Praising Words in English

Praising words in English vocabulary are very powerful. Even a single word is enough to bring miraculous changes. Just like the existence of good and evil in our world, English vocabulary has good words and bad words. And praising words belongs to the category of good words in the English language.

Praising words are words which are used for expressing approval or admiration for a person. Such commendations have the potential to levitate the mood of a person and to experience a state of ecstasy.

Are you a person who loves bringing smiles to others? Then the following comprehensive list of praising words in the English language will definitely be helpful for you. Learn them and use these words to praise someone.

Table of Contents

100+ Words to Praise Someone in English

Here is a list of praising words in English. Go through them and try to learn as many words as possible to strengthen your English vocabulary.

List of Praising Words in English:

Amazing  Adorable  Admirable  Astonishing  Amusing 
Super  Great  Right  Nice  Cool 
Outstanding  Fantastic  Better  Wonderful  Patient 
Perfect  Sensational  Beautiful  Excellent  Exceptional 
Charming  Delightful  Remarkable  Inspiring  Motivating 
Extraordinary  Humorous  Loyal  Witty  Righteous 
Openhearted  Kindhearted  Simple  Lovely  Gentle 
Pleasant  Proud  Enjoyable  Affable  Amiable 
Phenomenal  Polite  Sympathetic  Considerate  Honest 
Understanding  Kind  Straightforward  Sincere  Intriguing 
Proud  Respectable  Brilliant  Genius  Accomplished 
Significant  Substantial  Courageous  Bright  Dynamic 
Efficient  Intelligent  Fearless  Energetic  Diligent 
Hardworking  Versatile  Enthusiastic  Adventurous  Trustworthy 
Persistent  Determined  Funny  Observant  Hilarious 
Impressive  Splendid  Proactive  Powerful  Non-judgemental 
Organised  Flexible  Breathtaking  Resourceful  Tactical 
Practical  Adaptable  Positive  Well-educated  Authentic 

Praising Words for Girls In English

Active engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits
Attractive pleasing or appealing to the senses
Beautiful pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
Bright giving out or reflecting a lot of light
Calm not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions
Caring displaying kindness and concern for others
Charming delight greatly
Cultured characterised by refined taste and manners and good education
Cute attractive in a pretty or endearing way
Darling used as an affectionate form of address to a beloved person
Dependable trustworthy and reliable
Empowered give someone the authority or power to do something
Entertaining provide someone with amusement or enjoyment
Feminine having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women
Forgiving ready and willing to forgive
Graceful having or showing grace or elegance
Intelligent having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level
Likeable a person who is pleasant, friendly, and easy to like
Lovely exquisitely beautiful
Magnetic very attractive or alluring
Pragmatic dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
Radiant sending out light; shining or glowing brightly
Romantic characterised by the expression of love
Sassy lively, bold, and full of spirit
Self-confident trusting in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement
Selfless concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own
Sweet pleasing in general; delightful
Unconventional not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed
Understanding the ability to understand something
Unique being the only one of its kind
Wise having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement

Praising Words for Boys In English

Assertive having or showing a confident and forceful personality
Athletic physically strong, fit, and active
Attentive paying close attention to something
Caring having feelings for another person
Clean-cut giving the appearance of neatness and respectability
Coherent a person who is able to speak clearly and logically
Compelling evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
Dapper a person who is neat and trim in dress and appearance
Dashing a person who is attractive, adventurous, and full of confidence
Earnest resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction
Eloquent fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
Fit in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise, good looking
Focused pay particular attention to
Funny causing laughter or amusement
Generous a person showing kindness toward others
Good-natured kind, friendly, and patient
Gregarious a person who is fond of company
Grounded well-balanced and sensible
Handsome good-looking
Helpful giving or ready to give help
Hero a person who is admired or idealised for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities
Humble having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance
Mirthful full of merriness, laughter, and happiness
Personable a person having a pleasant appearance and manner
Polite having or showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people
Prodigious remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
Prodigy a young person with exceptional qualities or abilities
Protective capable of or intended to protect someone or something
Proud feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements
Reliable consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted
Robust a person who is strong and healthy
Self-aware having conscious knowledge of one’s own character and feelings
Smart having or showing a quick-witted intelligence
Strong able to withstand great force or pressure
Stunning extremely impressive or attractive
Zestful characterised by great enthusiasm and energy

Frequently Asked Questions on Praising Words in English


List 10 praising words for girls in English.

Girly – characteristic of or appropriate to a girl or young woman
Feminine – having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women
Pert – a girl or young woman who is attractively lively or cheeky
Sassy – lively, bold, and full of spirit
Attractive – pleasing or appealing to the senses
Beautiful – pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
Charming – delight greatly
Lovely – exquisitely beautiful
Cute – attractive in a pretty or endearing way
Wise – having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement


List 10 praising words for boys in English.

Assertive – having or showing a confident and forceful personality
Clean-cut – giving the appearance of neatness and respectability
Coherent – a person who is able to speak clearly and logically
Dapper – a person who is neat and trim in dress and appearance
Dashing – a person who is attractive, adventurous, and full of confidence
Eloquent – fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
Generous – a person who is fond of company
Hero – a person who is admired or idealised for courage, outstanding
achievements, or noble qualities
Prodigious – remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
Zestful – characterised by great enthusiasm and energy


List 15 praising words in English that start with the letter ‘A’.

Amazing, Adorable, Admiring, Astonishing, Amusing, Affable, Amiable, Achievement, Adventurous, Adaptable, Accomplishment, Assertive, Athletic, Attentive, Attractive, and Active.


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