We have often seen parents worrying about their kids’ English learning. Building a strong vocabulary is a dream of many children, and that can be achieved from a very young age. Young children have the ability to learn and grasp new words more quickly compared to adults. The best way to learn difficult words is to start with 3 letter words, which makes the learning process easier. If kids master the English alphabet and the 3 letter words during their preschool, it will be simple for them to learn new bigger words as they grow.
In this article, we will be providing a list of common 5 letter words which are used in our day-to-day conversations. After learning the 3 letter words, kids can start learning the 4 letter words. Then, it will be easier for them to learn the 5 letter words. Learning the 5 letter words will be helpful in building a strong vocabulary and good communication skills. After learning these words, kids will be more confident in reading, writing and speaking.
The essential part of the English language is communication, and to have fluent communication, it is essential to have a good vocabulary and good pronunciation. Below, we have provided a list of commonly used 5 letter words which will be helpful for parents and teachers to teach their children and make them learn the words.
List of 5 Letter Words to Improve Kid’s Vocabulary
After kids have learnt the 5 letter words, it will be easier for them to read and write fluently. As they have learnt and become aware of several new English words, it will strengthen their English vocabulary, communication and grammar skills. It might not be very easy to teach the words, but being a parent or a teacher, you must be patient with your children and teach them in an interesting manner. You can involve them in various games like word games, word puzzles, etc., which will help them get acquainted with various 5 letter words. Check the list of 5 letter words for kids and help them improve their vocabulary skills.
List of 5 Letter Words
About | Alert | Argue | Beach |
Above | Alike | Arise | Began |
Abuse | Alive | Array | Begin |
Actor | Allow | Aside | Begun |
Acute | Alone | Asset | Being |
Admit | Along | Audio | Below |
Adopt | Alter | Audit | Bench |
Adult | Among | Avoid | Billy |
After | Anger | Award | Birth |
Again | Angle | Aware | Black |
Agent | Angry | Badly | Blame |
Agree | Apart | Baker | Blind |
Ahead | Apple | Bases | Block |
Alarm | Apply | Basic | Blood |
Album | Arena | Basis | Board |
Boost | Buyer | China | Cover |
Booth | Cable | Chose | Craft |
Bound | Calif | Civil | Crash |
Brain | Carry | Claim | Cream |
Brand | Catch | Class | Crime |
Bread | Cause | Clean | Cross |
Break | Chain | Clear | Crowd |
Breed | Chair | Click | Crown |
Brief | Chart | Clock | Curve |
Bring | Chase | Close | Cycle |
Broad | Cheap | Coach | Daily |
Broke | Check | Coast | Dance |
Brown | Chest | Could | Dated |
Build | Chief | Count | Dealt |
Built | Child | Court | Death |
Debut | Entry | Forth | Group |
Delay | Equal | Forty | Grown |
Depth | Error | Forum | Guard |
Doing | Event | Found | Guess |
Doubt | Every | Frame | Guest |
Dozen | Exact | Frank | Guide |
Draft | Exist | Fraud | Happy |
Drama | Extra | Fresh | Harry |
Drawn | Faith | Front | Heart |
Dream | False | Fruit | Heavy |
Dress | Fault | Fully | Hence |
Drill | Fibre | Funny | Night |
Drink | Field | Giant | Horse |
Drive | Fifth | Given | Hotel |
Drove | Fifty | Glass | House |
Dying | Fight | Globe | Human |
Eager | Final | Going | Ideal |
Early | First | Grace | Image |
Earth | Fixed | Grade | Index |
Eight | Flash | Grand | Inner |
Elite | Fleet | Grant | Input |
Empty | Floor | Grass | Issue |
Enemy | Fluid | Great | Irony |
Enjoy | Focus | Green | Juice |
Enter | Force | Gross | Joint |
Judge | Metal | Media | Newly |
Known | Local | Might | Noise |
Label | Logic | Minor | North |
Large | Loose | Minus | Noted |
Laser | Lower | Mixed | Novel |
Later | Lucky | Model | Nurse |
Laugh | Lunch | Money | Occur |
