Difference between His and Her | His vs Her

Most of us know what ‘his’ and ‘her’ represents but do we know how to use these words appropriately? Most students face difficulty in using these words. So this article will help them understand when and how to use the words ‘his’ and ‘her’.

Not just these words, but the English Language is filled with many such words that confuse students. Students often don’t understand when or how to use them and, as a result, end up using those terms in the wrong context. After reading this article, students will have a better understanding of when and how to use the words ‘his’ and ‘her’. The following points will be discussed in the article.

Table Summarising the Difference between His and Her

His Her
Meaning The word his is used as a possessive pronoun to denote something that belongs to a masculine noun. The word her is used as a possessive pronoun to denote something that belongs to a feminine noun.
Usage It is used as a Pronoun. It is used as a Pronoun.
Example His name is Damon. Her name is Bonnie.

This table shows that though ‘his’ and ‘her’ are used as possessive pronouns, they can never be treated as synonymous, and neither can be used interchangeably. For students who might get confused about how to use these words, this table will help them understand how the words ‘his’ and ‘her’ are different from one another. Once they know the difference between these words, they can apply them in sentences according to appropriate contexts.

The Difference between His and Her – Meanings

In simple words, ‘his’ and ‘her’ represent the masculine and feminine nouns, respectively. Now the confusion arises on how to use these words. When you want to use a possessive pronoun, i.e. to show something that belongs to a masculine noun, then you use ‘his’. For example, ‘Ram got a pen. It is a gift from his parents’, whereas the word ‘her’ is a possessive pronoun used to denote things that belong or are associated with a female or feminine noun, for example, ‘Radha feeds a cat. It is her pet.’ Once students understand how to use these terms, they can easily use them in sentences without making any mistakes.

Examples of His and Her

The following examples will help students understand the pronouns ‘his’ and ‘her’ clearly:

His – Arun brought the chocolate. It is his favourite chocolate.

Her – Elena has a beautiful dress. It was her sister’s gift.

Once students understand the difference between the words ‘his’ and ‘her’, they can easily apply them in proper contexts.

His and Her – Conclusion

In conclusion, the words ‘his’ and ‘her’ can neither be used synonymously nor interchangeably. This article points out the difference between ‘his’ and ‘her’ to make it easy for students to use them in sentences. Also, BYJU’S offers various articles on many such ‘Differences Between Two Words’ that students often get confused with.


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