NDA 2023 Exam - Dates, Application, Admit Card & Result of NDA/NA 1 & 2 Exam

To select qualified applicants who have completed Class 12 for admission to the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of the National Defence Academy and Indian Naval Academy programmes, UPSC conducts the National Defence Academy & Naval Academy examination. The exam is conducted twice, every year. The NDA is the ideal option for candidates who want to apply for the defence tests after completing grade 12. The written test and SSB interview make up the selection process.

The official notification for NDA 2 2023 has been released by the UPSC on the official website. NDA 2 exam will be conducted on September 3rd, 2023, for 395 vacancies (National Defence Academy & Naval Academy). For Army, there are 208 vacancies, including 10 for female candidates.

Details of the NDA Notification 2023 page are linked here. Interested candidates can check the detailed notification of the NDA 1 2023 exam below-

NDA 2 2023 Exam Notification PDF Download PDF Here

On May 9, 2022, the NDA 1 2022 result was released in PDF format and included the roll numbers of the chosen candidates. The test took place on April 10, 2022. Check the NDA Final Result in the attached link.

NDA 1 2022 Result PDF Download PDF Here

The article shall upkeep the aspirants of NDA exams with the latest updates and detailed information on National Defense Academy or Naval Academy Exam 1 and 2. Candidates will get the following information in this article in detail:

    1. What is the NDA / NA Exam?
    2. NDA Selection Procedure
    3. NDA Exam Pattern Syllabus
    4. NDA Vacancy
    5. NDA Exam Eligibility
    6. NDA Application Form
    7. NDA Exam Dates
    8. NDA Admit Card
    9. NDA Exam Centers
    10. NDA Result
    11. NDA Exam Answer Key
    12. NDA Exam Cut-Off
    13. NDA Salary
    14. NDA Preparation Books
    15. NDA Preparation

Daily News

What is the NDA/NA Exam?

NDA/NA exam full form is National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination. NDA/NA exam is a Defense entrance exam that is the most sought-after examination in the country by young aspirants who want to serve the nation. The recruitment for the NDA exam and NA examination is conducted for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA & Indian Naval Academy Course -INAC. A total of 5.3 lakh candidates applied for the exam in 2020, and 2.4 lakh of the applicants turned up for the exam. Candidates who obtain the required minimum marks in the written exam are listed by UPSC. 

The Union Public Service Commission is the conducting body of NDA exams. It holds the recruitment of NDA/NA exams twice a year once in April and thereafter in September. For admission to the January batch, the NDA 1 exam is held. But for admission to the July batch, the NDA 2 exam is held. Written exams and SSB interviews make up the two phases of the exam. Candidates who obtain the required minimum marks in the written exam are listed by UPSC. Such applicants receive an invitation to the SSB Interview for the intelligence and personality test. 

Further in this article candidates will get detailed information on NDA 2023 examinations.

Aspirants of various Government Exams can know the details of upcoming examinations on the linked page. 

Preparing for the NDA exam? Give a boost to your exam preparation! Check the links for assistance- 

NDA Exam: Overview of Exam

The NDA 1 2023 notification was released on 21st December 2023 and 208 vacancies were declared for Army, including 10 female candidates. The total number of vacancies for Defence & Navy is 395 for 2023 exam.Given below is the summary of the NDA 1 2023:

Overview UPSC NDA 2 Exam 2023
Exam Name National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (NDA & NA-II)
Conducting Body Union Public Service Commission
Level of the Exam  National 
Frequency of exam  Twice a year
Selection Process Written Test and SSB Interview 
Medium of Exam English and Hindi 
Exam pattern 
  1. GAT: 150 Objective-type questions
  2. Mathematics: 120 Objective-type questions
Exam duration  Five hours 

  • Mathematics: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • General Ability Test (GAT): 2 hours 30 minutes
Marking Scheme
  • Maths: 2.5 marks for correct answers and 0.83 marks for wrong answers
  • GAT: Four marks for correct answers and 1.33 marks for wrong answers
Exam mode  Offline 
Exam Date September 3 2023 (Saturday)
Total vacancies 395
Eligibility  Unmarried Boys & Girls who are:

  • Between 16.5 years and 19.5 years of age
  • Passed class 12th/ In class 12th
Exam Centres 41 Cities across India
Official website www.upsc.gov.in

NDA Selection Procedure

The NDA exam is administered by UPSC in two stages, a written examination and an SSB interview. Candidates must perform well on the written exam at the first round in order to move on to the next level of the selection process. Candidates will be called for the SSB Interview if they pass this round.