Layer | Lying | Month | Ocean |
Learn | Magic | Moral | Offer |
Lease | Major | Motor | Often |
Least | Maker | Mount | Order |
Leave | March | Mouse | Other |
Legal | Music | Mouth | Ought |
Level | Match | Movie | Paint |
Light | Mayor | Needs | Paper |
Limit | Meant | Never | Party |
Peace | Power | Radio | Round |
Panel | Press | Raise | Route |
Phase | Price | Range | Royal |
Phone | Pride | Rapid | Rural |
Photo | Prime | Ratio | Scale |
Piece | Reach | Scene | |
Pilot | Prior | Ready | Scope |
Pitch | Prize | Refer | Score |
Place | Proof | Right | Sense |
Plain | Proud | Rival | Serve |
Plane | Prove | River | Seven |
Plant | Queen | Quick | Shall |
Plate | Sixth | Stand | Shape |
Point | Quiet | Roman | Share |
Pound | Quite | Rough | Sharp |
Sheet | Spare | Style | Times |
Shelf | Speak | Sugar | Tired |
Shell | Speed | Suite | Title |
Shift | Spend | Super | Today |
Shirt | Spent | Sweet | Topic |
Shock | Split | Table | Total |
Shoot | Spoke | Taken | Touch |
Short | Sport | Taste | Tough |
Shown | Staff | Taxes | Tower |
Sight | Stage | Teach | Track |
Since | Stake | Teeth | Trade |
Sixty | Start | Texas | Treat |
Sized | State | Thank | Trend |
Skill | Steam | Theft | Trial |
Sleep | Steel | Their | Tried |
Slide | Stick | Theme | Tries |
Small | Still | There | Truck |
Smart | Stock | These | Truly |
Smile | Stone | Thick | Trust |
Smith | Stood | Thing | Truth |
Smoke | Store | Think | Twice |
Solid | Storm | Third | Under |
Solve | Story | Those | Undue |
Sorry | Strip | Three | Union |
Sound | Stuck | Threw | Unity |
South | Study | Throw | Until |
Space | Stuff | Tight | Upper |
Upset | Whole | Waste | Wound |
Urban | Whose | Watch | Write |
Usage | Woman | Water | Wrong |
Usual | Train | Wheel | Wrote |
Valid | World | Where | Yield |
Value | Worry | Which | Young |
Video | Worse | While | Youth |
Virus | Worst | White | Worth |
Visit | Would | Vital | Voice |
More 5 Letter Words
Importance of Learning 5 Letter Words for Kids
The importance of learning 5 letter words for kids in learning new words is an important element of a student’s academic progress. Children are more likely to pick up new words. Therefore, it is critical for parents and teachers to ensure that they are on the proper route to developing their language skills. When kids get into their school life, they will be taught English grammar and other important skills that are needed to improve their communication skills. Along with these skills, having a strong vocabulary will make the process speedy. Therefore, learning the 5 letter words is crucial in developing all these skills.
- Development of the Language: Children having in-depth vocabulary knowledge can communicate well and express their thoughts and opinions clearly. Literacy and language skills must be acquired from a young age in order to be effective.
- Reading Comprehension: If children have a strong command of the language, they can improve their reading comprehension skills in academic textbooks easily. Hence, it is critical to study as many words as possible in order to develop their reading skills.
- Confidence: Reading and writing skills, as well as communication and vocabulary skills, are all improved by learning more words. Memory, attention, multitasking, etc., can be improved by learning positive words. Moreover, children will learn more successfully and remain confident throughout the academic year when parents and teachers incorporate spelling and language development activities into their learning process.
Teaching the 5 letter words can be difficult, but they can be taught in simple ways. Rather than only engaging kids in rote learning, they can be engaged in activities that help them visualise the concept, which will be easier for them to remember the words along with the images. Kids can be engaged in various activities like word games, puzzles, flashcard games, etc. These are the simple teaching methods to help them learn the 5 letter words.