Transformation of Sentences - Rules, Examples and Exercises

Transformation of sentences includes transforming sentences from among affirmative, interrogative, simple, complex, or compound sentence types into any of these. In this article, you will learn the rules regarding the transformation of sentences along with examples. There are also exercises based on each type of transformation that you can use to practise and learn. Check them out.

Table of Contents

Transformation of Sentences – What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Transformation of sentences is the process by which a sentence in a particular form is transferred to another without altering its meaning, unless asked to do so. If you are wondering what makes learning how to transform sentences so important, here is your answer. There might come various instances in which you would have to structure your sentences differently to make your writing look better, to sound positive or just because you are asked to.

Imagine you have written a paragraph and you are looking for ways to make it more assuring, how would you do it? You sure have to retain the meaning of the sentences. Sometimes, you will have to break compound sentences and compound-complex sentences to make your writing clear and easily comprehensible. These are the kind of situations where sentence transformation will help you greatly. However, in order to transform sentences accurately, you should know how exactly it is done. Check out the next section for the rules regarding transformation of sentences.

Rules of Sentence Transformation

To make your learning process a lot easier, here are the rules to be followed and points you can keep in mind when transforming sentences. Once you finish reading through each category of sentence transformation, check out the detailed articles to learn the ways in which transformation is done and the examples given along with it to understand clearly and to be able to use them effectively.

The general rules of sentence transformation is as follows:

Frequently Asked Questions on Transformation of Sentences in English


What do you mean by transformation of sentences?

Transformation of sentences is the process by which a sentence in a particular form is transferred to another without altering its meaning


How can we transform an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence?

The simplest way to transform an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence is by adding ‘not’ after the verb or in between verbs when there are multiple verbs (main verb and helping verb).


What is the rule to be followed when transforming an assertive sentence into an interrogative sentence?

When transforming an assertive sentence into an interrogative sentence,

  • The first thing you will need to do is to invert the position of the subject and the auxiliary verb.
  • The rest of the sentence mostly remains unchanged.
  • Also, do not forget to insert a question mark after the interrogative sentence.

How can we convert a complex sentence into a compound sentence?

To convert a complex sentence into a compound sentence, you will need to,

  • Replace the subordinating conjunction with the most appropriate coordinating conjunction
  • Then convert the dependent clause into an independent clause without changing the overall meaning of the sentence.