Kerala SSLC Board Question Papers for Class 10th Social Science 2018 With Solutions In PDF

Kerala SSLC Board question papers for Class 10th Social Science 2018 with solutions in pdf help students the entire syllabus at one go. The previous year papers give students an idea of the question paper pattern, important topics, difficulty level, etc. Solving the previous year question papers students can boost their confidence level which will help them solve the real question paper effortlessly. All the answers are solved by our subject professionals after thorough analysis of the subject.

Students should solve the previous year question papers regularly to analyse their preparation level and work on their time management skills. By doing so, they can complete the real question paper on time. Here, in this article we have provided the downloadable pdf of Kerala SSLC Social Science Previous Question Papers with Answers 2018. Refer to the solutions while solving the paper and to clarify the doubts.

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1. Which was the last mass movement conducted by Indian National Congress under the leadership of Gandhiji?

Answer: The Quit India Movement was the last mass movement conducted by Indian National Congress under the leadership of Gandhiji.

2. Co-operation, self-help and mutual help are the working principles of:

(a) Commercial banks

(b) Co-operative banks


(d) Reserve Bank of India

Answer: (b) Co-operative banks

3. Who is known as the father of Political Science?

Answer: Aristotle is regarded as the father of political science. He was a great Greek philosopher. He was the first one to give a working definition of political science. He believed that political science was a powerful and dynamic branch of science.

4. Explain the role of Subash Chandra Bose in India’s freedom struggle.

Answer: After quitting the Congress, Subhash Chandra Bose formed a political party called Forward Bloc. He took the charge of the Indian National Army (INA) formed by Rash Bihari Bose to attain freedom for India. He formed a provisional government for free India in Singapore, with the aim of forcing the British to quit India.

5. TamilNadu coast receives comparatively heavy rain during North-east monsoon. Why? What is the other name by which North-east monsoon is known?

Answer: Northeast monsoon absorbs moisture from the Bay of Bengal and causes rainfall along the Tamil Nadu coast. Thulavarsham or retreating monsoon is the other name by which North-east monsoon is known.

6. Identify the WRONG statement regarding the Himalayan rivers:

(a) Extensive Catchment area

(b) High irrigation potential

(c) Intensity of erosion is less

(d) Flow through deep Gorges

Answer: (c) Intensity of erosion is less

7. Describe the Evolutionary Theory of the origin of state and explain its significance.

Answer: State was formed by social evolution which is the product of history. According to Evolutionary Theory state was formed as a result of several social circumstances and it reached its present form through the process of evolution. State initially started as tribe, tribal administration and later developed as a city state, empire state and feudal state. Today commonly states are known as Nation States because they are formed on the basis of a feeling of nationalism.

8. What were the factors that led to the decline of the textile industry in India during the British rule?

Answer: The causes of decline of textile industry in India are during the British rule are:

  • The textile industry saw a surge when the British occupied India.
  • In Britain, there was an industrial revolution. Because of this, cheap machine made clothes started coming to India. Indian textile industry tried to make primitive techniques, but they were not able to compete with the production of mass scale in Britain.
  • British rulers imposed high import duties on the Indian textiles. This greatly affected the Indian textiles.
  • British used their political control for reducing India’s production. The level of importing the finished goods and exporting the raw materials were affected.

9. Which state in India is the leading producer of rubber?

Answer: Kerala stands at the first position for the production of rubber. About more than 90 per cent of the total rubber production in the country is given by Kerala. India stands today in the world’s 3rd largest producer and 4th largest consumer. The total area under rubber cultivation in Kerala state is 5.45 lakh hectares. The remaining 10 percent natural rubber is produced in Tamil Nadu and North East states. Let us know more about rubber.

10. What are the features of fixed deposits?

Answer: The features of fixed deposits are:

  • Tenure ranges between 6 months to 10 years
  • Guaranteed Returns
  • Interest income monthly, quarterly, annually.
  • Reinvest interest income and gain the influence of compounding
  • Partial or full withdrawal facility is available with penalty interest rates.
  • Loan against deposits.

11. What is meant by observation method of study? Mention the two types of observations applied in the study of sociology.

Answer: Observation method of study is a method by which whatever is seen, heard and experienced is recorded truthfully. The two types of observations applied in the study of sociology are:

  • Participant observation
  • Non-participant observation

12. Write any four situations where complaints about consumer disputes can be filed.

Answer: Four situations where complaints about consumer disputes can be filed are:

  • When the purchased product is damaged or defective.
  • Defective service received by the consumer.
  • Misleading or unjust advertisements.
  • Violation of the adulteration law.

