UPPSC GIC Lecturer Syllabus 2023 is announced on the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. The candidates can view the updated notification of the UPPSC exam on the official website. Candidates willing to appear for the exam should know the syllabus thoroughly before giving the exam.
The detailed syllabus for the UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam is crucial for the candidates. This article contains the UPPSC GIC Lecturer Syllabus for every exam stage. The subject-wise syllabus is also provided over here. The UPPSC GIC Lecturer Syllabus 2023 PDF can be found on the official website.
Candidates can also visit the linked article and get details about the upcoming government exams that comprise current affairs and general awareness as an important topic in the syllabus.
Kickstart your preparation for upcoming competitive exams now and complement it with the links given below: |
UPPSC GIC Lecturer Syllabus 2023
The UPPSC GIC Lecturer Syllabus’s important points are provided in the table given below.
Particulars | Details |
Organization Name | Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) |
Official Website | https://uppsc.up.nic.in/ |
Name of the Post | Lecturer (Female/Male) Government Inter College (GIC) |
Stages of exam in UPPSC |
Exam Duration |
Total Questions |
Total Marks |
The candidates are advised to go through the table above minutely to understand the exam and its syllabus correctly.
The UPPSC exam will be conducted through various stages. There will be Prelims, Mains, and Interview stages. The candidates qualifying all the stages will be able to be a lecturer. The syllabus and the subjects for prelims and main exams are given below. Candidates are suggested to go through the syllabus carefully while practising for the exam.
UPPSC GIC Lecturer Prelims Syllabus
The UPPSC Preliminary exam is for 2 hours. The full marks for the exam are 300, and there are around 120 questions altogether. The questions are objective type. There are two papers in the Preliminary exam, General Studies and the optional paper. The optional paper has the same syllabus as that of the Mains exam.
The UPPSC GIC Lecturer syllabus of General Studies is elaborately given below.
- General Science (High School Standard)
- Indian National Movement
- History of India
- Indian Polity, Economy & Culture
- World Geography & Indian Geography & Natural resources of India
- Ecology and Environment
- Indian Agriculture, Commerce and Trade
- Logic & Reasoning based on General Intelligence.
- Current National and International Important Events
- Elementary Mathematics up to 8th level:-Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry.
- Specific knowledge regarding Education, Culture, Agriculture, Industry Trade, Living & Social Traditions of Uttar Pradesh.
Optional Paper – The syllabus is similar to the UPPSC GIC Lecturer Mains syllabus.
UPPSC GIC Lecturer Mains Syllabus
The main exam is divided into two parts. The first part has a Hindu language paper. The syllabus is given below.
Samanya Hindi (सामान्यहिंदी)
- अनेकार्थीशब्द
- पर्यायवाचीशब्द
- समास
- वर्तनी
- अर्थबोध
- क्रियायें
- शब्दरचना
- अर्थ
- उत्तरप्रदेशकीमुख्यबोलियाँतथाहिन्दीभाषाकेप्रयोगमेंहोनेवालीअशुद्धियाँ।
- विलोमशब्द
- तत्समएवंतद्भव, क्षेत्रीय, विदेशी (शब्दभण्डार)
- शब्द-रूप
- सन्धि
- विरामचिन्ह
- वाक्यरचना
- हिन्दीवर्णमाला
- रेखांकितअंशोंकीव्याख्याएवंउसकाउपयुक्तशीर्षक
- मुहावरेएवंलोकोक्तियाँ
- उससेसम्बन्धितप्रश्न
- अपठितगद्यांशकासंक्षेपण
Hindi Nibandh (हिन्दी निबन्ध)
- साहित्य, संस्कृति
- राष्ट्रीय-अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय, सामयिकसामाजिकसमस्यायें/निदान
- राष्ट्रीयविकासयोजनायें/क्रियान्वयन
- प्राकृतिकआपदायेंएवंउनकेनिवारण
- विज्ञानतथापर्यावरण
- कृषि, उद्योगएवंव्यापार
Given below are a few other related links for UPPSC GIC Lecturer exam preparation:
Section ‘A’
- Authors and works
- Geoffrey Chaucer, Shakespeare, John Milton, Dryden, Pope William Wordsworth, P.B. shelley, John Keats, A. L. Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Charles Dickens, Thomas. Hardy, W.B, Yeat, T.S. Eliot. G.B. Shaw, George orwell, Raja Rao, Mulkraj Anand Nissim Ezzekiel, Robert Frost, Ernest Hemingway, Harold Pinte, R.N. Tagore, Girish Karnad, & V.S. Naipal,
- Literary terms, Movements, Forms, Literary criticism
- Renaissance,
- Reformation,
- Metaphysical Poetry,
- Classicism
- Romanticism,
- The Pre-Raphaelites,
- Modern Literature
- Major stanza Forms
- Sonnet
- Ballad
- Mock Epic
- Elegy
- Aristotle, Dryden, Dr. Johnson, S.T. ColeridgeWordsworth, MatthewArlold, T.S. Eliot.
