Kerala SSLC Board Question Papers for Class 10th Social Science 2019 With Solutions In PDF

In this article, students will get Kerala SSLC Board question papers for Class 10th Social Science 2019 solutions in pdf. Students from Kerala Board Class 10, can practice previous year question papers and prepare for the final exams. Solving the previous year question papers will help students to manage their timing during the examination. It will also help them to get an idea of the type of questions asked, weightage of marks, important questions, asked in the main exam.

The question paper has been solved by subject-matter experts by using easy to understand language. Students should refer to the solutions to clear their doubts so that they can write the final exam paper with full confidence. It will also help them to analyse their preparation level. Students can download the pdf of solutions from the link provided below.

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1. Which is the earliest regional struggle conducted by Gandhiji in India?

Answer: The Champaran Satyagraha of 1917 was the first Satyagraha movement led by Gandhi in India.

2. “The goal of the state is the maximum happiness of the maximum number”. Name the thinker who made this statement.

Answer: Jermi Bantham

3. Identify the northern mountain range where the major hill stations such as Shimla, Darjeeling, etc are located:

(a) Karakoram

(d) Himadri

(c) Himachal

(d) Siwaliks

Answer: c – Himachal

4. “Women empowerment is Indian empowerment” is the slogan of:

(a) MUDRA Bank

(b) Mahila Bank

(c) EXIM Bank of India

(d) Development Bank

Answer: b – Mahila Bank

5. The Ganga Brahmaputra delta region of West Bengal is known for:

(a) Tea plantations

(b) Wheat cultivation

(c) Cotton cultivation

(d) Jute cultivation

Answer: d – Jute cultivation

6. Link Column ‘A’ with appropriate items from Column ‘B’



Asiatic Society of Bengal

Mahatma Gandhi

Wardha Education Plan

Pandita Ramabai

Banaras Sanskrit College

William Jones

Sarada Sadan

Jonathan Duncan




Asiatic Society of Bengal

William Jones

Wardha Education Plan

Mahatma Gandhi

Banaras Sanskrit College

Jonathan Duncan

Sarada Sadan

Pandita Ramabai

7. Write a note on the northeast monsoon season in India.

Answer: Each year the Northeast monsoon starts from Oct-Nov. The sun apparently shifts towards the Southern Hemisphere, so intense high pressure develops over the land. As a result, comparatively low pressure develops over Indian Ocean. So, the wind starts blowing from North East direction. This is the reason why north-east monsoon is also called winter monsoon.

8. What is citizenship? Mention the two types of citizenship.

Answer: Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under law as being a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to a nation.

The two types of citizenship are: Natural citizenship and Acquired citizenship.

9. Interview and social survey are the two methods of study in sociology? Write a note on comparing them.

Answer: Interview and social survey are the two methods of study in sociology. But the two methods are completely different from each other. The interview helps us to know and analyse the attitude, view, belief and habit of the single person being interviewed. On the other hand, social surveys help to formulate a comprehensive view point of the society as a whole on a particular matter.

10. Write down the geographical requirements for the cultivation of wheat in India.

Answer: The geographical requirements for the cultivation of wheat in India are:

  • Climate – Cool and moist weather during growth, and warm and dry climate during ripening is needed.
  • Temperature – An average temperature of 21°C should be maintained.
  • Rainfall – 50 – 75 cm rainfall is required. Rainfall is necessary and beneficial, 15 days after sowing, and 15 days before ripening. A few light winter showers or assured irrigation ensures a good harvest.
  • Soil – Light loamy soil is required. It can also be grown in black soil.

