300+ Most Asked English Vocabulary Words For Verbal Ability

There is no escape to work on English Vocabulary Words if you are preparing for any competitive exams.

Most of the Government exams have a separate English Language and comprehension section to test candidates language skills. Hence, the task to improve the English Vocabulary should not be procrastinated if you wish to fetch good marks in the Verbal Ability Section.

In this article, we have collated the 300+ most asked English Vocabulary words in the competitive exams to help you move a step ahead in building a good vocabulary. You will also get the tips to learn and remember the English Vocabulary List along with downloadable PDF. 

Table of Contents:
  1. List of English Vocabulary Words
  2. Tips To Improve & Remember English Vocabulary
Are you preparing for any Government Exam? Do check the links given below for assistance in preparation:

  1. 100 Difference Between Articles For Revision
  2. Free Government Exam Mock Tests
  3. Previous Year Question Papers [with solution] for Government Exams
  4. Daily News Analysis
  5. Static GK
  6. Current Affairs

300+ English Vocabulary Words PDF:-Download PDF Here

List of English Vocabulary Words

Having a good English vocabulary is very essential, although in examination candidates are not tested on their knowledge of difficult words directly. The reason is the Verbal Ability questions that are based on vocabulary words may have some arduous words.

Not knowing their meaning could decrease the candidate’s ability to comprehend the verbal ability questions. The ability to make the correct answer choice may be compromised if the meaning of a word contained in one of the answer options is unknown.

Good vocabulary plays a very important role in cracking all sorts of questions appearing in the verbal ability portion of Government exams. Hence, given below is the list of English vocabulary words that are asked frequently in competitive examinations and have high chances to be asked again. 

List of English Vocabulary Words
  • Abject: Miserable
  • Abnormal: Not normal
  • Abrade: Wear away
  • Acquit: Free from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty
  • Callous: Insensitive
  • Cantankerous: Quarrelsome, Irascible
  • Clandestine: Kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.
  • Cumbersome: Heavy or large & therefore difficult to carry or use
  • Debility: Physical weakness, especially as a result of illness
  • Denunciation: public condemnation of someone or something / informing against someone
  • Dormant: Having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as if in a deep sleep
  • Elucidate: To make clear
  • Fastidious: Careful in all details, meticulous, very difficult to please
  • Formidable: Overwhelming, alarming, dreadful
  • Forsake: To abandon
  • Fraught: causing or affected by anxiety or stress, filled with something undesirable
  • Gauche: Tactless
  • Haughty: Proud
  • Hovered: Remain in one place in the air
  • Impasse: A situation in which no progress is possible
  • Incorrigible: Not able to be changed or reformed
  • Inextricable: Cannot be taken out, irredeemable
  • Knotty: Puzzling
  • Ligature: Something that is used to bind
  • Macabre: Horrible
  • Modalities: A Specific mode in which something is expressed or is experienced something exists
  • Nullify: Make void
  • Ostensible: Apparent
  • Oust: To eject
  • Overt: In the open
  • Pacify: To calm
  • Palatial: Like a palace
  • Penance: Punishment inflicted on oneself for expressing repentance for any wrongdoing of one’s own
  • Pretence: An attempt to make something that is not the case appears true
  • Query: Question
  • Queue: Line
  • Quiet: Making no noise
  • Quintessential: Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
  • Quip: Witty remark
  • Radical: Extreme
  • Rampage: Violence
  • Rapid: Having great speed
  • Rapport: Harmony
  • Recalcitrant: Obstinately defiant of authority, difficult to manage
  • Reliant: having or showing dependence on something
  • Robust: Sturdy in construction (in case of objects); strong and rich in flavor and smell (in case of wine or food)
  • Rogue: A dishonest or unprincipled person.
  • Sanguine: Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad situation
  • Startling: very surprising, astonishing or remarkable
  • Stationary: Unchanging
  • Stealth: Secret
  • Unravelled: investigated or solved and explained something complicated and difficult / undo twisted or knotted or woven threads
  • Uproarious: Noisy
  • Urbane: Courteous
  • Urgent: Required immediately
  • Wretchedness: Extreme misery or unhappiness
  • Wrought: Worked into shape by artistry or effort, fashioned, formed
  • Wry: Twisted
  • Zany: Silly, crazy
  • Zenith: Peak
  • Zombie: A frightening person

Candidates can download the full list of English Vocabulary Words containing 300+ most asked English words in competitive exams from the given PDF.