Section ‘B’ Language
- A short unseen passage for comprehension
- Correction of sentences
- Direct and Indirect narration
- Transformation of sentences including active & Passive Voice
- Synonyms,
- Antonyms,
- Homonyms
- Rearranging the Jumbled sentences
- Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions.
- Idioms & phrases
- One-word substitution
- Figure of speeches
- Prefixes & Suffixes
- Mechanics
- Thermal Physics
- Waves And Oscillation
- Optics
- Lasers
- Electricity And Magnetism
- Modern Physics
The detailed Physics syllabus of UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam is as follows:
- MECHANICS:- Vector algebra: scalar and vector products, vector identities, the background of vector calculus, the concept of line, surface and volume integrals, the physical meaning of gradient, divergence and curl, Gauss and Stoke’s theorems.
- Centre of mass, rotating frame of reference, Coriolis force, motion of rigid bodies, moment of inertia, theorem of parallel and perpendicular axes, movement of inertia of sphere, ring, cylinder and disc. Angular momentum, torque, central force, Kepler’s Law, motion of satellite (including geostationary satellite), Galilieon transformation, special theory of relativity, Michelson – Morley experiment, Lorentz transformation equations, variation of mass and length with velocity, time dilation, the addition of velocities and mass energy equivalence relation.
- Stream line and turbulent motions, Reynold’s number, Stoke’s law, Poiseuille’s formula, flow of liquid through a narrow tube. Bernoulli’s formula with applications, surface tension, Stress-strain relationship, Hooke’s Law, modulii of elasticity and interrelation between them Poisson’s ratio, elastic energy.
- THERMAL PHYSICS:- Concept of temperature and the zeroth law, first law of thermodynamics and internal energy, isothermal and adiabatic changes, second law of thermodynamics, Entropy, Carnot cycle and Carnot engine, absolute scale of temperature. Maxwell’s thermodynamical relations. The Clausius – Clapeyron equation, porus plug experiment and Joule Thomson effect.
- Kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell distribution law of velocities, calculation of mean velocity, root mean square velocity and the Most probable velocity, degrees of freedom, Law of equipartition of energy, specific heats of gases, mean free path, transport phenomena.
- Black body radiation, Stefan’s law, Newton’s law of cooling Wien’s law, Rayleigh Jeans law, Planck’s law, solar constant.
- Production of low temperatures by adiabatic demagnetization.
- WAVES AND OSCILLATIONS:- Oscillation, simple harmonic motion, stationary and progressive waves, damped harmonic motion, forced oscillations and resonance, sharpness of resonance, wave equation, Plane and spherical waves superposition of waves. Fourier’s analysis of periodic waves – square and triangular waves, phase and group velocities, Beats.
- OPTICS:- Cardinal points of a coaxial system, simple problems on combination of thin lenses eyepiece- Ramsdon and Huygens eyepieces.
