Difference between Everyone and Everybody | Everyone vs Everybody

Have you ever wondered whether the words ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’ are the same? When do we use the words ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’? Many students face this confusion while using these words. So how to make sure that whenever one is using these terms, they are using these in the proper contexts? This article will deal with all the essential points that one needs to know about the words ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’.

It’s true that the English Language has many confusing words, but if you want to write and speak accurately, you must know when and how to use the words ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’. The easiest way to do so is to know the meanings of these confusing terms. Once students understand the meanings, it will be easier for them to use these words in proper contexts. The following points will help you have a clear understanding of the words ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’.

Table Summarising the Difference between Everyone and Everybody

Everyone Everybody
Meaning The word everyone is used to refer to each and every person in a group. The word everybody refers to one and all people in a group.
Usage It is used as a Pronoun. It is used as a Pronoun.
Example The teacher asked everyone to stand up. Sam invited everybody for dinner.

The table above shows the words ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’ are not only synonymous with each other but can be used interchangeably too. There’s no such difference between the words, and students can use one instead of the other. The only point of difference between the two words is that ‘everyone’ is used in a more formal way than the word ‘everybody’. Apart from this difference, these two words almost mean the same thing.

The Difference between Everyone and Everybody – Meanings

There’s no difference between ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’. One can use both these terms interchangeably and synonymously. The word ‘everyone’ is used to refer to each and every person in a group. Whereas the word ‘everybody’ is used to refer to one and all people in a group. As you can see, both these words have the same meaning. If you are wondering whether there’s any difference between these two words, then you must know that there’s a single point of difference between them. The word ‘everyone’ is used quite frequently and is considered to have a more formal tone to it than the word ‘everybody’. Apart from this, these two words are just the same.

Examples of Everyone and Everybody

The following examples will ensure students understand the terms ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’.

Everyone – The professor asked everyone in the class to submit their assignments. (pronoun)

Everybody – Everybody in our neighbourhood was scared by the tremor of the earthquake. (pronoun)

Everyone and Everybody – Conclusion

The words ‘everyone’ and ‘everybody’ have precisely the same meanings, just that the former is used quite frequently and is formally a more common choice than the latter. When students are using these words, they can use them interchangeably and synonymously always. The BYJU’S website also offers various articles on many such ‘Differences Between Two Words’ that students often get confused with and end up using incorrectly.


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