13. List out the regions in India where Inland Water Transport is largely used.

Answer: The regions in India where Inland Water Transport is largely used are:

1. Ganga – Brahmaputra rivers and their tributaries

2. Godavari Krishna rivers and their tributaries

3. Buckingham canal of Andhra- Tamil Nadu region

4. Mandovi and Zuvari rivers of Goa

5. Backwaters of Kerala

14. Arrange the following events in chronological order.

Guruvayur Satyagraha

Nivarthana prakshobham

Temple Entry Proclamation in Travancore

Vaikom Satyagraha

Answer: The following events in chronological order

  • Vaikom Satyagraha
  • Guruvayur Satyagraha
  • Nivarthana Prakshobham
  • Temple Entry Proclamation in Travancore

15. Mark and label the given geo-information on the outline map of India provided.

(a) River krishna

(b) Chotanagpur plateau

(c) Kandla port

(d) Patkaibum hills

16. Mention the background of making of the Constitution of India.


What were the proposals made by social reformers to reform Indian society?

Answer: The process of making of the Indian Constitution began many decades before India got independence. The Constitution of India was first drafted by Motilal Nehru in 1928. The legislatures that the British had introduced were weak and the voting rights were not given to everyone. The Indian lawmakers had learnt from the experiences during the colonial rule and utilized all of this while writing the constitution. Many of the institutional details and procedures were borrowed from colonial laws like the Government of India Act 1935.

The drafting of the Indian Constitution was done by the Constituent Assembly. Indian Constituent Assembly was convened in December 1946. The members of this assembly were only Indians. The Assembly started drafting the constitution for independent India. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee and Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly. Our Constitution was adopted on 26th November 1949 and came into effect on 26th January 1950, which we commemorate as our Republic day.

Answer: The proposals made by social reformers to reform Indian society are:

  • To eradicate caste system
  • To protect the rights of all
  • To eliminate discrimination against women
  • To provide education to all
  • To promote widow remarriage
  • To abolish child marriage and eliminate the supremacy of the clergy

17. Identify the planetary winds blowing in between the following pressure belts:

(i) Between the Polar highs and Sub-polar lows

(ii) Between Subtropical highs and Equatorial low

(iii) Between the Subtropical highs and Sub-polar lows


What do you mean by parallelism of axes? How does it cause seasons?

Answer i: Polar Easterlies

Answer ii: Trade winds

Answer iii: Westerlies

Answer: Parallelism of axis refers to the fact that the axis of the earth remains parallel to its previous position as the earth revolves around the sun. This means that the earth’s axis always points in the same direction.

The position of the sun in relation to the earth varies. The apparent movement of the sun due to the inclination of the axis is the reason for the occurrence of seasons.

18. Write a short note on the Quantitative ‘features’ of human resources.


Elucidate the differences between direct taxes and indirect taxes with examples.

Answer: Quantitative features of human resources play a vital role in the development of a region. It is considered as an important aspect of demographic structure. The scale of utilization of human resources depends primarily upon the constituent parts of quantitative aspect. The quantitative features of human resources stand for the size, magnitude, dimension, amount, sum, etc., that can be measured directly in number and weight and lend to statistical treatment. The Quantitative features have the following aspects: size of population, population density, growth of population, birth rate and death rate, population structure, age structure, sex ratio, labour force participation rate and dependency ratio.

Answer: The differences between direct taxes and indirect taxes with examples are:

Direct Tax

  • Direct tax is paid directly by an individual or organization to an imposing entity like government
  • Direct Taxes are based on the ability-to-pay principle, which means that if you earn more, your rate of tax is also more.
  • The purpose of Direct Tax is to redistribute the wealth of a nation (taking from rich, thus making them poorer)
  • Direct taxes cannot be passed on to a different person or entity;
  • The individual or organization upon which the tax is levied is responsible for the fulfilment of the full tax payment.
  • It is considered to be progressive tax since you tax depending upon the ability of the taxpayer to pay

Indirect Tax

  • An indirect tax is a tax that is shifted from one taxpayer to another i.e. collected by one person but actually born by another person
  • An indirect tax is levied on goods or services, which increases the price of a good or services
  • The tax is actually paid by the end consumer, by way of a higher retail price.
  • Indirect taxes are levied equally upon all taxpayers irrespective of their income.
  • Indirect taxes are passed on, as the price of the tax is compensated for by simply increasing the overall price of the good or service.
  • It is considered to be a regressive tax since all taxpayers whether rich of poor have to bear the same burden.

19. Write a note on Central Vigilance Commission.


Explain the meaning and significance of Civic Consciousness.

Answer: Central Vigilance Commission is an agency constituted to curb corruption in offices of the Indian government. Complaints from whistleblowers (an employee of the firm/public office informing the public about frauds/wrongdoings in the office) under ‘Whistleblower Resolution’ are received by CVC after which the commission can take actions on motivated acts.

