RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Our Health, Diseases and Prevention is one of the crucial chapters for students where they get to learn about different diseases and their prevention. Here, we bring you the important questions and solutions of the chapter that will help build a strong foundation of all the key concepts and master it completely.

We have made a modest attempt to cover the chapter-wise explanations of important questions of RBSE Class 8 Science and with the hope that students can benefit from it while preparing for the RBSE Class 8 2020 exam. All the important topics and questions of the RBSE Class 8 Science Solutions for Chapter 8 have been thoroughly covered to make it simpler for learners to have an in-depth understanding of various concepts.

In this article, we have extensively covered the important topics and questions with solutions for Chapter 8 from the RBSE Class 8 Science Syllabus. Students can practice from these questions and gain a sound knowledge of the chapter and revise it thoroughly before their exams. We hope these solutions will help students to learn various interesting topics and score well in the exams.

Rajasthan Board Class 8 Science Chapter 8: BYJU’S Important Questions & Answers

RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Objective Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Mark the correct option:

Question 1: Leprosy is caused due to:

a) Virus

b) Bacteria

c) Protozoa

d) Amoeba

Answer: b) Bacteria

Question 2: An example of infectious disease is:

a) Cholera

b) Anaemia

c) Joint pain

d) Cancer

Answer: a) Cholera

Question 3: Virus that transmits chicken pox is:

a) Varicella zoster

b) Rhinovirus

c) Plasmodium

d) E. Coli

Answer: a) Varicella zoster

Question 4: In body anaemia results in the deficiency of:

a) Blood

b) Vitamin

c) Water

d) Mineral salts

Answer: a) Blood

Fill in the blanks:

Question 5: Polio is transmitted by ______________ and ________________.

Answer: air, water

Question 6: ______________ Solution is used in diarrhoea and dysentery.

Answer: ORS

Question 7: Cold is caused by ____________________ .

Answer: Rhinovirus

Question 8: ____________ tablet is helpful in treatment of roundworm infection.

Answer: Albendazole

Match the following:

Column I Column II
Q9. Anaemia Albendazole
Q10. Swine flu Blood deficiency
Q11. Worm infection ORS Solution
Q12. Diarrhoea Temiflu


Column I Column II
A9. Anaemia Blood deficiency
A10. Swine flu Temiflu
A11. Worm infection Albendazole
A12. Diarrhoea ORS Solution

Additional Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Choose the correct option:

Question 13: Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by __________________.

a) Salmonella typhi

b) Mycobacterium

c) Anopheles mosquito bite

d) Varicella zoster

Answer: b) Mycobacterium

Question 14: What causes uncontrollable cell division?

a) Cancer

b) Typhoid

c) Cough and cold


Answer: a) Cancer

Question 15: Identify which one of the following diseases is caused by bacteria:

a) Malaria

b) Hepatitis

c) Cholera

d) Poliomyelitis

Answer: c) Cholera

Question 16: Which of the following diseases cannot be controlled by vaccination?

a) Tuberculosis

b) Small-pox

c) Hepatitis

d) Cancer

Answer: d) Cancer

Question 17: _____________ invented small-pox vaccine in the year 1796.

a) Edward Jenner

b) Louis Pasteur

c) Émile Roux

d) Jonas Salk

Answer: a) Edward Jenner

Question 18: What causes food poisoning?

a) Consumption of unfiltered drinking water

b) Consumption of microbial contaminated food

c) Mosquito bite

d) Transfusion of blood

Answer: b) Consumption of microbial contaminated food

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Draw the diagram of HIV.

Answer: Given below is the diagram of HIV:

Diagram of HIV virus

HIV Virus

Question 2: What is the function of a vaccine?

Answer: Vaccine acts as an antibody which destroys the microbes of the disease and defends the body from the particular disease.

Question 3: Write the symptoms of swine flu.

Answer: The symptoms of swine flu include difficulty in throat such as sore throat, shivering, cold and fever.

Question 4: Write the methods of prevention of AIDS.

Answer: Given below are the methods used for prevention of AIDS:

1. Men should always use a new blade while shaving their beard.

2. An HIV test should be done before donating blood to others.

3. The syringe used for donating blood should be destroyed and disposed off after single use.

4. Should adopt a disciplined and controlled lifestyle.

Question 5: Write the symptoms of cancer.

Answer: Cancer has the following symptoms:

a) There is a formation of tumour at the site of uncontrolled cell division.

b) In the initial stages of the disease, the tumour is usually painless.

c) There is intolerable pain in the tumour at the advanced stages of cancer.

d) Cancer can happen at any part of the body such as tongue, lungs, throat, stomach, bone, blood, uterus, etc.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 6: Explain the cycle of worm infection. Write in detail the harmful effects of worm infection in children, methods of prevention and benefits of worm control in children.

Answer: Given below is the worm infection cycle:

Worm Infection Cycle

Here are the harmful effects of worm infection on children’s health:

a) Giddiness, restlessness and exhaustion.

b) Loss of appetite

c) Acute stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhoea and dysentery

d) Blood in stool

e) Anaemia

f) Malnutrition

g) Swelling in stomach

h) Chronic coughing

i) Weight Loss

The methods of prevention from worm infection are listed below:

a) Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating and after using the toilet.

b) Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming.

c) Drink fresh, clean or boiled water.

d) Wear proper shoes.

e) Trim nails short and keep them neat and tidy.

f) Use toilets, maintain cleanliness around toilets.

g) Avoid open sanitation processes.

h) Educate children about the benefits of worm control.

Here are the benefits of worm control:

a) Children can go to Aanganbadi or school regularly.

b) They remain active and their immunity boosts up.

c) Their growth and development occurs rapidly.

Question 7: Explain in detail the following:

a) Haemophilia

b) Food poisoning

c) Naru disease

d) Anaemia

e) Leprosy

Answer: a) Haemophilia: It is a hereditary disease in which the genes that are found in male sex chromosomes (X) and are transmitted from generation to generation by females.

Symptoms: Following are the symptoms of this disease:

i) Extreme bleeding in case of a minor injury.

ii) Blood doesn’t clot.

iii) Many times death may occur due to excessive bleeding.

Treatment: The only treatment for this disease is through blood transfusion from time to time.

b) Food poisoning: This disease is caused due to consuming food contaminated by microbes.

Symptoms: The symptoms of this disease include nausea, giddiness and vomiting.

Causes: Microbes produce a poisonous substance in the contaminated food which makes it unhealthy for consumption.

Prevention: The best prevention is to avoid eating contaminated food.

Treatment: Consult a doctor on time for advice.

c) Naru Bala (Guinea Worm): This disease is mainly caused by white thread-like roundworms which are 30 to 125 cms long.

Transmission: This disease spreads through water.

Microbes – Sometimes transmission happens through Cyclops which enter into a human body through water.

Causes: Given below are some of the causes of this disease:

i) Consuming unclean water

ii)Drinking impure water directly borne from ponds, wells or bavdi.

iii) Drinking unfiltered water.

Symptoms: i) There may be boils on skin of hands and legs.

ii) There is growth of female worms in the muscles.

iii) Acute pain in the areas affected by boils.

iv) High fever

v) If the worms are not treated on time, they die inside the body and creates nodes which are poisonous substances.

Prevention: i) Should drink proper filtered water.

ii) Consume boiled water.

d) Anaemia: This disease is caused due to the deficiency of iron, haemoglobin and blood in the body.

Symptoms: Following are the symptoms of this disease:

i) It causes paleness in the face.

ii) Extreme fatigue, tiredness and weakness.

iii) Vertigo problem or giddiness.

iv) Small white blisters on the tongue inside the mouth.

Prevention: This disease can be prevented by consuming nutritious food, sprouted grains, green vegetables, beetroot, sesame oil, brinjal, anjeer, etc.

Treatment: Consumption of iron tablets.

e) Leprosy: This disease is caused by a slow-growing bacteria known as Mycobacterium leprae.

Cause: This may happen due to continuous direct contact with the patient.

Symptoms: Following are the symptoms of this disease:

i) Skin rashes.

ii) Loss of sensation in the rashes.

iii) No feeling of injury, burn or pain in those areas.

iv) The organs do not work if rashes are found in excess.

v) Deformity in the fingers.

Prevention: i) The patient should be kept in isolation.

ii) His/Her belongings should be isolated from others.

iii) Wash their clothes often with a disinfectant soap and water.

Treatment: Here is the treatment procedure of leprosy:

i) Surgery.

ii) Vaccination and Multi drugs consumption.

iii) Organ transplant in case the respective organ is damaged.

RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Additional Questions and Solutions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1: Define immunity.

Answer: The ability of a human body to resist a particular disease or infection is known as immunity. It is considered the balanced state of multicellular organisms, which have sufficient defenses to fight infection or disease while having adequate tolerance to fight back allergies or autoimmune diseases.

Question 2: What are the two types of diseases?

