Vitamin B

Vitamin B plays a vital role in cell metabolism. They are grouped into water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin B comprise all eight directory complements. Each of vitamin B performs unique functions. Beneath are a brief description of each member of Vitamin B.

Vitamin B

Types of Vitamin B

The B vitamins were eventually sorted into 8 chemically distinct entities. They are all cofactors for enzymatic reactions, providing important catalytic functionality to drive metabolic processes to completion, and as vitamins, are essential to life and must be consumed in food sources since they can’t be synthesized in the human body.

Also refer: Types and Sources of Vitamins

Based on the presence of distinct compounds, Vitamin B is further classified into 8 subtypes.

Vitamin B1

They are required to derive energy from the food that we consume. They act as a supportive system for normal functioning of our nervous system. They are found in various food products, namely pork, whole grains, lentils, spinach, sunflower seeds, milk, red meat, cauliflower, and nuts. Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamin.

Vitamin B2

It supports the production of cellular energy. They are found in food products such as broccoli, cereals, eggs, salmon, milk, and spinach. Vitamin B2 is also termed as Riboflavin.

Vitamin B3

It supports cardiovascular health and production of cellular energy. It is one among the form of nicotinic acid. It is also known as niacin. Food sources include lentils, peanuts, beef, fish, and poultry.

Vitamin B5

They are extensively found in animals and plants food sources. They regulate the production of cellular energy. Food sources containing vitamin B5 include peanuts, cashew nuts, avocados, brown rice, milk, lentils, broccoli, egg yolk, soya beans and brown rice. Vitamin B5 is known as Pantothenic Acid.

Vitamin B6

It is a key factor in regulating various body functioning. It is essential for the functioning of the nerve system and RBC cells. Vitamin B6 is called as pyridoxine. They are necessary for metabolizing glycogen and amino acids. Food sources containing vitamin B6 include avocados, beans, chicken, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.

Vitamin B7

They are found in food products, namely soya beans, oranges, and strawberries. Vitamin B7 is known as biotin. Its supports carbohydrates, fat and protein metabolism and it helps in the growth of nails, hair, and skin.

Vitamin B9

It plays a vital role in the development of a fetal nervous system. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9 are found in foods, namely cereals and bread. Other sources of food include spinach, dates, beets, avocado, orange juice, and dates.

Vitamin B12

It is essential for the formation of red blood cells, regular functioning of the nerve system and in the production of cellular energy. Cobalamin or Vitamin B12 is found in food products, namely eggs, milk, fish, beef, and chicken.

Symptoms of Vitamin B Deficiency

Lack of vitamin B would lead to various health problems. Pregnant women and aged adults are in much requirement of vitamin B. Under certain circumstances, celiac disease, the use of excess alcohol and Crohn’s disease may lead to minimal absorption of B-vitamins.

Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency depend upon the type of vitamin B that one may be lacking in.

Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to depression, paranoia, and other behavioural problems. It may even cause neurological damage. Some of the symptoms include tiredness, fatigue, uneasiness and may also experience prickle in the feet and hands.

Deficiency of Vitamin B6 may cause anaemia, depression, dermatitis, confusion, skin rashes and there would be the possibility of infection.

Also refer: Vitamins and Minerals

Discover more about Vitamins, its sources, importance, deficiency disorders and other related topics only at BYJU’S Biology

Frequently Asked Questions


How is vitamin B beneficial for the body?

Vitamin B prevents infection and helps to support and promote cell health, energy levels, good eyesight, proper digestion, appetite, and proper nerve function.


Which vitamin is good for the skin?

Vitamin C helps to create collagen that keeps our skin firm. It is an antioxidant that protects our skin from free radical damage.


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