RBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 1: Bharat and Science Important Textbook Questions and Solutions

In this article, we have provided Bharat and Science Class 9 Chapter 1 – Important Questions and Solutions. These textbook solutions are well explained in a proper stepwise manner for better understanding. The important questions and solutions of Chapter 1 can be accessed from our BYJU’S website, and students can solve their doubts by referring to these solutions. With the help of these solutions, students can outshine in their Class 9 Science exam.

Bharat and Science Class 9 Chapter 1 talks about various inventions and discoveries. It also speaks about the meaning of Science, achievements related to Science, comparison of Science in present and past. Students should be thorough with their respective concepts so that they can easily answer the questions related to Chapter 1.

RBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 1: Objective Textbook Questions and Solutions

Q1. Which substance was discovered by the Prafulla Chandra Ray the inventor of Indian Chemical Industry?

(A) Sodium Chloride

(B) Mercurus Nitrate

(C) Nitre

(D) Sal Ammonia

Answer: B

Q2. Birbal Salmi was related to which sphere of Science?

(A) Chemical Science

(B) Paleo-botany

(C) Physics

(D) Computer Science

Answer: B

Q3.The name of the first Bharatiya Scientist to work in the domain of Astrophysics is.

(A) Birbal Sahni

(B) Satyendra Nath Bose

(C) Einstein

(D) Meghnad Saha

Answer: D

Q4. Bharat’s first mission to moon “Chandrayaan – 1” was launched on which date?

(A) 22 October 2008

(B) 5 November 2013

(C) 15 August 2015

(D) 28 February 2015

Answer: A

Q5. Who was called the Father of Plastic Surgery?

(A) Charak

(B) Sushrat

(C) Kanad

(D) Patanjali

Answer: B

Q6. Who was the first person to state that Earth is round and it rotates on its axis?

(A) Aryabhatta

(B) Brahmagupt

(C) Chandra Shekhar Venkat Raman

(D) Prafulla Chandra Ray

Answer: A

Q7. The name of the first Indian artificial satellite launched in space is.

(A) Aryabhatt

(B) Bhaskar – I

(C) Kalpana – I

(D) Insat – I

Answer: A

Q8. CV Raman was given the Nobel Prize in which year for the discovery of Raman Effect.

(A) 1940

(B) 1960

(C) 1930

(D) 1935

Answer: C

Q9. Who was the first mathematician to write numbers according to the Hindu decimal system?

(A) Satyendra Nath Bose

(B) Bhaskaracharya I

(C) Birbal Sahani

(D) Meghnad Saha

Answer: B

Q10. When was the Mass Orbital Mission launched?

(A) 24 September, 2014

(B) 30 October, 2015

(C) 1 November, 2016

(D) 30 December, 2014

Answer: A

Q11. When was the first underground atomic testing was successfully accomplished by Bharat at Pokhran?

(A) 1975

(B) 1976

(C) 1974

(D) 1977

Answer: C

Q12. Who was the first mathematician to make the rules to work with zero for the first time?

(A) Satyendra Nath Bose

(B) Bhaskaracharya I

(C) Birbal Sahani

(D) Brahmagupt

Answer: D

Q13. Raman Effect was discovered by which scientist?

(A) Satyendra Nath Bose

(B) Bhaskaracharya I

(C) CV Raman

(D) Brahmagupt

Answer: C

Q14. Who established National Academy of Science?

(A) Satyendra Nath Bose

(B) Bhaskaracharya I

(C) Birbal Sahani

(D) Meghnad Saha

Answer: D

Q15. The word Science is derived from

(A) Arabian

(B) Latin

(C) Hindi

(D) Sanskrit

Answer: B

RBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 1: Very Short Answer Type Questions and Solutions

Q16. Give the name of the text composed by Sushrut.

Answer: The name of the text composed by Sushrut is Sushrut Samhita.

Q17. To which mathematician was the title of ‘Ganak Chakra Chudamani’ given by Brahmagupt?

Answer: The title ‘Ganak Chakra Chudamani’ was given to Bhaskara by Brahmagupt.

Q18. When is the National Science Day celebrated?

Answer: The National Science Day is celebrated on 28th February.

Q19. Who wrote the book “The History of Hindu Chemistry”.

Answer: The book “The History of Hindu Chemistry” was written by Prafulla Chandra Ray, the inventor of Indian Chemical Industry.

Q20. By what name is the branch of Science which deals with the study of vegetation of past era, known as?

Answer: The branch of science which deals with the study of vegetation of past era, known as Paleobotany.

Q21. Which scientist gave the ionization theory in Physics?

Answer: Meghnad Saha gave the ionization theory in Physics.

Q22. Under the supervision of which scientist was the first cyclotron in Bharat inducted?

Answer: Under the supervision of Meghnad Saha the first cyclotron in Bharat was inducted.

Q23. Give the name of the Bharatiya scientist who gave the ‘Bose Einstein Statistics’?

Answer: Professor Satyendra Nath Bose gave the ‘Bose Einstein Statistics’

Q24. When is the World Yoga Day celebrated?

Answer: The World Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June.

Q25. When was the Mass Orbiter Mission launched?

Answer: The Mass Orbiter Mission was launched on 27th September 2014.

Q26. Who started the Hindu Decimal System?

Answer: The Hindu Decimal System was started by Bhaskarachraya I

Q27. Which is the oldest prose work in Sanskrit on Mathematics and Statistics?

Answer: Aryabhatiya-bhashya is the oldest prose work in Sanskrit on Mathematics and Statistics

RBSE Science Chapter 1: Short Answer Type Questions and Solutions

Q28. Write the two important works accomplished by Bhaskaracharya I.

Answer: The two important works accomplished by Bhaskaracharya I are as follows:

  • Bhaskaracharya I stated a theorem, 8x2 – 1 = y2, which is now known as the Pell equations. Here Bhaskaracharya I raised a query “Tell the number whose square when multiplied by 8 and 1 is added to the product, gives the square of another number”. For example: 8x2 + 1 = y2, if x = 1, then y = 3. This is written in short as (x,y) = (1,3). Similarly, (x,y) = (6,17).
  • Bhaskaracharya I was the first mathematician to write numbers according to the Hindu decimal system. The numbers were written in words or analogy i.e. symbol and not in figures. For example: moon for one; pair, wings or eyes for two since they always occur in pairs; the five sense organs for number five etc.

Q29. Which substance was used by Prof. Satyendra Nath Bose to prepare eye drops?

Answer: Prof. Satyendra Nath Bose prepared a chemical by bringing about internal changes in the atom of sulphonamide, which, till date, is prevailing in the form of eye drops.

Q30. What are Bosons?

Answer: The spin quantum number of particles like photons, piemizon, alpha particles, gravitons, etc is an integer i.e. zero, one, two, three, etc. These particles are called Bosons.

Q31. How is the ‘Bose-Einstein condensate’ obtained?

Answer: Bose-Einstein condensate is prepared by cooling a gas having density as low as one lakh part of that of the normal air, at very low temperature.

Q32. What is Raman Effect?

Answer: Raman Effect is that effect by which the nature of light changes when it passes through a transparent medium. This medium can be either solid, liquid or gas. The Raman effect proved to be one more important instrument for scientists, after the invention of laser, because of its powerful light radiation.

Q33. What is studied under astrophysics?

Answer: The branch of science that applies the laws of Physics and Chemistry to explain terms like the birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe is called astrophysics.

Q34. Which three atomic reactors were established by Homi Jehangir Bhabha?

Answer: The three atomic reactors established by Homi Jehangir Bhabha are as follows:

  • Apsara 1956 – An atomic reactor named by then Prime Minister of India Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru.
  • Cirus 1960 – The Canada-India Reactor, with assistance from US.
  • Zerlina 1961 – A zero energy atomic reactor for Lattice Investigations and neutron Assay.

Q35. Name the Arabic translation of Sushrut Samhita.

Answer: The Arabic translation of Sushrat Samhita are

  • Sashun-e-Hindi
  • Kitab-e-Susurad

Q36. Write the names of the three main branches of Biology?

Answer: The three main branches of Biology are:

  • Medical Science – It includes study of several plants used in medicines
  • Botany- It includes the study of plants
  • Zoology-It includes the study of animals

Q37. Define Science.

Answer: Science can be defined as the organised body of knowledge acquired by the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

RBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 1: Essay Type Questions and Solutions

Q38. Write the different steps of scientific methods.

Answer: The different steps of scientific methods are:

  • To identify the problem
  • To formulate i.e. make the hypothesis
  • To formulate a testifiable hypothesis
  • To collect data
  • To test the hypothesis
  • To draw the result
  • To re-test it
  • To generalise the theory

Q39. Name the eight stages of yog as given by Patanjali?

Answer: The eight stages of yog as given by Patanjali are as follows:

  • Yamas – Universal moral ethical rules.
  • Niyamas – Means to keep oneself virtuous in a disciplined manner.
  • Asana – Postures
  • Pranayaam – Restraining the breath
  • Pratyahara – Bringing near one’s thoughts and awareness to within i.e. divert them from external world.
  • Dharana – Concentration
  • Bhawana – Contemplation i.e. meditation
  • Samadhi – Most animate state i.e. the spiritual in which the mind loses the sense of its own identity.

Q40. The researches done by Dr. Birbal Sahni proved helpful for which spheres of Science?

Answer: Dr Birbal Sahni was a great paleobotanist of Bharat. Dr Sahni’s great contribution lies in the field of botany. He explored the traces of Bharatiya vegetation. He investigated many remnants of Bharatiya vegetation. Some of the other researches made by him are Theory of Continental Division, Age of the Southern Plateau, Himalayan upliftment after the origin of Glossopteris vegetation, etc. were helpful in solving many complex systems.


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