- Huygen’s principle, conditions for sustained interference Young double slit experiment division of amplitude and wavefront, Fresnel biprism, Newton’s rings, Michelson interferometer, diffraction by a straight edge, single, double and multiple slits. Rayleigh’s criterion, resolving power of optical instruments.
- Polarization, production and detection of polarized light (linear circular and elliptical) Brewster’s law, Huygen’s theory of double refraction, optical rotation, polarimeters.
- LESERS:- Temporal and spatial coherence, stimulated emission, basic ideas about laser emission, Ruby and He-Ne lasers.
- ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM:- Gauss law and its applications, electric potential, Kirchoff’s laws and their applications, Wheatstone’s bridge, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s circuital law, and their applications. Magnetic induction and field strength, magnetic field on the axis of circular coil, Electro magnetic induction, Faraday’s and Lenz’s law, self and mutual inductances, alternating current, L.C.R. circuits, series and parallel resonance Circuits, quality factor. Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, Poynting vector, dia-, para-, ferro-, antiferro- and ferrimagnetism (qualitative approach only), hysteresis.
- MODEREN PHYSICS: Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom, electron spin, Pauli’s exclusion principle, optical and X-ray spectra, spatial quantization and Stern-Gerlach experiment, vector model of the atom, spectral terms, fine structure of spectral lines J-J and L-S coupling, Zeeman effect, Raman effect, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, de Broglie waves, wave-particle duality, Uncertainty principle, postulates of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger wave equation and its applications to (i) particle in a box (ii) motion across a step potential (iii) one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, and engine values, Einstein’s and debye theory of specific heat of solids. Band theory of solids energy band, Kronig-Penny model in one dimension, energy gap, the distinction between metals, semiconductors and insulators, variation of Fermi level with temperature and effective mass.
- Radio activity, alfa, beta and gamma radiations, elementary theory of alpha decay, nuclear binding energy, Semi-empirical mass formula, nuclear fission and fusion and nuclear reactors elementary particles, particle accelerator, cyclotron, linear accelerator, Elementary idea’s of superconductivity.
- ELECTRONICS:- Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, PN, junction, Zener diode, and their characteristics, unipolar and bipolar transistors solar cells, use of diode and transistor for rectification, amplification, oscillation, modulation and detection, waves. Logic gates and their truth tables, some applications.
Subject | Topics |
Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry |
- Physical chemistry – Gaseous-state:- Molecular velocity of gases, mean free path and collision diameter, liquefaction of gases joule Thomson effect in ideal and nonideal gases, Joule “Thomson coefficient, inversion temperature, Deviation from ideal gas behaviour vander waals equation of state, Law of corresponding state, critical constants and their relations with-vander waals constants.
- Liquid state:- surface Tension, effect of temperature on surface tension, viscosity, effect of temperature and pressure on viscosity
- Solid State – symmetry in crystal systems, Miller inclices close packing, coordination number, structure of NaCl and CaF2, crystal-defects.
- Thermodynamics:- first law of thermodynamics and its limitations, enthalpies of a system, heat of reaction formation, combustion and neutralization, Hess’s law and its application bond energy and resonance energy, heat capacities at constant volume and constant pressure, the relationship between. Ep and Eve extensive and intensive properties, statement of the second law of thermodynamics Carnot cycle, the concept of entropy, variation of entropy with temperature and volume/pressure, the concept of free energy: Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies, Gibbs – Helmholtz equation, thermodynamic criteria of equilibrium, Elapeyron-Clausius equation and its application, vant – Hoff equation and Gibbs-Duhem equation.
- Dilute solution:- Ideal and non-ideal solutions, Raoult’s Law colligative properties (thermodynamic treatment) Lowering of vapour pressure, osmotic pressure, the elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point in solution, abnormal colligative properties molecular weight determination by colligative properties.