  • Written Exam: The written exam, which is the initial stage of selection, is administered offline, that means the exam is taken in pen and paper mode. The candidates who score the minimum marks required will thereafter be qualified to participate in the next round of selection.
  • SSB Interview: This is the second phase of the NDA selection process. The candidate’s intelligence and personality are tested during the SSB Interviews. The SSB Interview is conducted in two stages. The Centers/ Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards conducts the first round. Only candidates who pass the first round are eligible to participate in the second interview round. 
  • Medical Exam: This phase serves as a qualification. Candidates must be medically fit and suitable for this step of the selection process if they want to join the Indian armed services.
  • Final Merit List: Based on performance in both the written exam and the SSB interview, the final merit list is created. According to job vacancies, eligibility requirements being met, medical fitness, and merit-cum-preferences, the final allocation will be made.

Aspirants who are interested to join Indian Defence must visit CAPF recruitment, in the linked article.

NDA Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The UPSC determines the NDA selection process as well as the syllabus of the examination. Generally, the exam pattern and syllabus of NDA exams remain the same every year. 

  • As discussed above the NDA exam is conducted in two stages – Written Exam and SSB Interview. UPSC holds the exam recruitment for NDA while SSB conducts the interview round, thus called SSB interview.
  • The written exam is conducted in two parts  – Mathematics and General Ability Test. The total duration of the paper is 5 hours.
  • GAT is further subdivided into two parts – Part A is English paper and part B is General Knowledge paper.
  • The Total of NDA written exam counts to 900 marks i.e. 300 marks for Maths and 600 marks for GAT.
  • Candidates will be awarded 2.5 marks for each correct answer in Maths and 4 marks in GAT section. There will also be a negative marking of 0.83 marks for Maths, 1.33 for English and 1.33 marks for GK, for every wrong answer.
  • The papers in all the subject covered in NDA syllabus consists of objective type questions only. The question paper of Mathematics and Paper B of GAT is set Bilingually i.e. in both English and Hindi language. 
  • The SSB Interview is also conducted in two stages and carries 900 marks. 
  • Stage I comprises of Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests are Picture Perception * Description Test (PP&DT) and Stage II Comprises of Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests and the Conference. These tests are conducted over 4 days.

That brings the total marks for NDA Exams to 1800.  

Code Exam Name Duration No. of Questions Maximum Marks
01 Mathematics 2 hours 30 minutes 120 300
02 General Ability Test 2 hours 30 minutes 50 200
100 400
SSB Interview 50 900
Total 1800

Important Note – After having cleared the written exam of NDA 2022 candidates should log on to the following websites for their SSB Centres and Date of Interview.

  • www.joinindianarmy.nic.in
  • www.joinindiannavy.gov.in
  • www.careerindianairforce.cdac.in 

NDA Syllabus

Candidates must first pass the written exam for which they must be up to date on all subjects, including Mathematics, English, General Science, etc. To properly study for the exam and increase their performance level, students must be totally familiar with the NDA exam syllabus.The syllabus of NDA broadly covers subjects like Maths, English, and General knowledge.

Aspirants have to study maths of 12th standard level.

Under the General knowledge, candidates have to study History, Freedom movement, etc, Geography, General Science, Physics, Chemistry and Current Affairs. 

Aspirants can check the detailed topic-wise NDA syllabus and exam pattern on the link provided. 

NDA Vacancy

Along with the formal notification of the UPSC NDA 2023 exam on 21st December 2022,  the complete number of positions to be filled through the NDA 2 exam was also made public. The approximate NDA vacancy for NDA exam 2023 as mentioned in the notification is 395. Candidates can go through the NDA Notification 2023 page for details on the number of vacancies. 

According to the NDA 1 2022 Notification, a total of 395 positions will be filled, 370 of which will be at the National Defence Academy (NDA) and the remaining 25 at the Naval Academy (NA). The detailed vacancy allocation for NDA 1 2023 is shown in the table below.

