Difference Between Cytoplasm and Protoplasm

What is Cytoplasm?

The difference between cytoplasm and protoplasm is confusing because their meaning is often interchanged. It is now known that the “cell” comprises many organelles (ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, etc.) which perform specific functions. These cell organelles are engulfed in a gel-like substance called cytosol. This is collectively known as cytoplasm. But it doesn’t include the nucleus.

Difference Between Cytoplasm and Protoplasm

And Protoplasm?

A protoplasm, on the other hand, includes the cytoplasm + the nucleus. Therefore, the cytoplasm is part of the protoplasm. The other thing to note is that the term “Protoplasm” is no longer technically used and is considered obsolete in modern biology. The term was used in the 1800s to describe several things over the course of a century. The term is now mostly accepted as a general term for cytoplasm.

Difference Between Cytoplasm and Protoplasm

Cytoplasm makes up about 70% of the contents of the cell. It’s made up of structural elements and fluid. Protoplasm consists of cytoplasm, the nucleus and the nucleoplasm. So essentially, protoplasm consists of all the organelles suspended in the cytosol and the nucleus. The two major differences between Cytoplasm and Protoplasm are summarized below:

Difference Between Cytoplasm and Protoplasm
Cytoplasm Protoplasm
Consists of cytosol + cell organelles Consists of cytosol + cell organelles + nucleus
The term is still relevant in modern biology The term is considered obsolete by today’s standards


The difference between cytoplasm and protoplasm is almost minimal; both terms are used interchangeably. But for academic purposes, the cytoplasm is all the contents inside the cell membrane, excluding the nucleus. And protoplasm includes cytoplasm and the nucleus of the cell.
Related Links:

Cell Organelles I


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  1. It is well explained