Answer: There are two types of diseases:

a) Infectious diseases: Those diseases which spread easily due to direct contact with the infected patient are known as infectious diseases. For example: TB, Cholera, Common cold, typhoid, etc. spread due to contact with water, air, food or insects, etc.

b) Non-infectious diseases: Those diseases which do not spread from one person to another are known as non-infectious diseases. For example: Joint pain, cancer, etc.

Question 3: What are the different types of microorganisms?

Answer: Different types of microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and multicellular organisms such as worms.

Question 4: Name two diseases spread by mosquitoes.

Answer: The two diseases spread by mosquitoes are included below:

a) Dengue

b) Malaria

Question 5: Which two diseases are caused by contaminated food and water?

Answer: Cholera and Diarrhoea / Dysentery.

Question 6: Name one disease each caused by bacteria, virus and protozoa.

Answer: Bacteria – Typhoid

Protozoa – Malaria

Virus – Common cold

Question 7: Explain the purpose of vaccination.

Answer: The purpose of vaccination is to induce some dead or inactive microbes into the human body and the body cells produce antibodies to fight against the microbes. A vaccine makes a human body immune to the subsequent infection.

Question 8: What is the cause of rabies?

Answer: Rabies or Hydrophobia is transmitted by rabies lyssavirus that is a neurotropic virus that causes rabies in humans and animals. It may be primarily caused by an infected dog or jackal whose saliva may contain the rabies virus.

Question 9: What is the prevention and treatment of Polio?

Answer: Polio can be prevented by taking or giving polio drops. The treatment of Polio includes surgery as suggested by the doctor, physiotherapy and the use of Jaipur foot if necessary.

Question 10: What is the cause of Measles?

Answer: Measles is caused by rubeola virus. It is an air-borne disease and the virus lives in the mucus of the nose and throat of an infected person.

Question 11: What is the preventive measure of common cold?

Answer: Common cold can be prevented by an infected person by covering his/her mouth while coughing or sneezing and using a clean handkerchief, whenever required.

Question 12: How can chicken-pox be prevented?

Answer: A patient suffering from chicken-pox should be kept in isolation along with his/her belongings as it is easily transmitted by air or direct contact with the infected person.

Question 13: What are the symptoms of Measles?

Answer: The symptoms of Measles comprise red rashes all over the body, burning sensation and itching.

Question 14: How is malaria caused?

Answer: Malaria is caused by protozoa – Plasmodium which is transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito bite into the blood veins of a human body.

Question 15: What is the cause of Diarrhoea and Dysentery?

Answer: Diarrhoea and Dysentery is caused by E.Coli bacteria and is transmitted by consuming contaminated food or water.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 16: What are the symptoms of Tuberculosis (TB)?

Answer: Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacteria ‘Mycobacterium’ which include the following symptoms:

1. Loss of appetite

2. Weight loss

3. Non-stop coughing, cold and fever at low temperature

4. Blood comes out while spitting

5. Chest pain and respiratory problems

6. Breathing problem after walking

7. Lymph nodes swell up

8. Effect on the alimentary canal, bones, lungs, etc.

Question 17: Explain the symptoms of Cholera.

Answer: Cholera is caused by the bacteria ‘Vibrio cholerae’ which has the following symptoms:

1. Vomiting

2. Loose motion or Diarrhoea

3. High fever

4. Dehydration

5. Cramps in the muscles

6. Extreme thirst

7. Drying of tongue

8. Stomach and intestine infection

9. Low blood pressure

Question 18: What is the treatment for Tuberculosis (TB)?

Answer: Given below is the treatment procedure for Tuberculosis (TB):

1. Sputum test

2. X-ray of the chest

3. Use of M.D.T. as prescribed by the doctor

4. Use of medicines such as Isoniazid

5. Should be under the control of DOTS

Question 19: What are the preventive measures of Cholera?

Answer: The preventive measures of Cholera are listed below:

1. Maintain personal hygiene

2. Eat properly cooked food

3. Drink boiled water

4. Intake proper vaccination

5. Maintain proper posture

6. Discharge faeces or rotten things properly

7. Maintain distance from infected person

Question 20: What are the symptoms of common cold?

Answer: Some of the symptoms of common cold include:

1. High body temperature

2. Infection in the mucous membrane of respiratory tract

3. Nose and throat infection

4. Sore throat

5. Mild coughing

6. Watery discharge from the nose and eyes

Question 21: What are the preventive measures of Diarrhoea and Dysentery?