11. What are the purposes for which the Commercial Banks provide loans to the public?

Answer: The purposes for which the Commercial Banks provide loans to the public are:

  • Agricultural purposes
  • Industrial purposes
  • Constructing houses
  • Purchasing vehicles
  • Purchasing home appliances
  • Educational purposes

12. Elucidate the features of permanent settlement introduced by the British in Bengal.

Answer: The features of permanent settlement introduced by the British in Bengal are:

  • Landlords or Zamindars were recognised as the owners of the land. They were given hereditary rights of succession of the lands under them.
  • The Zamindars could sell or transfer the land as they wished.
  • The Zamindars’ proprietorship would stay as long as he paid the fixed revenue at the said date to the government. If they failed to pay, their rights would cease to exist and the land would be auctioned off.
  • The amount to be paid by the landlords was fixed. It was agreed that this would not increase in future (permanent).
  • The fixed amount was 10/11th portion of the revenue for the government and 1/10th was for the Zamindar. This tax rate was way higher than the prevailing rates in England.
  • The Zamindar also had to give the tenant a patta which described the area of the land given to him and the rent he had to pay the landlord.

13. Explain the qualitative features of human resource?

Answer: The qualitative features of human resource are:

  • Education
  • Health Care
  • Literacy
  • Life Expectancy
  • Social mobility
  • Training

14. Analysis the constructive programmes introduced by Gandhiji as a part of non-cooperation movement.

Answer: The constructive programmes introduced by Gandhiji as a part of non-cooperation movement are:

  • People began to make indigenous product spun khadi product
  • Started national school
  • Popularized Hindi instead of English

15. Mark and label the following geo-information in the provided outline map of India

(a) River Narmada

(b) East Coastal Plain

(c) Tuticorin Port

(d) Eastern High Lands

Answer: Activity to be done by yourself

16. Who signed the Panchsheel principles with Jawaharlal Nehru? Write any two of the Panchsheel principles.


Prepare a note on Malabar Rebellion.

Answer: Chao-En-Lai. Two of the Panchsheel principles are:

  • Mutual Non-aggression
  • Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Answer: Malabar Rebellion

  • The Khilafat Movement had started in 1919 in India in support of the restoration of the caliphate in Turkey. The Indian National Congress (INC) was aligned with it.
  • The Khilafat meetings in Malabar incited communal feelings among the Moplahs and it became a movement directed against the British as well as the Hindu landlords of Malabar.
  • There was large-scale violence which saw systematic persecution of Hindus and British officials. Many homes and temples were destroyed.
  • The prominent leaders of the rebellion were Ali Musaliyar and Variyankunnath Kunjahammed Haji.
  • From August 1921 till about the end of the year, the rebels had under their control large parts of Malabar.
  • By the end of the year, the rebellion was crushed by the British who had raised a special battalion, the Malabar Special Force for the riot.
  • In November 1921, 67 Moplah prisoners were killed when they were being transported in a closed freight wagon from Tirur to the Central Prison in Podanur. They died of suffocation. This event is called the Wagon Tragedy.

17. Why does the atmospheric pressure vary from place to place?


(b) Complete the table appropriately:


Relative Position of the Sun

Speciality of the day

21 March



21 June



23rd September



22nd December



Answer: Atmospheric pressure varies from place to place and from time to time. This is due to changes in temperature and the quantity of water vapour in the air. The density of moist air is lesser than that of dry air. The density also decreases with an increase in temperature. Hence, the atmospheric pressure also decreases.



Relative Position of the Sun

Speciality of the day

21 June

(a) Tropic of Cancer

(b) Summer Solstice

23rd September

(c) Equator

(d) Equinox

22nd December

(d) Tropic of Capricorn

(e) Winter Solstice

18. What is Instrument of Accession. Name the persons who prepared it


Explain the resistance of Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja against the British in Malabar.

Answer: Instrument of Accession was prepared by Patel and VP Menon. It stipulated that the princely states had to transfer their control over defence, external affairs, and information and communication to the Government of India.

Answer: The resistance of Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja against the British in Malabar

  • Pazhassi led the resistance against British in Malabar
  • British promised Pazhassi the right to collect tax from Kottayam region is rewarded for helping them in the war against Mysore.
  • Refused to keep their promise
  • He organised people and fought against the injustice of British.

19. What do you mean by administrative forms? Identify the administrative reforms implemented in India


(b) How can we overcome the challenges faced by Civic Consciousness.

Answer: For increasing the efficiency of the services and to provide service in a time bound manner a number of steps are taken by the government. They are known as Administartive reforms.

Administrative reforms implemented in India are:

  • E-governance
  • Right to Information
  • Right to Service Act

Answer: We can overcome the challenges faced by Civic Consciousness.

  • Each one should evaluate his activities critically.
  • Should work for one’s interest without going against public interest
  • Be the change which you expect from others
  • Equal weight should be given to both rights and duties.

20. Distinguish between direct taxes and indirect taxes


Prepare a short note on different departments and institutions working for the protection of Consumers interest.

Answer: Difference between direct taxes and indirect taxes are:

Direct taxes – A direct tax can be defined as a tax that is paid directly by an individual or organization to the imposing entity (generally government). A direct tax cannot be shifted to another individual or entity. The individual or organization upon which the tax is levied is responsible for the fulfilment of the tax payment.

Indirect Taxes – The term indirect tax has more than one meaning. In the colloquial sense, an indirect tax such as sales tax, a specific tax, value-added tax (VAT), or goods and services tax (GST) is a tax collected by an intermediary (such as a retail store) from the person who bears the ultimate economic burden of the tax (such as the consumer).


Legal Metrology Department

Ensures the weight and measures standards

Food Safety Department

Ensures the quality of food products

Central Drugs Price Control Committee

Controls price of medicine

Drugs Control Department

Ensures the quality of food products

Food Safety and Standard Authority of India

Ensures the quality and safety of medicines

Ensures the quality of food products at various stages like production, distribution, storage, sale and import.

21. Explain Central Service with examples.


Elucidate the role of family in the formation of Civic Consciousness.

Answer: The Central Services constitute those services which work for the Central Government and comprise services like the Indian Foreign Service, Indian Revenue Service, Indian Customs and Central Excise Service, Indian Railway services, Indian postal Service, Indian Information Service etc. These officers are appointed by the centre in any state, but they work only for the centre. These services are classified into group A, group B (like India health services, India salt services etc).

Answer: The family has an important role in fostering and maintaining a sense of responsibility among its members. Inspiration and encouragement from the family will develop civic


Values developed by a family are the foundation for how children learn, grow and function on the world. These values and morals guide the individual every time in his actions.

22. What do you mean by Remote Sensing? Explain the types of Remote sensing based on platform


Identify the features represented by the given map symbols and also mention the colours by which they are shown in topographical maps.

Kerala SSLC Board Question Papers

Answer: Remote Sensing is a technology to gather information and analyzing an object or phenomenon without making any physical contact. This technology is used in numerous fields like geography, hydrology, ecology, oceanography, glaciology, geology.

The types of Remote sensing based on platform are:

  • Terrestrial photography
  • Aerial remote sensing
  • Satellite remote sensing









Railway meter gauge



Unmetalled road





23. Mention the situation when complaints about consumer disputes can be filed.


What are the sources of non-tax revenue of the government of India.

Answer: The situation when complaints about consumer disputes can be filed are:

  • When the purchased product is damaged and defective.
  • Violation of the prevention of adulteration law.
  • Sales of product which are harmful to life and safety
  • Giving misleading advertisements for increasing sales.

Answer: The sources of non-tax revenue of the government of India are:

  1. Power Supply Fees: This includes fees received by the central power authority of any nation. In the case of India, this includes fees received by the Central Electricity Authority.
  2. Fees: They are the charges that cover the cost of recurring services that are provided and imposed by the government. It is a compulsory contribution like a tax.
  3. Licence Fee: It is a form of tax charged by the government and it’s allied entities for conducting an activity that can be anything such as opening a restaurant or operating a heavy vehicle.
  4. Fines and Penalties: Fines are mostly used in the context of criminal law wherein a court of law will punish a person convicted of a crime by imposing a fine. Penalty, meanwhile, is used in both civil and criminal law. It includes both monetary and physical forms of punishment.