CVC is called the apex vigilance institution. It is free of control from any executive authority. Its role is to monitor all vigilance activity under the Central Government and advising various authorities in Central Government organizations in planning, executing, reviewing and reforming their vigilance work. CVC has three members: Central Vigilance Commissioner and Two Vigilance Commissioner (Maximum number of commissioners is 2).

President of India appoints CVC members by warrant under his hand and seal. The President’s appointment comes after the recommendation by a three-member committee: Prime Minister

Minister of Home Affairs (MHA) and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha. The term of Office is four years or if they attain 65 years of age (whichever is earlier). After they retire, they are not eligible for reappointment in any central or state government agency.

Answer: Civic consciousness is a form of social consciousness co-existing with the concept of citizen. It is a kind of education in self-government. In other words civic consciousness is the recognition that each citizen is for the society and the genuine interests of the society are the interest of the citizen. Civic consciousness influences the progress of state and society. In the absence of civic consciousness human beings will become selfish and all the activities will be for their own achievements. This will adversely affect the social life. In such a society there will be no peace or security. For ensuring the welfare of all and for the reconstruction of the society civic consciousness has to be developed. It will help in the progress and unity of the State. Because of this all states and societies give very much importance in fostering civic consciousness.

20. Elucidate the role of literature in the emergence of Indian nationalism


Explain the role of major dams in modernizing Indian economy.

Answer: The protest against the British rule as well as social evils existed in the Indian society reflected in Indian literature. Writers in various parts of India illustrated the agonies and atrocities faced by the people. Writers shared their resentments with the people through poetry, tales, novels, drama, etc. Patriotic songs in regional languages bridged the gap between the upper class literates and the illiterate mass.

The concept of Bharat Mata was first presented in public through a play written by Sisir Kumar Ghosh, and Satyendranath Tagore. Bankim Chandra Chatterji, a famous Bengali writer adopted the novel, a western form of literature, as a medium to portray the plight of Indian society. Of his novels, the most notable is Anandamath, based on the Sanyasi Revolt of Bengali peasants. The song ‘Bandemataram’ is taken from this novel.

Nil Darpan, a play written by the Bengali writer Dinabandhu Mitra, depicted the severe exploitation suffered by the indigo farmers in Bengal. It was staged in many places and greatly

influenced the people. Indian Association, a political movement floated by Surendranath Banerjee, campaigned for the welfare of the Bengali farmers taking cue from the issues depicted in Nil Darpan. This play triggered farmers’ unrests in various parts of the country.

Urdu poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal, who penned the famous patriotic song ‘Sare Jahan Se Accha, Hindustan Hamara’ praised the beauty of India’s nature and unity of its people. Creative expressions of Indian writers helped to inculcate the concept of a unified India among the public. Many writers from different languages of India contributed patriotic and nationalistic works to Indian literature.

Answer: The role of major dams in modernizing Indian economy

  • Dam increases the cultivation to a great extent.
  • Dam provide electricity which can be used by industry.
  • Dam provide an income to large number of people during its construction
  • They are the primary sources for irrigation and electricity.

21. What is Local time? Estimate the time at the following longitudes assuming the Greenwich Mean Time as 10 am.

(i) 45° East longitude

(ii) 30o West longitude


Explain the formation of Sub-tropical high pressure belts and Sub polar low pressure belts. Identify the planetary wind blowing in between these pressure belts.

Answer: The time estimated at each place, based on the apex position of the sun, is termed as the local time. When the sun is vertically overhead, it is noon.

i) 1am

ii) 8am

Answer: Subtropical High Pressure Belts: At about 30°North and South of the Equator lies the area where the ascending equatorial air currents descend. This area is thus an area of high pressure. It is also called the Horse latitude. Winds always blow from high pressure to low pressure. So the winds from the subtropical region blow towards the Equator as Trade winds and another wind blows towards Sub-Polar Low-Pressure as Westerlies.

Sub-Polar low pressure belt: As this zone is close to the Pole, the air is colder here. Though the cold air remains close to the Earth, the air is thrown up due to the rotation of the Earth. As a result, low pressure is experienced all along the region.

The planetary wind blowing in between these pressure belts is Westerlies

22. Define bureaucracy and state its purposes and functions.


Describe the role of Associations and democratic system in creating and maintaining civic consciousness.

Answer: The administrative system which works under the union executive and which performs the responsibilities of actual implementation of government’s policy is known as bureaucracy.

Bureaucracies have four key characteristics: a clear hierarchy, specialization, a division of labour, and a set of formal rules, or standard operating procedures.

Answer: The role of democratic system in creating and maintaining civic consciousness are:

  • Democracy is considered as a way of life.
  • It encourages cooperation and creates awareness about liberty equality and rights.
  • Inevitable component of civic consciousness.
  • Democracy is based on the rule of law.

