Heart Health

Heart Health

The heart is one of the vital organs performing fascinating functions continuously. It collects oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it through different chambers to all the tissues of the body. Deoxygenated blood from all the cells of the body is then returned to the heart and the cycle continues. Each cycle produces a heartbeat. In a minute, our heart beats 60-100 times on an average, pumping gallons of blood every day. Hence, maintaining the health of the heart becomes a necessity.

How To Keep Your Heart Healthy?

Our heart is a muscular organ with great elastic strength, carrying out its functionalities throughout a human lifetime. Blood pumped by the heart carries oxygen, hormones, nutrients and other essential chemicals. It also helps in eliminating waste products. The heart can fail or stop performing its function due to severe health conditions.


One of the key aspects governing the health of the human heart is a proper diet. The food we ingest plays a major role in determining the well-being of the heart. A balanced diet has all the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, good fats, vitamins, proteins which are vital substances required for each cell in our body to carry out their functionality. It is important for our meals to be well-balanced and healthy as it has a direct impact on the heart. Food rich in oil, bad fats, salty and spicy food contributes to the ill-health of the heart. Cholesterol (fatty substance) accumulates along the lines of the blood vessels leading to a blockage in the blood flow. This condition of atherosclerosis leads to plaque formation which eventually leads to a stroke or a heart attack.

Also read: Heart Attack Symptoms

This also has an impact on the systolic and diastolic pressure and hence pumping of blood by heart is adversely affected. Other factors such as inhaling polluted air which is chemical-rich and practices such as smoking etc can lead to heart ailments. Some heart diseases develop due to ageing which is inevitable. Consumption of carbohydrates and sugar impacts the insulin levels in our body, causing diabetes which gives rise to heart diseases gradually. Our genes too have a role to play. Heart diseases, in a few cases, can be due to heredity.

Healthy Lifestyle

Apart from the diet, the next important factor contributing to the wellness of the heart is our lifestyle. Having a sedentary, inactive living majorly contributes to a rise in heart disorders. Being physically active is obligatory for our hearts to be in good shape. Hence one needs to take care of their diet and maintain weight as obesity severely increases chances of heart disorders such as heart attack, inflammation, blockages etc. Exercise, yoga or some form of physical activity aids in burning the bad fat hence keep a check on the weight which significantly contributes to the well-being of our heart. Discover more on Heart health and other related topics by registering at BYJU’S.

Related Link: Heart Diseases

Heart Health Supplements

Our heart continuously pumps blood to various parts of the body through the cardio-vascular system consisting of the veins, arteries and blood vessels. For this reason, it becomes a necessity to maintain a healthy heart. Apart from adopting a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, supplements can help in supporting its health. Listed below are a few supplements:

Omega- 3 fatty acids

When it comes to maintaining cardiovascular health, the importance of omega-3 fatty acids cannot be missed. They are of 3 main types –

  • Alpha-linolenic acid
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid
  • Docosahexaenoic acid

Our body needs good fats to avoid the accumulation of plaque. They help in checking blood pressure, inflammation and assist the heart in beating properly. Some food sources that are good sources are – seeds, nuts, fish and its sources (fish oil supplements)

Coenzyme Q10

Often referred to as a heart health enzyme, the CoQ10 is an enzyme that is naturally produced by our body in order to promote crucial functions such as blood pressure regulation and electron transport. In particular, it helps the powerhouse of the cell – mitochondria in the conversion of food compounds into energy. They also function as antioxidants preventing harm caused by free radicals to our body through oxidation.


Frequently Asked Questions


1. Can yoga improve heart health?

Yes, practising yoga can help improve blood pressure, blood glucose levels, blood cholesterol and even the heart rate. Meditation, in particular, calms the nervous system and eases stress.


2. How to check heart health at home?

Heart health can be checked using:

  • Check blood pressure
  • Check heart rate
  • ECG
  • Blood tests

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