Enhancement of Food Production MCQ

Food production has always been one of the most important aspects of modern society. More efficient ways of producing and storing food have been developed over the decades. Besides theoretical insights, it is crucial to learn practical applications. Hence our rendition of Enhancement of food production MCQs is designed to help students comprehend and recall essential concepts and questions that we deem are important.

MCQs on Enhancement of Food Production

  1. ____________ is a breed of cattle.
    1. Jersey
    2. Merino
    3. Herdwick
    4. None of the above
  2. Gobar gas plants use __________ bacteria
    1. Methanogenic
    2. Cyanogenic
    3. Oncogenic
    4. Pyogenic bacteria
  3. Green Revolution was led by __________
    1. Dennis Rodman
    2. Norman Borlaug
    3. Jane Goodall
    4. None of the above
  4. The process of protoplast isolation was first carried out by __________
    1. Henshel
    2. Bergman
    3. Klercker
    4. None of the above
  5. Cast nets are designed to catch _______
    1. Fish
    2. Catla
    3. Salmon
    4. All of the above
  6. ___________ is the result of an artificial hybridization between radish and cabbage
    1. Brassicaceae
    2. Raphanobrassica
    3. Hirschfeldia incana
    4. None of the above
  7. Bioenergy is obtained from __________
    1. Sun
    2. Coal
    3. Biomass
    4. Petroleum
  8. Hypophysation is a technique primarily used in _________
    1. Fisheries
    2. Apiaries
    3. Poultry
    4. None of the above
  9. _________ was given to cows for increasing the milk yield before being banned in 1979
    1. Diethylstilbestrol
    2. Estrogen
    3. Progesterone
    4. Destrol
  10. Feedstock for biodiesel can primarily be obtained from
    1. Jatropha
    2. Oryza
    3. Nymphaea
    4. None of the above
  11. __________ is an instrument that helps to achieve specific temperature and pressure for scientific/medical and industrial applications.
    1. Sterilizers
    2. Autoclave
    3. Electrosurgical unit
    4. None of the above
  12. Which of the following are classified as a benthopelagic fish?
    1. Stargazer
    2. Tuna
    3. Great white shark
    4. None of the above
  13. Crossing between different breeds is called ________
    1. Inbreeding
    2. Consanguinity
    3. Out-crossing
    4. None of the above
  14. ____________ is an example of an American breed of poultry
    1. Leghorn
    2. Sulmtaler
    3. Augsburger
    4. Manx Rumpy
  15. Creation of Superior F1 hybrids is known as __________
    1. Tylosis
    2. Xerosis
    3. Heterosis
    4. Atherosis

Answer Key

1- a 2- a 3- b 4- c 5- d
6- b 7- c 8- a 9- a 10- a
11- b 12- a 13- c 14-a 15- c

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