Answer: The preventive measures of Diarrhoea and Dysentery are listed below:

1. Maintain personal hygiene

2. Proper sanitation is mandatory

3. Ensure to cover eatables

4. Use boiled and purified water

5. Wash fruits thoroughly with warm water before eating

6. Avoid coming in contact with the faeces and vomits of an infected person

Question 22: What are the symptoms of Malaria?

Answer: Some of the symptoms of Malaria include:

1. High fever with shivering

2. Fluctuation in body temperature at regular intervals

3. Acute body ache

4. Intense thirst

5. Swelling of spleen and liver

6. Extreme fatigue and weakness

7. Redness on face

8. Running nose and sore throat

Question 23: What are the causes of AIDS?

Answer: Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a deadly disease in which the immunity of the human body to fight fatal diseases gets damaged. Some of the causes of this disease include:

1. It is spread due to HIV virus.

2. Infection spreads from one person to another through blood transfusion.

3. Infection spreads through sexual intercourse.

4. Using a used syringe or needle that was used by an infected person.

5. Use of infected blade and other sharp objects used by the barber in a saloon.

6. Transmission from infected mother to the foetus.

Question 24: Explain the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of Hepatitis A.

Answer: Given below are the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of Hepatitis A:

Causes: It is caused by a virus which is transmitted by water.

Symptoms: 1. Water retention in liver

2. Weakening of liver

3. Indigestion

Prevention: 1. Use filtered and boiled water for drinking.

2. Vaccination.

Treatment: Should follow the treatment procedures as prescribed by the doctor.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 25: Describe the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of Dengue.

Answer: Dengue is a viral disease which is caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.

Causes: 1. Due to the growth of mosquitoes and insects in dirty and stagnant water.

2. Caused due to decrease in blood platelets count.

3. Due to unhygienic conditions in the surroundings.

4. Due to deficiency of blood.

Symptoms: After 3 – 4 days from the infected mosquito bite, a person may experience the following symptoms:

1. Fever with shivering all over the body

2. Strong headache and weakness

3. Eye pain

4. Body ache or joint pain

5. Loss of appetite

6. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea

7. Red rashes on the skin

8. Nose bleeding in extreme circumstances

Treatment: 1. A patient should take rest as prescribed by the doctor and take the medicines regularly.

2. Patients should drink adequate water and eat proper food

3. Keep the platelets count under proper check

4. Papaya leaves juice should be taken to increase blood platelets count

5. Take intravenous (IV) if required for body strength

Preventive measures: 1. Avoid dirty water from accumulating in the surroundings of your house

2. Spray insecticides like DDT inside the house whenever necessary

3. Avoid water contamination by cleaning and draining flower pots occasionally.

4. Use mosquito repellents and nets wherever possible.

5. Keep body temperature under control.

6. Keep the surroundings clean,

7. Avoid coming in contact with infected persons.

8. Educate others about the disease so that everyone is aware of its prevention techniques.

Question 26: What are the causes, symptoms, preventive measures and treatment procedures of Typhoid?

Answer: Typhoid is caused by the bacteria “Salmonella typhi”. It is a water-borne disease transmitted through consumption of contaminated water.

Symptoms: 1. Infection in small intestine

2. Occurrence of fever and headache at regular intervals

3. Body temperature increases in the second week but comes down in the following weeks

4. Acute body ache

5. Constipation

6. Low heart beat

7. Appearance of red spots on the upper surface of the tongue inside the mouth

Preventive measures: 1. Maintain cleanliness at your surroundings

2. Consume clean food and water

3. Avoid consumption of contaminated food and water

4. Protect food from insects such as flies.

5. Avoid eating food left in the open for a longer period of time

Treatment: 1. Take proper rest

2. Avoid body temperature from rising by keeping it under proper check

3. Intake of antibiotics as prescribed by the physician

4. Proper vaccination

Question 27: What are the different National programmes for disease prevention?

Answer: Given below are the different National programmes for disease prevention:

1. National Malaria Eradication Program: This program started in 1953. The purpose of this program is spraying of chemicals, identifying patients and distributing medicines among them.

2. National Tuberculosis Eradication Program: This program was started to eradicate TB at the national and various district levels. The purpose of this program is vaccination of healthy individuals, providing treatment and medical aid to patients.

3. National Leprosy Eradication Program: The main aim of this program is to identify the disease during initial stages of the disease and provide rehabilitation and proper livelihood for the patients.

4. National Pulse Polio Program: The purpose of this program is to make the country free from Polio by giving polio drops to children during the early years of their lives.

We hope that the above mentioned solutions of “RBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 8 Our Health, Diseases and Prevention” will help students build a strong foundation of the different concepts mentioned in the chapter.


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