List of English Vocabulary PDF:-Download PDF Here

Candidates can go through the video given below to understand the importance of English Vocabulary and how to tackle the unknown words given in the examinations.


English Vocabulary words are majorly covered in the form of Reading Comprehension questions or Sentence completion questions or sometimes it is asked in the form of One-word substitution, Synonyms and Antonyms or Homophones. Candidates can go through the links below to get the rules, lists, concepts and important questions based on these topics. 

Candidates will find more such concepts based, rules and lists articles on the General English For Competitive Exams page. 

Tips To Remember English Vocabulary Words

Well, remembering English vocabulary words is definitely a gruesome task and needs a guided approach. Building your vocabulary requires significant investment and it is essential you adhere to the undertaking. This isn’t an activity that you can do one day and after that disregard it the following day. Ensure you focus on learning English vocabulary words and are punctual in your endeavours.

Here are some best tips to remember the English Vocabulary 

  • Read, Repeat and Revise

Reading is an ideal approach to build your English vocabulary skills. Spend 30 min each day reading worthy articles. You can refer to the leading dailies like The Hindu, Economist and The Times of India. You will run over new words each day; try associating them with the real-time issues they were used in. As you read, make notes of the new words and its implications, with the goal that you can refer to at the final moment of.

  • Flashcards and vocabulary building software

Make use of flashcards and cue cards to dwell on the knowledge for a strong vocabulary. Use prominent software like Membean and Magoosh to have an extra edge in remembering vocabulary as well as improvising.

  • Maintain your personal vocabulary diary

Chalk down each and every minute of you learning a new word into your valued personal treasure. Carry your personal dictionary and revisit your work on a timely basis. Always do a brief analysis of the words you learned after studying verbal. 

  • Spot, Use and Construct your own sentences

Try and spot new unseen words whenever you are reading newspapers, books, articles and reference books. Once you start using this word into meaningful sentences from time to time, you will experience words that you have learned and this time, you will pick up a more profound understanding, both of the word and the setting in which it is being utilized. Try to use the words while talking to your colleagues, peers and family. The more your brain familiarizes itself with the word and its handling, the better you get! This is the manner by which your freshly discovered vocabulary will help you in English questions.

  • Solve Word Puzzles and Play Word Games

We do things best when we enjoy doing them. There are plenty of word puzzles available online and numerous word games which you can download on your phones/laptops. Have fun with learning, instead of thinking of it as a burden to relieve or hurdle to cross. It will help you learn better and get rid of your fear of the language.

The rationale here is quite straight-forward, the more you read, the more words you will be exposed to. This is how in gradual ways you will remember your English vocabulary words.

Understanding the importance of new words by their relevant use is the most normal method for adopting new words and is the motivation behind why these lines of learning are the best. Candidates can also check the English Root Words page to understand the formation of new words and improve their vocab base.

With a strong vocabulary, you can easily understand the passages in reading comprehension and answer the related questions effectively. Check the Reading Comprehension page to learn a better way to understand English RC’s – reading comprehension. 

For assistance in the preparation of Verbal Ability, candidates can check out a few Question and Answers on relevant English topics-

One Word Substitution Questions & Answers Tenses Questions And Answers
Prepositions Questions And Answers Idioms and Phrases Questions and Answers

More such articles, sample questions and exercises can be found on the Verbal Ability page linked here. 

Stay tuned for our upcoming articles on the Verbal ability section of the examination.

Government Exam 2023


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