- Surface phenomenon – physical and chemical adsorption Fraundlich adsorption isotherm Langmuir state value Gold-number, Hardy-Schulze rule stability of colloids, zeta potential
- Chemical Kinetics-Molecularity and order of reaction, rate of reaction Zero first second and third order reactions and their determination effect of temperature on reaction velocity, energy of activation, catalysis, criteria of catalysis, enzymes catalysis, primary salt effect in ionic reactions.
- Chemical equilibrium – Law of mass action and its application to homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, the relationship between Kp and Kc. Le chatelier principle and its application to chemical equilibrium, degree of dissociation and abnormal; molecular Weight hydrolysis of salts, Bronsted & lewis acid and base. pH, buffer solution, solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts:
- Electrochemistry – Electrolytic conductance-equivalent, specific and molecular conductances, variation of conductances with the dilution of solutions, Kohlausch’s law of independent migration of ions, factors affecting the conductances, types of single electrode and their potentials, EMF of the cell, Nernest equation. EMF and equilibrium constant, the concept of concentration cell With and without transference, liquid junction potential chemical cells without transference, and fuel cells
- Inorganic: Atomic structure – dual nature of particle, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Schrodinger’s wave equation atomic orbitals, quantum numbers, shapes of s,p,d. orbitals, Aufbau principle and Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s law, electronic configuration of elements, the modern periodic table, periodic properties of the elements and their variation in the periodic table, chemical bond-Ionic bond, lattice energy, Born- Haber cycle, salvation energy, Covalent bond (Fajan’s rule) Bond order, energy level diagram, of homo nuclear and hetero nuclear molecules, Hybridisation and shapes of inorganic molecules and ions, valence shell electron pair repulsion theory and its application, stability of the nucleus, mass defect and nuclear binding energy, radioactivity, nuclear reactions-fusion and fission, carbon dating.
- S-block elements: chemistry of lithium and beryllium, abnormal behaviour and diagonal relationship.
- P-block elements – chemical reactivity of elements in the group, inert pair effect, the structure of their hydrides and halides, oxyacids of N, P, Sand halogens, inter halogens
- D-block elements – General characteristics- variable oxidation state, complex formation, magnetic properties, colour and catalytic properties, coordination compounds-nomenclature, stereochemistry of metal, complex and isomerisation, effective atomic number and valence bond theory, crystal field theory, crystal field splitting in tetrahedral and Octahedral complexes, crystal field stabilization energy substitution reaction in square planar complexes, electronic spectrum, molecular orbital energy level diagram in tetrahedral and octahedral complexes (bond only) energy level diagram for d-1 and d_9 states
- Organometallic chemistry – Definition, nomenclature and classification of organometallic compounds
- Bio inorganic Chemistry – Structure and function of myoglobin Haemoglobin, chlorophyll and cyanocobalamine-
- F-block elements – Electronic structure, lanthanide contraction and its consequences, magnetic and spectral properties and their differences from transition metalsion exchange and solvent extraction methods of separation of lanthanides chemistry of actinides.
- ORGANIC CHEMISTRY – Some Basic Principles Techniques:-
- Classification of organic compounds
- IUPAC Nomenclature of organic compounds
- Types of organic reaction
- Mechanism of organic reaction- Homolytic & Hetrolytic fission of covalent Bond, carbo cations, cambanians carbenes, free Radicals, Electrophile & Nucleophile Sn 1 & sn 2 reaction
- Electronic Displacements in covalent Bond – Inductive effect, electrometric effect Resonance, Hyperconjugation
- Purification of organic Compounds:- fractional Distillation, chromatography
- Estimation of elements in organic compounds
- Isomerism:– structural & stereo Isomerism, (Geometrical & optical Isomerism) Tautormerism, conformation
- Hydrocarbon:- General methods of preparation, physical & chemical properties of Alkane, Alkene & Alkynes, Location of double bonds by ozonolysis of Alkene.
- Aromatic Hydrocarbon: Benzene – It’s structure, resonance Aromaticity preparation & physical and chemical properties of Benzene; Mechanism of electrophilic substitution- nitration, sulphonation, Halogenation, freidal craft’s Alkylation & Acylation. Directive Influence of groups in mono substituted benzene. Carcinogenicity &(Toxicity chemistry of toluene)
- Derivatives of Benzene: Preparation, Physical & chemical properties of Phenol, Aniline, Anisole Benz aldehyde & Benzoic Acid
- Halo alkanes: General Methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties preparation and properties of chloroform and iodoform, Freon
- Alcohols:- classification, General methods of preparation, Physical & chemical properties, mechanism, of dehydration of Alcohol, denatured spirit, power alcohol, Absolute Alcohol fermentation of Alcohol Properties of Glycerol.
- Aldehyde & Ketones: General Methods of preparation, Physical & chemical properties, mechanism of Nucleophilic addition.
- Ether: General methods of preparation of ether, physical & chemical Properties of Ether & uses
- Carboxylic acid and their Derivatives: General Methods of preparation physical and properties, influence of substituents group on acidic nature of carboxylic acid, General methods of preparation & properties of acid, Halide, ester, Amide, & Anhydride
- Organic compounds containing nitrogen:
- Amines:- classification, general methods of preparation & properties, basic character of Amines, Distinction between primary secondary and tertiary amines
- Nitro Compounds:- General methods of preparation & properties of nitro compounds
- Cyanides & Isocyanides:- General methods of preparation & properties of cyanides & isocyanides
- Bio-molecules:- Carbohydrates:- classification, Molisch’s test of carbohydrate, Glucose & fructose: Preparation & properties, open &Ring structure of glucose mutarotation, Annomers.
- Proteins: Alpha Amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptide, protein, structure of protein – Primary, secondary & tertiary structure, denaturation of proteins, Zwitter ion, Iso electric points;
- Lipids & hormones; oil & fats introduction, difference between oil & fats properties. Steroids – Natural artificial steroid Hormones- classification physiological function
- Vitamins – classification & functions deficiency diseases of vitamins
- Nucleic acids – Nucleotides & nucleosides, Difference between DNA and RNA primary structure of DNA, DNA fingerprinting
- Polymers:- classification natural & synthetic polymers, methods of polymerisation (addition & condensation) addition polymers-polythene, Teflon, PVC buna-s, Buna-N condensation polymer-Nylon 6, NyIon 6,6, backelite, methyl melamine, Biodegradable & non-biodegradable polymers
- Chemistry in everyday life – chemicals in medicine:- Analgesic, tranquillizers, Antiseptics, Disinfectant, antimicrobials, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines. Antioxidants, chemicals in foods: food preservative, artificial sweetening agent, cleansing agents-difference between soaps & detergents cleansing action of Soaps.
Subject | Topics |
Botany |
Zoology |
- Relations and Functions
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Co-oridnate geometry of two dimensions
- Vectors and three-dimensional geometry
- Group
- Linear Algebra
- Vector integration
- Rieman integration
- Statices
- Dynamics
- Trigonometry
Subject | Topics |
वैदिक साहित्य |
साहित्य शास्त्र |
लौकिक साहित्य |
- Micro Economics
- Macro Economic
- Money and Banking
- Public Finance
- International Trade and Foreign Exchange
- Indian Economy
- Elementary Statistics
Subject | Topics |
Civics, Section A |
Civics, Section B |
- Meaning and scope of Geography, Approaches and methods to the study of geography, Major Geographical thoughts- Environmental Determinism, Possibilism, Probabilism, Regionalism, Logical Positivism and Behaviourism.
- Structure of atmosphere, insolation and heat budget, horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature, inversion of temperature, air pressure belts wind system, movement of wind belt, local winds, humidity and precipitation, rainfall type, cyclone and anticyclone, classification of climates by Koeppen and Thornthwaite, Major climate regions of world.
- International structure of earth rock types, Plate Tectonic Theory, Volcanoes and earthquakes folds, faults, and resultant topography, WM Davis’s concept of cycle of erosion, works of river, underground water, sea and glaciers.
