The UPSC decides the subjects that will be a part of the National Defence Academy Exam. The subject list is decided in such a way that candidates with the right qualifications and skills are recruited in technical positions of the Indian Railways.
Hence this article will give details on subjects for the NDA Exam
Candidates preparing for the other Defence Exams can find the following like useful
Subjects for NDA Exam
The topic-wise subjects for the NDA Exam:
NDA topics subject-wise |
Physics |
- Physical Properties and States of Matter
- Modes of transference of Heat
- Mass, Weight, Volume, Sound waves and their properties
- Simple musical instruments
- Rectilinear propagation of Light
- Density and Specific Gravity
- Reflection and refraction
- Principle of Archimedes
- Spherical mirrors and Lenses
- Pressure Barometer
- Human Eye
- Motion of objects
- Natural and Artificial Magnets
- Velocity and Acceleration
- Properties of a Magnet
- Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Earth as a Magnet
- Force and Momentum
- Static and Current Electricity
- Parallelogram of Forces
- Conductors and Non-conductors
- Stability and Equilibrium of bodies
- Ohm’s Law
- Gravitation
- Simple Electrical Circuits
- Elementary ideas of work
- Heating, Lighting, and Magnetic effects of Current
- Power and Energy
Chemistry |
- Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide, Oxidation and Reduction.
- Acids, bases and salts.
- Carbon— different forms
- Physical and Chemical Changes
- Fertilizers—Natural and Artificial
- Elements
- Material used in the preparation of substances like Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches, and Gunpowder
- Mixtures and Compounds
- Elementary ideas about the structure of Atom
- Symbols, Formulae, and simple Chemical Equation
- Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights
- Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems)
- Valency
General Science |
- Common Epidemics, their causes, and prevention
- Difference between the living and non-living
- Food—Source of Energy for man
- Basis of Life—Cells, Protoplasms, and Tissues
- Constituents of food
- Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals
- Balanced Diet
History |
- Forces shaping the modern world;
- Renaissance
- Exploration and Discovery;
- A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation
- Freedom Movement in India
- French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, and Russian Revolution
- War of American Independence,
- Impact of Science and Technology on Society
- Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration
- Concept of one World
- Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India
- United Nations,
- Panchsheel,
- Panchayati Raj, Democracy, Socialism and Communism
- Role of India in the present world
Geography |
- The Earth, its shape and size
- Ocean Currents and Tides Atmosphere and its composition
- Latitudes and Longitudes
- Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Planetary Winds, Cyclones, and Anticyclones; Humidity; Condensation and Precipitation
- Concept of time
- Types of Climate
- International Date Line
- Major Natural Regions of the World
- Movements of Earth and their effects
- Regional Geography of India
- Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources;
- Location and distribution of agricultural and Industrial activities
- Origin of Earth. Rocks and their classification
- Important Sea ports and main sea, land, and air routes of India
Frequently Asked Questions about NDA Exam Fees
What is the selection procedure of NDA?
First, there is a written examination. Then shortlisted candidates are called for the SSB interview round and medical examination for final selection
How many students are selected in NDA every year?
There are usually approx. 368 vacancies for every single NDA recruitment and almost 2.5 lakh aspirants from all around the country participate in the written exam. Out of these, only 545 (approx.) are called for the SSB interview.
Find more links related to the NDA and other Defence Exams in the links given below: