RBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 2: Major Philosophies of the World Solutions

Rajasthan Board Class 9 Social Science Chapter 2: BYJU’S Important Questions & Answers

Here we have brought RBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 2 Major Philosophies of the World Solutions for you. Solving these RBSE solutions for Class 9, will aid you in preparing yourself better for examinations.

RBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 2 Objective Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Q1. When was Mahavir Swami born?

(a) 699 BC

(b) 570 BC

(c) 675 BC

(d) 599 BC

Answer: (d) 599 BC

Q2. Where did Mahatma Buddha give his first Sermon?

(a) Kapil Vastu

(b) Sarnath

(c) Gaya

(d) Bodh Gaya

Answer: (d) Bodh Gaya

Q3. When did Hijari Calendar start?

(a) 622 BC

(b) 632 BC

(c) 570 BC

(d) 566 BC

Answer: (a) 622 BC

Q4. Which is the holy book of the Christian religion?

(a) Geeta

(b) Kuran

(c) Avest-a-zind

(d) Bible

Answer: (d) Bible

RBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 2 Very Short Answer Type Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Q1. How many Purusharthas are there? Name them.

Answer: There are four Purusharthas. Here is their list:

(a) Dharma

(b) Artha

(c) Kama

(d) Moksha

Q2. In which book “Vasudhev Kutumbkam” is stated?

Answer: Vedic philosophy

Q3. According to the Vedic philosophy, who is the creator, saviour and destroyer of the world?

Answer: According to the Vedic philosophy, One God i.e. the Ishwar, is the creator, saviour and destroyer of the world

Q4. Write the names of the 1st and 24th Tirthankaras of the Jain religion.

Answer: Here are the names of the:

1st Tirthankar: Rishabh Dev

24th Tirthankar: Mahavir Swami

RBSE Class 9 Social Science Chapter 2 Short Answer Type Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

Q1. Explain the message of tolerance in Vedic philosophy?

Answer: As per the Upanishads, it is believed that Brahma who resides in the world and the soul that resides in the man, is one. One must feel this Ekatma.

When one believes in Ekatma, the person gets constant happiness (Satchidananda).

This philosophy imparts the message of tolerance to the entire humankind.

Q2. Describe the concept of three Jewels (Triratna) in Jain philosophy.

Answer: As per the concept of three jewels (Triratna) in Jain philosophy, the following three measures should be taken to reach the ultimate goal of achieving Moksha:

Right Knowledge:

As per Vardhaman Mahavir, a person should learn and follow the methods of Tirthankars in order to achieve true and complete knowledge.

Right Perception:

Every person must have all the faith and respect for the Tirthankars.

Right Conduct:

It is believed that Moksha (Salvation) can be achieved only if one wins over the five desires.

Q3. Who were the prime Tirthankaras of the Jain religion?

Answer: In the Jain religion, there have been 24 Tirthankars.

Among these 24, Adinath (also known as Rishabh Dev) was the first, Parshvanath was the 23rd and Mahavir Swami was the 24th Tirthankar.

Q4. Explain the concept of four noble truths in Buddhist philosophy.

Answer: The four noble truths according to the Buddhist philosophy are:

i) Suffering

ii) Cause of suffering

iii) Removal or eradication of suffering

iv) Path to eradicate suffering

As per Buddha, the world is filled with sorrow and misery. And the cause for this condition is man’s desire. He believed that our good and bad actions (Karma) impact us in this life as well as the next one.

Q5. Describe the Godly and evil powers according to Persian Philosophy.

Answer: According to Persian Philosophy, there are two kinds of forces:

Deities: Ahuramazda, who is a symbol of God, is a great deity. He is the one who created the earth, man and heaven.

Demons: Ahiraman, who is a symbol of demons, carries humans towards hell.

The philosophy also believes that there is always a conflict between the Good and the Evil; or the Deities and the Demons, but Ahuramazda always prevails.

Q6. What was the impact of the teachings of Mohammad Saheb on Arabian people?

Answer: Mohammad Saheb’s ideology spread and was supported by the entire Arab. The Arabian society was transformed from people who believed in iconolatry. The caliphs of Mohammad Saheb built an empire after his demise in 632 AD.

The questions and solutions given above are from the Class 9 RBSE textbook. Stay tuned for more such awesome resources!


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