in the xylem of angiosperms. They are conducting elements. They are also found in gymnosperms and ferns. Tracheid cells have pointed ends.

The tracheids become highly lignified on thickening of the secondary cell wall and become dead. Tracheids also provide mechanical support to the plants. They can also hold water against the force of gravity due to high surface area to volume ratio.

What are Vessels?

Vessels are present only in angiosperms. They help in conducting water and minerals in the plants. After secondary cell wall thickening and lignification, dead and tubular cells are formed. These vessels do not contain protoplasm on maturity.

Similarities between Tracheids and Vessels

The tracheids and vessels are also similar in a number of ways. Below are a few of the similarities:

  1. Tracheids and vessels are the components of the complex xylem tissue.
  2. Both help in conduction of water along the stem and provide mechanical support to the plant.
  3. Both cells are tubular.
  4. Secondary lignification is present in both cells. They become dead on maturity.

Hope you are now clear with the Difference Between Tracheids And Vessels. For a better understanding of the process of Transportation in Plants , register to BYJU’S – the learning App

Some important links:

Plant Tissue Difference between Xylem and Phloem
Test your Knowledge on Tracheids And Vessels!


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