RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 13: Information Technology Solutions

Here, we are providing you with the RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Information Technology Solutions. Additional important questions and their solutions are also being offered here. You can rely on these and excel in your examinations.

The RBSE solutions for Class 8 are all designed by our subject-matter experts, keeping in mind the standard set by the board. These will prove to be helpful and beneficial in students preparing for the examinations and getting a clear understanding of the lessons in the book.

Rajasthan Board Class 8 Science Chapter 13: BYJU’S Important Questions & Answers

RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Objective Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Q1. In which year did radio broadcasting start in India?

(A) In 1926 A.D

(B) In 1927 A.D

(C) In 1928 A.D

(D) In 1925 A.D

Answer: (B) In 1927 A.D

Q2. At which place was our country’s first telephone exchange established?

(A) In Delhi

(B) In Mumbai

(C) In Pune

(D) In Bangalore

Answer: (B) In Mumbai

Q3. The part of Telephone instrument which is placed in front of the mouth and collects sound and propagates the information in the form of electromagnetic waves is called

(A) a mouthpiece

(B) a receiver

(C) a cable wire

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A) mouthpiece

RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Fill in the blanks: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Q1. The device based on information technology which sends the graphs, charts, etc. through a telephone network from one location to another location is called _____________.

Answer: Fax

Q2. _____________ is a system which provides mainly health services. The doctors diagnose and cure the disease of a patient at many places through the use of telecommunication and information technology.

Answer: Telemedicine

Q3. Telephone is a word in “Greek” language in which tele’ means Tar’ and ‘phone’ means _____________.

Answer: Sound

Q4. The multichannel T.V. programs can be seen directly at home through satellite by using a dish antenna without any cable operator. It is possible only due to _____________.

Answer: DTH

RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Short Answer Type Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Q1. Define information technology.

Answer: Information technology is the study or the utilization of technology to send, receive or store information.

Q2. Tell any three names of telecommunication mediums of information technology based on the internet.

Answer: Three telecommunication medium of Information Technology based on the Internet are as follows:

1. Telemedicine

2. Broadband

3. Social Media

RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Long Answer Type Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Q3. What do you mean by the word television? Explain the working system of television. Write the names of the latest technology and advanced Quality televisions of the present era.

Answer: Television is a mode of communication through which we receive both audios as well as video. We can get direct telecast of the events that are occurring in the world at present.

John L. Bair is credited as the one who introduced television transmission on 26th January 1926. In India, television transmission started in Delhi on 15th September 1959.

There are two kinds of televisions:

(i) coloured

(ii) black and white

Audio-video signals are converted into electromagnetic waves for transmission from the program transmission centre. These waves spread across the antenna and then they reach our television antenna.

The television antenna is connected to the television at our homes and it again converts electromagnetic waves into audio-video signals.

Advanced television like flat TV, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) TV, LED (Light Emitting Diode) TV, curved TV are being used these days.

Q4. What is the internet? Write the main names of communication means based on the internet and describe any two in detail.

Answer: The Internet is an international information path which is established by computer networks set up at different places of the world. These computer networks are connected to each other by telephone lines. Using this path, the information gets transmitted from one place to another instantly. The internet is a wireless system and the word “internet” is made from two words – international and network, thus it means a network that is worldwide.

The main communication means based on the internet are:

  • E-commerce
  • Telemedicine
  • Broadband
  • Social Media

Let’s talk about E-commerce and Telemedicine in detail.


E-commerce has transformed the entire world into a market where you can buy anything! You can purchase your favourite and required products just by opening an E-commerce website and giving an order.

Credit cards and debit cards have made buying so easy. You can buy or sell products online by providing information about the product and service that you offer.

E-commerce is thus, buying and selling of products and services by providing the required information about the products to the customers through advertisements on the internet.


Telemedicine is a system that provides health services. In telemedicine, a doctor examines a patient and gives prescription and treatment to the patient by the use of telecommunication and information technology.

The doctor and patient involved in this system can see and interact with each other. Also, the images of ECG, CAT-SCAN, X-Ray, MRI, etc. can be examined when one opens the video file.

Q5. Describe the utility of information technology. Make a list of possible cybercrimes by taking into consideration the human future and tell its safety measures.

Utility of Information Technology (IT):

Information Technology has played a major role in many areas like education, business, finance, healthcare, security, etc.

IT and education:

One of the most important transformations that information technology has brought in the world today is in the field of education. With a lot of changes occurring across the globe, how can education be left untouched. This era has brought unprecedented growth in terms of how students get educated.

IT and business:

With the invention of computers, the world of business has been transformed entirely. Softwares and computers have made the processes in the businesses easier and faster. Fields like finance, human resources, security, manufacturing, etc. have begun to realise the benefits of information technology.

IT and finance:

Information technology has made sending and receiving money instantaneous. The transfer of money is quicker and easier than ever before. But with all that happening, it is a must that banks keep an eye on the security of people’s funds.

IT and healthcare:

Healthcare has also reformed tremendously with the emergence of Information Technology. Telemedicine is one such example. We can send and receive reports, prescriptions and other medical information from our doctors. This has reduced the paperwork and has increased the availability of doctors anywhere in the world.

IT and security:

There is so much information about people that is available online. It is necessary to keep it safe and secure. If we make available and access our information on and from suitable channels, our information will stay safe.

Here is the list of possible cybercrimes taking into consideration the human future:

– fake email messages can be sent to retrieve personal information of the users

– hacking of a computer or a network of computers

– misuse of personal information

– online theft of money

– threatening people on the basis of their personal information

– hate can be spread using online media

The safety measures that can be/ have been taken:

– public related offices can be made computerised.

– accordingly, suitable rules and regulations should be made for these offices.

– transparency should be brought into the system by strengthening the “Right to Information”.

– the emergence of information technology in the banking sector has brought down the rate of scams and corruptions

– information technology has transformed the work in Income Tax, water, customs and excise, electricity, ration, driving license, etc. and made most of their processes paperless.

RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Additional Important Questions and Solutions

Q6. Define cybersecurity.

Answer: Cybersecurity, alternatively called IT security or computer security, can be defined as the protection of information systems from damage or theft to its hardware and/or software. It also comprises protecting the information on the systems and also preventing disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

Cybersecurity entails controlling the physical access to hardware and also securing against any harm that could come through network access, or because of operators’ intentional or accidental malpractice, or due to operators being tricked or coerced into straying from secure procedures.

Q7. What is an information extension?

Answer: Extension of information about the events that happen at different places of the world is called information extension.

This information extension or speedy information is due to the science, technology and inventions of different public media known as information technology.

Q8. What is Fax? Who invented it?

Answer: Fax is a big achievement of Information Technology. Through it, we can send a graph, chart, hand-written or printed documents through a telephone network from one place to another.

The receiving end obtains a photocopy of the original document.

The word Fax is made from the English word “fascimile”, which is derived from the Latin words “fas” and “cimile” which mean “to make” and “similar to”, respectively.

The fax was invented by a Scottish inventor Alexander Bain.

Q9. What are the uses of Fax machines?

Answer: The uses of fax machines are as follows:

– to exchange graphics between agencies and consumers in the field of advertisements.

– to share market services

– to administer engineering data

– to transmit messages of administrative services

– to transmit various documents in the energy industry

Q10. What is television? Who introduced its transmission?

Answer: Television is a mode of communication through which we receive both audios as well as video. We can get direct telecast of the events that are occurring in the world at present.

John L. Bair is credited as the one who introduced television transmission on 26th January 1926. In India, television transmission started in Delhi on 15th September 1959.

Q11. Explain the working of a television.

Answer: There are two kinds of televisions:

(i) coloured

(ii) black and white

Audio-video signals are converted into electromagnetic waves for transmission from the program transmission centre. These waves spread across the antenna and then they reach our television antenna.

The television antenna is connected to the television at our homes and it again converts electromagnetic waves into audio-video signals.

Q12. What are the various parts of a television set?

Answer: Various parts of the television set are:

  • Tuner circuit
  • Amplifier
  • Power Supply
  • Picture Tube
  • Detector circuit
  • Loudspeaker

The picture tube is also known as the screen. Two lakh points of light-sensitive material are present on the screen.

Q13. How can you control a television?

Answer: The television can be controlled in two ways:

– manually

– tv remote control

The remote control is a small rectangular device with buttons on it. By pressing the buttons on the remote control, infrared rays are transmitted which are received by the television.

Q14. What do we mean by broadband?

Answer: Broadband is a modern approach to transmit information. Through this, lots of channels can be transmitted simultaneously using a single cable or wire.

Q15. What is social media? Name some social media sites.

Answer: Writing blogs, business network, forum, enterprise social network, product and service review, microblog, photo sharing, video sharing, social network, social gaming, social bookmarking, etc. are different modes of social media.

Some social media sites are as follows:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Tumbler

People use social media to share their ideas with the ones connected with them on their social media networks.

Hike and Whatsapp are examples of mobile social media applications.

Q16. Explain Radio as a mode of communication.

Answer: Radio is a powerful mode of communication. Through this mode of communication, messages are sent from one point to another through invisible electromagnetic waves.

Radio is used in the following:

  • Entertainment
  • Game commentary
  • Music
  • News
  • Programs

Astronauts, aeroplane pilots, fire brigade, police vehicles, etc. remain in contact with geo-centres through the radio.

Q17. What is AIR? When did radio start in India?

Answer: Radio broadcasting started in 1927 A.D.

It was named as the All India Radio and later renamed as Akashvani in 1957.

Radio waves are like light waves, the only difference being the frequency.

Q18. What is the frequency? Write its SI unit.

Answer: Frequency is the number of vibrations per second.

The unit of frequency is Hertz. One Hertz is equal to one complete oscillation that takes place per second.

Q19. Define ISDN.

Answer: ISDN is an Integrated Service Digital Network. It is an ultra-modern technique in the field of telecommunication. This has been made possible through the emergence of computers.

This technique transmits voice, data, figures, written materials on a single wire. Among four, any two can be transmitted simultaneously using ISDN.

Q20. What is a computer?

Answer: A computer is an electronic device that can send thousands of words from one place to another.

Through merely speaking, it is impossible to send a huge amount of data at such a speed. Any information converted into computer language can be transmitted in the form of micro pulses.

Q21. What is telemedicine? Explain in detail.

Answer: Telemedicine:

Telemedicine is a system that provides health services. In telemedicine, a doctor examines a patient and gives prescription and treatment to the patient by the use of telecommunication and information technology.

The doctor and patient involved in this system can see and interact with each other. Also, the images of ECG, CAT-SCAN, X-Ray, MRI, etc. can be examined when one opens the video file.

In short, telemedicine is taking care of patients from a remote area, although the patient and the doctor are not physically available with each other.

Q22. Explain e-commerce in detail?

Answer: E-commerce has transformed the entire world into a market where you can buy anything! You can purchase your favourite and required products just by opening an E-commerce website and giving an order.

Credit cards and debit cards have made buying so easy. You can buy or sell products online by providing information about the product and service that you offer.

E-commerce is thus, buying and selling of products and services by providing the required information about the products to the customers through advertisements on the internet.

Q23. Explain the parts and working of a coloured television.

Answer: Various parts of the television set are:

  • Tuner circuit
  • Amplifier
  • Power Supply
  • Picture Tube
  • Detector circuit
  • Loudspeaker

The picture tube is also known as the screen. Two lakh points of light-sensitive material are present on the screen.

Coloured televisions contain 3 electron tubes. These tubes have mirrors that divide the light obtained from the camera into 3 parts.

Q24. What do we mean by DTH service?

Answer: It is a broadcasting service direct to home. In the DTH system a small dish antenna is used, no cable operator is required. The antenna directly received signals from the satellite. DTH transmission uses high technology to get multi channel programmes. The size of the dish antenna is 50 to 70 cm in diameter.

Q25. Explain the evolution of the mode of communication.

Answer: To send a secret message, pigeons, horse-riders, etc. were used. In middle Europe, the messages were sent by telegraphs about the past hundred years. In the year 1837, our country started the postal system to send messages.

After telegraphs, teleprinter and telex came into existence. Due to more and more usage of computers, the old modes of communication are becoming limited and replaced by modern modes of communication.

Q26. What are the possible cybercrimes that might happen or are happening due to the emergence of information technology?