- Ocean deposits, temperature and salinity of oceanic water, ocean currents, tides and waves, coral islands and coral reefs origin, distribution and environmental importance.
- Concept of ecosystem, terrestrial ecosystems types and their distribution, deforestation – problems and conservation, disaster types and management.
- Man- environmental interrelationship impact of technology agriculture, industrial and information revolution, population growth and distributional pattern, Demographic Transition Theory, rural and urban settlements.
- Concept and classification of resources, Principles of resource conservation, Water, soil mineral and energy, uses, problems and their conservation. Geographical conditions, world distribution, production and trade, major crops – rice, wheat, cotton sugarcane, tea, coffee and rubber major agricultural regions of world, major industrial regions of world, factors of location of industries, major theories of industrial location, international trade, Major trade, blocks, major international transportation routes and harbours.
- Culture elements, major cultural realms. races and tribes.
- Concept and types of regions salient features of developed and developing countries of word study of some select, regions of world – Anglo, America, European community, Russia, China, Japan, South-east Asian and South west Asia.
- India’s geographical features – relief drainage system, climate, natural vegetation and soil.
- Major mineral resources – iron – ore. mica. bauxite atomic minerals and energy resources,
- Major agriculture crops of food grains and each crop, recent trends in agriculture, irrigation and multi-purpose projects. industrial development, industrial region, industrial policy, location distribution, production and problems of major industries iron and steel, cotton textile, cement, sugar and paper
- Regional patterns of population growth and distribution, related problems and their solutions, regional development disparity – causes and remedial measures, reorganization states – problems and their solution.
Subject | Topics |
Archeological, Literary foreign Accounts |
Sectional Mughal Sultanate |
Modern History |
Eminent National Leader-of India |
Subject | Topics |
Basic Sociological Concepts |
Social Processes |
Classical and Contemporary |
- Meaning and scope of education
- Relationship between Education and Philosophy
- Education Psychology
- Educational Research
- Measurement and Evaluation in education
- Distances education
- Accounting
- Business Organization and Management
- Business Environment
- Business Economics
- Business Statistics
- Money and Banking
- Auditing and Insurance
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Home Science
- Human Physiology
- Health and Hygiene
- Human Development & Family Relation
- Family & Relation
- Food & Nutrition
- Home Management
- Textile and clothing
- Extension Education
Part II of the Main exam will be based on the subject the candidate aspires to be the lecturer. The candidate should select the subject when applying for the exam.
- Part II of the Main exam will be based on the subject the candidate aspires to be the lecturer. The candidate should select the subject when applying for the exam.
- Interview
- The candidate who qualifies for both exams will be called for the interview. The interview is a personality test, and questions will vary from candidate to candidate.
The candidates can view the syllabus for both the Prelims and Mains for the chosen subject on the official website of UPPSC.
For the Best preparation strategy for competitive exams, candidates can visit the linked article and get detailed study material and preparation tips to excel in the examination.
Aspirants who shall be appearing for the exam for the first time and are willing to get some preparation tips and study material for the competitive exams can turn to BYJU’S for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions on UPPSC GIC Lecturer Syllabus
In the Mains UPPSC GIC Lecturer Syllabus, is Urdu present?
Yes, an Urdu paper is available in the UPPSC GIC Lecturer syllabus for the Mains exam. The Urdu language is the optional language/subject in the exam.
Is the UPPSC GIC Lecturer application fee refundable?
The UPPSC GIC Lecturer exam application fee is non-refundable. Therefore, even if the candidate is not willing to give the exam after filling out the application form, they will not get a refund.
Is it mandatory to have Hindi in the UPPSC GIC Lecturer Syllabus 2023 in both Prelims and Mains exams?
Yes, Hindi is a mandatory subject in Prelims and Mains exams. The candidates have to prepare for the Hindi syllabus carefully.
Furthermore, candidates can get the latest exam updates, study material and preparation tips, at BYJU’S.