Role of associations in fostering civil consciousness :

  • Associations play an important role in empowering people by providing powers and rights to them.
  • Through their activities they impart civic and political consciousness in the individuals.
  • They play an important role in moulding an individual’s thinking and activities.
  • They create awareness among individuals about the environment and human rights.

23. What are the reasons for increasing government expenditure in India?


How do population studies help the government?

Answer: The reasons for increasing government expenditure in India are

  • Improvement in technology, the super developed industries have been established which increases the expenditure.
  • Population growth.
  • Welfare activities.
  • Provision of public and utility services.
  • Defence expenditure due to modernization of defence equipment by navy, army and air force.


24. Explain the different phases of the formation of people’s Republic of China on the basis of the following hints:


Autocracy of Chiang Kai Shek

Mao Zedong

People’s Republic


Describe the causes and consequences of the Second World War.

Answer: Chiang Kai Shek was a political and military leader who served as the leader of the Republic Party as well as a close ally of Sun Yat Sen. Chiang served as the chairman of the National Government of the Republic of China he helped in promoting traditional Chinese culture and rejected both capitalism and western democracy.

Ever since Chiang’s government betrayed the nation the people of China found themselves in a situation of deep water and intense heat. Mao Zedong came to the rescue and is known as the founding father of the People’s Republic of China which he ruled as the Chairman of the Communist Party of China. On October 1, 1949 Mao proclaimed the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. Over the years he solidified his control through land reforms and through campaigns against landlords.

Answer: The causes of the Second World War are:

1. The Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles signed on 28 June 1919 bought an official end to World War I. But at the very outset, it became evident that a harsh peace would be imposed upon the defeated. France, in order to protect itself from a future German attack, put forth the demands of reparations, demilitarization of the Rhineland region and the ‘ War Guilt Clause’ which put the blame of starting the war squarely on Germany’s shoulders.

2. Rise of Nazism

The wave of resentment over the perceived injustices of the Treaty of Versailles was fully exploited by Hitler and his Nazi Party. Capitalising on the dent made towards German pride. Hitler promised to undo wrongs of the Versailles Treaty. Added to this was the “us versus them” rhetoric. In this case, the ‘us’ were the Aryan race, while the ‘them’ were the Slavic Eastern Europeans.

The list of ‘them’ also included Jews, Communist, Gipsies and others who did not fit the Nazi definition of an Aryan. The Jews were blamed by the Nazis for the defeat in World War I and all the economic hardship that followed was a ‘conspiracy’ that had weakened Germany.

3. Economic Hardship

The harsh sanctions placed on Germany as per the Versailles Treaty only bought hardship for the German people. The great depression of the late 1920s further exacerbated the problem with the price of essential items hitting through the root hyperinflation caused the many essential items such as bread to become more expensive than they already had been, fuelling much resentment against the fragile Weimar Republic.

The Ruhr valley was one of the most industrialised regions of Germany at the time. In order to claim war indemnities promised, France invaded the Ruhr valley and occupied it. This hurt German pride to such an extent that they were willing to support any party or leader who would avenge the humiliation heaped upon them. It was fertile ground for Hitler and his Nazi party to rise in power.

4. Failure of the League of Nations

The League of Nations (dissolved on April 20, 1946) was founded following the end of World War I in 1919. It was envisioned as an international body that would prevent conflicts between member nations from breaking out and disputes to be settled with diplomatic means. But to enforce and uphold its mandate, the League of Nations had no army of its own to do it. It had to rely on economic sanctions and armies of the member nations to uphold its directives.

5. Failure of Appeasement

Through the mid-1930s the Nazis re-armed Germany in spite of the Treaty of Versailles and without sanction or protest from Britain or France. The Luftwaffe was founded, Naval forces were expanded and conscription was introduced.

With continuing disregard for the Treaty, German troops reoccupied the Rhineland in March 1936. Simultaneously, these developments added to Hitler’s legend within Germany and provided much-needed employment, whilst encouraging the Führer to push foreign appeasement to the limit.

Consequences of Second World War

  • End of colonialism and imperialism.
  • End of dictatorship in Germany and Italy.
  • Germany was divided into West Germany and East Germany. West Germany was controlled by Britain, France and the USA. East Germany by USSR. (Read more about the re-union of Germany in 1989 when you check our post about the fall of the Berlin wall).
  • Strengthening of nationalist movements in Africa and Asia. (From Britain – India, Myanmar, Egypt, Sri Lanka; From America – Philippines; From France – Indo-China; From Dutch – Indonesia)
  • 5 crore deaths (2.2 crore soldiers and 2.8 crore civilians)
  • Economics problems – Unemployment, low growth etc.
  • Emergence of two power blocks – USA and USSR. This resulted in a cold war.
  • Emergence of third world Countries.
  • UNO was set up in 1945.


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