Active and Passive Voice Exercises

The active and passive voice refers to the verb form, which denotes if the action in the sentence is done or received by the subject. This article provides you with active and passive voice exercises to help you understand how they work.


Active and Passive Voice Exercise with Answers

It is important that students have a complete understanding of the tenses in English before they start working out exercises on active and passive voice. This is only because it would make it easier for students to comprehend it.

Identify the Voice

Go through the sentences given below and identify the voice used.

  1. Shreya Ghoshal sings beautiful songs.
  2. The Sun sets in the West.
  3. The boy was being beaten by his teacher.
  4. Bucky is helped by Steve.
  5. The carpenter is building the desk.
  6. The woodcutter cut down the tree.
  7. The man dropped his axe into the river.
  8. The bird was shot by the naughty boy.
  9. The bag was found by me.
  10. Natasha lost the money.
  11. The farmer will plough the field.
  12. The work will be finished by the workers in a day.
  13. The enemy has entered the war zone.
  14. Who sang the song?
  15. The children teased the animals.


  1. Active voice 2. Active voice 3. Passive voice 4. Passive Voice 5. Active voice 6. Active voice 7. Active voice 8. Passive voice 9. Passive voice 10. Active voice 11. Active voice 12. Passive voice 13. Active voice 14. Active voice 15. Active voice

Active Passive Exercise

Conversion of active voice into passive voice and vice-versa can help learners comprehend thoroughly and also check how far they have understood the usage of active and passive voice. Here is an active voice to passive voice conversion exercise for you.

Change Active Voice into Passive Voice Exercises with Answers

Change the following sentences from active voice to passive voice.

  1. The dog chased the cat.
  2. The dog bit the boy.
  3. The peon rang the bell.
  4. Ram played hockey.
  5. Miss Mary teaches us English.
  6. Raj caught the ball.
  7. Children like sweets.
  8. Rita will take a photograph.
  9. Who taught you this poem?
  10. The police arrested the smuggler.
  11. Shiva was flying a kite.
  12. The hunter shot the deer.
  13. The lion attacked the zebra.
  14. Virat threw the ball.
  15. Everyone loves Zara.
  16. My sister has drawn this portrait.
  17. The people were helping the wounded woman.
  18. Sam had taken the medicines.
  19. The player is taking extra time.
  20. The cat ate the fish.

Answers โ€“

  1. The cat was chased by the dog.
  2. The boy was bitten by the dog.
  3. The bell was rung by the peon.
  4. Hockey was played by Ram.
  5. English is taught to us by Miss Mary.
  6. The ball was caught by Raj.
  7. Sweets are liked by children.
  8. A photograph will be taken by Rita.
  9. By whom were you taught this poem?
  10. The smuggler was arrested by the police.
  11. A kite was being flown by Shiva.
  12. The deer was shot by the hunter.
  13. The zebra was attacked by the lion.
  14. The ball was thrown by Virat.
  15. Zara is loved by everyone.
  16. This portrait has been drawn by my sister.
  17. The wounded woman was being helped by the people.
  18. The medicines had been taken by Sam.
  19. Extra time is being taken by the player.
  20. The fish was eaten by the cat.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is active and passive exercise?

Active and passive exercises are those exercises that either deal with the identification of the voices or changing active into passive voice or vice versa.


How do you change passive voice to active?

To change a sentence in the passive voice to active voice, one must know the tense of the verb. Once students understand the tense of the verb, it becomes easy for them to convert. First, we interchange the subject and object of the sentence and remove the โ€˜byโ€™ from the sentence. The verb in the sentence is also changed accordingly.


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