‘O’ is the fifth most used letter based on the frequency of its appearance in words, and fourth when compared to other vowels. You may not, however, often find words that start with ‘O’. This article aims to help you with lists of words that start with the letter ‘O’. Take a look.
Table of Contents
Words Starting with O
Read through the following lists of nouns, verbs, adjectives and phrasal verbs that start with ‘O’. Also, check out words starting with ‘O’ for everyday use and words with double Os.
25 Nouns That Start with O
- Ox
- Oak
- Oar
- Oath
- Oven
- Owner
- Otter
- Owl
- Object
- Oats
- Orbit
- Office
- Oasis
- Ocean
- Onion
- Opening
- Operation
- Occurrence
- Objection
- Obituary
- Obedience
- Obstruction
- Objectivity
- Obligation
- Open-mindedness
25 Verbs That Start with O
- Own
- Oil
- Open
- Oppose
- Occupy
- Offer
- Oblige
- Operate
- Obstruct
- Overdo
- Organise
- Orient
- Orate
- Obtain
- Originate
- Occur
- Outweigh
- Order
- Outshine
- Ordain
- Orbit
- Overhear
- Objectify
- Oscillate
- Orchestrate
25 Adjectives That Start with O
- Odd
- Open
- Old
- Oily
- Opal
- Overt
- Obtuse
- Obsessive
- Opposite
- Occidental
- Operational
- Objective
- Obdurate
- Obedient
- Obliged
- Obscure
- Opulent
- Optional
- Ostentatious
- Observant
- Obtrusive
- Opinionated
- Occasional
- Outstanding
- Ornamental
25 Words That Start with O for Everyday Communication
- On
- Off
- Out
- Oil
- Over
- Odour
- Other
- Onset
- Offset
- Offline
- Online
- Opinion
- Observe
- Occupation
- Ought to
- Offshore
- Outside
- Opposition
- Outstanding
- Occasion
- Orchestra
- Offering
- Outer
- Obstacle
- Obsolete
Phrasal Verbs That Start with O
- Opt out
- Open up
- Opt in
- Overlap with
- Own up to
- Order around
- Overreact to
- Operate on
Words with Double Os
- Soon
- Food
- Goose
- Foot
- Tooth
- Shoot
- Hoot
- Toot
- Hoop
- Coop
- Loot
- Root
- Boot
- Moot
- Too
Frequently Asked Questions on Words That Start with O
List 10 words that start with ‘O’.
- Owl
- Oil
- Opt
- Orbit
- Occur
- Optional
- Occasion
- Opposite
- Operational
- Observation
List 10 action words that start with ‘O’.
- Oil
- Own
- Opt
- Obstruct
- Offer
- Overreact
- Opinionate
- Oppose
- Occupy
- Orchestrate
List 5 words with double Os.
- Too
- Soon
- Boot
- Root
- Shoot