24: Describe any two planetary wind systems


Answer the following questions based on International Date Line

(i) What is the International Date Line?

(ii) Explain the peculiarity of this line with reason

(iii) Estimate the time at the International Date Line when the Greenwich mean time is 12 noon.

Answer: Planetary winds comprise winds distributed throughout the lower atmosphere. The winds regularly blow throughout the year confined within latitudinal belts, mainly in north-east and south-east directions or from high-pressure polar-regions to low-pressure regions.

Two planetary wind systems are:

Trade Winds – These winds are also known as tropical easterlies and blow from the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere due to Coriolis effect and Ferrel’s law. They start blowing from the subtropical high-pressure areas towards the equatorial low-pressure belt. In the Northern Hemisphere, they blow as northeastern trades, and in the Southern Hemisphere they blow as southeastern trades.

The Westerlies – These winds are also known as Shrieking Sixties, Furious Fifties, and Roaring Forties. They blow from the subtropical high-pressure belts towards sub-polar low-pressure belts. The westerlies of the Southern Hemisphere are stronger and constant than the westerlies of the Northern Hemisphere.

Answer i: The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line on Earth’s surface defining the boundary between one day and the next.The International Date Line is located halfway around the world from the prime meridian (0° longitude) or about 180° east (or west) of Greenwich, London, UK, the reference point of time zones.

Answer ii: In order to avoid confusion of having different dates with in the same country, the International date line bends and goes zig-zag at the Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska at Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand and some other islands.

Answer iii: It will be 12 am of the next day

25: Explain the background of the French Revolution based on the following hints

French Society

Thinkers and their ideologies


Explain the features of globalization and its impact on the world.

Answer: The French Revolution was a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France and its colonies that lasted from 1789 until 1799. It was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire. The Revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, catalysed violent periods of political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon who brought many of its principles to areas. He conquered in Western Europe and beyond. Inspired by liberal and radical ideas, the Revolution profoundly altered the course of modern history, triggering the global decline of absolute monarchies while replacing them with republics and liberal democracies.Through the Revolutionary Wars, it unleashed a wave of global conflicts that extended from the Caribbean to the Middle East. Historians widely regard the Revolution as one of the most important events in human history.

Answer: The features of globalization.

1. Liberalisation: It stands for the freedom of the entrepreneurs to establish any industry or trade or business venture, within their own countries or abroad.

2. Free trade: It stands for free flow of trade relations among all the nations. Each state grants MFN (most favoured nation) status to other states and keeps its business and trade away from excessive and hard regulatory and protective regimes.

3. Globalisation of Economic Activity: Economic activities are been governed both by the domestic market and also the world market. It stands for the process of integrating the domestic economies with world economy.

4. Liberalisation of Import-Export System: It stands for liberating the import-export activity and securing a free flow of goods and services across borders.

5. Privatisation: Keeping the state away from ownership of means of production and distribution and letting the free flow of industrial, trade and economic activity across borders.

6. Increased Collaborations: Encouraging the process of collaborations among the entrepreneurs with a view to secure rapid modernisation, development and technological advancement.

7. Economic Reforms: Encouraging fiscal and financial reforms with a view to give strength to free world trade, free enterprise, and market forces.

8. Several dimensions of Globalisation: Increased and Active Social, Economic and Cultural Linkages among the people. Globalisation has social, economic, political cultural and technological dimensions. It involves all round inter-linkages among all the people of the world.

Globalisation impact on the world

  • Globalization has brought about increased inflow of foreign capital, it has widened the choice of consumers.
  • MNCs provide employment opportunities to the masses and local companies supplying raw material to these industries have also prospered.
  • It has brought about greater integration of economies. World seems like a big market, with availability of all brands everywhere.


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