Answer: Here is the list of possible cybercrimes taking into consideration the human future:

– fake email messages can be sent to retrieve personal information of the users

– hacking of a computer or a network of computers

– misuse of personal information

– online theft of money

– threatening people on the basis of their personal information

– hate can be spread using online media

Q27. What are the types of radio transmission waves?

Answer: The radio transmission waves are divided into three categories:

  • Medium radio transmission wave
  • Short radio transmissions wave
  • Ultra-short radio transmission wave

Q28. What are types of phones being used these days?

Answer: These days, the telephones that are mainly in use are:

  • Photo phone
  • Cordless phone
  • Cellular phone

Q29. What are the parts of telephone?

Answer: The basic parts of a telephone are:

  • Mouthpiece
  • Earpiece

Mouthpiece is that part of the telephone which we keep in front of the mouth.

It works as the transmitter.

Earpiece is that part of the telephone that we keep near the ear.

It works as the receiver.

Q30. Explain television as a mode of communication along with its parts and working.

Answer: Television is a mode of communication through which we receive both audios as well as video. We can get direct telecast of the events that are occurring in the world at present.

John L. Bair is credited as the one who introduced television transmission on 26th January 1926. In India, television transmission started in Delhi on 15th September 1959.

There are two kinds of televisions:

(i) coloured

(ii) black and white

Audio-video signals are converted into electromagnetic waves for transmission from the program transmission centre. These waves spread across the antenna and then they reach our television antenna.

The television antenna is connected to the television at our homes and it again converts electromagnetic waves into audio-video signals.

Various parts of the television set are:

  • Tuner circuit
  • Amplifier
  • Power Supply
  • Picture Tube
  • Detector circuit
  • Loudspeaker

The picture tube is also known as the screen. Two lakh points of light-sensitive material are present on the screen.

Q31. Explain the importance of Information Technology in Security.

Answer: There is so much information about people that is available online. It is necessary to keep it safe and secure. If we make available and access our information on and from suitable channels, our information will stay safe.

Passwords and encryption are used to hide our personal information from any unauthorized person or group. Information technology’s role in data security is what keeps our personal information in safe hands.

Q32. What are the preventive measures that can be taken and have been taken to remove corruption from the society using Information Technology?

Answer: The various preventive measures that can be taken and have been taken to remove corruption from the society using Information Technology are:

– public related offices can be computerised.

– accordingly, suitable rules and regulations should be made for these offices.

– transparency should be brought into the system by strengthening the “Right to Information”.

– the emergence of information technology in the banking sector has brought down the rate of scams and corruptions.

– information technology has transformed the work in Income Tax, water, customs and excise, electricity, ration, driving license, etc. and made most of their processes paperless.

Q33. “There is a need for cyber security in the cyber era”. Explain.

Answer: Cyber Security is the term that refers to providing security and protection to computer networks from damage to or theft of electronic data, software, hardware, etc.

It is also known as Information Technology security or computer security.

Institutions like private companies, hospitals, financial institutions, government, etc. collect and process large amounts of personal information of people. This makes it mandatory to secure this data from any kind of theft or damage. Thus, there is a need for cyber security in the cyber era.

Q34. Write a note on two fields where Information Technology has played a major role.

Answer: Information Technology has brought about transformations in almost every field in today’s world.

Here, let us have a look at how it has enhanced the fields- education and finance.


One of the most important transformations that information technology has brought in the world today is in the field of education. With a lot of changes occurring across the globe, how can education be left untouched. This era has brought unprecedented growth in terms of how students get educated.

Students of today are going to be the ones who run the globe tomorrow. They are the upcoming scientists, teachers, lawyers, engineers, doctors, etc. They need the proper skills and guidance. Information technology has made it so easy to learn through online classes anywhere anytime.

The variety of things to learn exposed by the internet is tremendous. Students have a huge range of fields that they can get information about and become proficient in them.


Information technology has made sending and receiving money instantaneous. The transfer of money is quicker and easier than ever before. But with all that happening, it is a must that banks keep an eye on the security of people’s funds.

Number of transactions are increasing daily and so is the need for more networks and computers. This, in turn, requires more programs to ensure the security of customers’ money.

In the world of information technology, everyone’s credit score can be made available globally. Thus, helping the banks, money lenders, loan providers and insurance companies to quickly check your credit score before taking any further step.

Q35. What do we mean by Cyber Security?

Answer: Cyber Security is the term that refers to providing security and protection to computer networks from damage to or theft of electronic data, software, hardware, etc.

It is also known as Information Technology security or computer security.

Q36. Explain telephone as a mode of communication in detail.

Answer: Telephone is a mode of communication. The word “telephone” is derived from Greek language, “tele” means far and “phone” means sound. So, basically it translates to “to send/receive sound to/from far”.

It was discovered by Graham Bell. Telephone has 2 main parts:

  • Mouthpiece
  • Earpiece

Mouthpiece is that part of the telephone which we keep in front of the mouth.

It works as the transmitter.

Earpiece is that part of the telephone that we keep near the ear.

It works as the receiver.

Q37. What are satellite phones?

Answer: Although the satellite phones look similar to the normal mobile phones, these can get connected to the geo-satellites that are revolving in geo-stationary orbit. The usual mobile phones cannot do so.

Q38. Explain the role that Information Technology plays in the field of Finance.

Answer: Information technology has made sending and receiving money instantaneous. The transfer of money is quicker and easier than ever before. But with all that happening, it is a must that banks keep an eye on the security of people’s funds.

Number of transactions are increasing daily and so is the need for more networks and computers. This, in turn, requires more programs to ensure the security of customers’ money.

In the world of information technology, everyone’s credit score can be made available globally. Thus, helping the banks, money lenders, loan providers and insurance companies to quickly check your credit score before taking any further step.

Q39. What makes the satellite phones different from the normal mobile phones? Where can they be used?

Answer: Although the satellite phones look similar to the normal mobile phones, these can get connected to the geo-satellites that are revolving in geo-stationary orbit. The usual mobile phones cannot do so.

The satellite phones can work in those remote areas where there is no availability of network coverage of any of the network service providers.

These phones can be used during natural disasters and various expeditions where all other modes of communication fail.

Q40. What are the changes that have been brought by Information Technology in the field of Healthcare?

Answer: Healthcare has also reformed tremendously with the emergence of Information Technology. Telemedicine is one such example. We can send and receive reports, prescriptions and other medical information from our doctors. This has reduced the paperwork and has increased the availability of doctors anywhere in the world.

The medical information of the patients is secure due to the security improvements in the internet. So, your data is secure irrespective of the place where it is sent to. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography) let your doctors create elaborate images of your body parts, etc.

Q41. What is E-mitra?

Answer: E-mitra is an e-governance facility by the Rajasthan government. This service is available in 33 districts of Rajasthan. It is made available in the rural areas by Common Service Center (CSC) Kiosks and in the urban areas by E-mitra Kiosk. The project has been running since 2005.

Using this service, electric, phone and water bills can be paid. People can also get ration cards, bonafide certificates and learner driving licenses very easily through this service.

Q42. How has Information Technology enhanced the field of Business?

Answer: With the invention of computers, the world of business has been transformed entirely. Softwares and computers have made the processes in the businesses easier and faster.

Fields like finance, human resources, security, manufacturing, etc. have begun to realise the benefits of information technology.

Customers’ demands of instant deliveries are also met by the businesses through the use of networking. They get better insights into the customers’ demands and needs. IT has made it easier for businesses to track their progress in comparison to other businesses.

Q43. Explain the role that Information Technology plays in the field of Education.

Answer: One of the most important transformations that information technology has brought in the world today is in the field of education. With a lot of changes occurring across the globe, how can education be left untouched. This era has brought unprecedented growth in terms of how students get educated.

Students of today are going to be the ones who run the globe tomorrow. They are the upcoming scientists, teachers, lawyers, engineers, doctors, etc. They need the proper skills and guidance. Information technology has made it so easy to learn through online classes anywhere anytime.

The variety of things to learn exposed by the internet is tremendous. Students have a huge range of fields that they can get information about and become proficient in them.

We heartily hope that solving these questions and solutions will enhance your comprehension of the lesson. The additional questions and solutions provided above are also based on the concepts taught in the RBSE textbook. The solutions are precise, elaborate where necessary and well structured. Stay tuned with us for such amazing learning materials.


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