Academy No. of Vacancies Wings
NDA (i) Flying-92 (including 02 for female candidates)

(ii) Ground Duties (Tech)-18 (including 02 for female


(iii) Ground Duties (Non-Tech)- 10 (including 02 for

female candidates) 

Air Force 
208 (including 10 for female candidates)  Army 
42 (including 03 for female candidates)  Navy 
Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) 25 (for male candidates only)
Total 395

The NDA selection procedure is now open to interested female candidates. This year, there are a total of 19 NDA seats open for women. This figure shows the total number of female applicants who will be permitted to join the various branches of the Indian defence. Refer to the following table for a detailed look at the exact number of openings across divisions of the NDA:

NDA Vacancy 2023 – Female Candidates
Branch No. of Vacancies
Indian Air Force Flying – 2

Ground Duty (Technical) – 2

Ground Duty (Non-Technical) – 2

Indian Army 10
Indian Navy 3

Candidates can go through the NDA Vacancy for the previous year for both NDA I and NDA II exams. They can estimate the future NDA vacancy by looking at the following table, which provides information on the last five years of NDA vacancies:

NDA Exam: Previous year Vacancies
Year NDA 1 NDA 2
2021 400 400
2020 418 413
2019 415 415
2018 415 383
2017 390 390

Detailed information on vacancies of NDA exam is available on NDA Notification page linked here.

NDA Exam Eligibility

The eligibility for NDA exam is determined by the conducting body i.e. the UPSC. Aspirants willing to appear for National Defense Academy Exam and Naval Academy Exam must meet the eligibility conditions as prescribed by the commission on the official notification. 

The eligibility criteria for NDA/NA exam is as follows-

  • Candidates must be a citizen of India.
  • Both male and female candidates are allowed to apply for NDA exams.
  • Candidates must be of the age group 16.5 years to 19.5 years.
  • Minimum education qualification is 12th pass under 10+2 pattern of school education or equivalent for Army Wing of NDA. 
  • For the Air Force, Navy and Naval Academy of NDA, candidates must pass 12th pass under the 10+2 pattern of school education with Physics and Mathematics conducted by a State Education Board or a University. 
  • Male and female applicants must be unmarried during the selection process and until the training is finished. A applicant will not be chosen if they get married before start of the training. An applicant will be dismissed if they get married while they are in training and will be liable for paying all of the government’s expenses incurred during that time.

Physical Criteria:  The candidates must meet the physical requirements for the Naval Academy and National Defense Academy. They must be able to meet the following requirements:

  • Skipping
  • 2.4 km run in 15 minutes
  • Pushups and sit-ups: at least 20 of each.
  • Chin-ups: No less than 8 
  • Rope Climbing: 3.4 meters

The candidates must meet the minimum height requirement given as below:

  • The minimum height required for entry into the armed forces for female candidates is 152 cm. 
  • The minimum height required for male candidates for entry into the armed forces is 157 cm or as decided by the respective recruiting agency.
  • The minimum height requirement forboth female and male candidates for the Flying Branch is 163 cm. 
For Ground Duty
Height Requirement Minimum height for male candidates Minimum height for female candidates
For all except states mentioned below 157 cm 152 cm
Height for Gorkhas and individuals belonging to North Eastern regions of India and hilly regions of Uttarakhand 152cm 148 cm
Candidates from Lakshadweep 155 cm 150 cm
For Flying Duty
Height Requirement Minimum height Maximum height
Sitting Height 81.5 cm 96 cm
Leg Length 99 cm 120 cm
Thigh Length — 64 cm

The other eligibility conditions of physical standards, medical standards etc are given in detail on the NDA eligibility criteria page, in the linked article.  

NDA Apply Online – NDA Registrations

The registrations for NDA exams start with the release of notification by the commission. Candidates are given a month’s time to fill the NDA Application form. 

Aspirants who wish to write NDA/NA exam 2023 have to apply online on the UPSC official website for the exam.  

The online application for NDA 1 2023 ended on 12th January, 6 p.m. 

The steps to fill the NDA application form as follows:

  1. Visit the official site of UPSC
  2. Check for NDA I Notification 2023
  3. Go through the detailed notification and then click the registration link provided.
  4. Give the required details for registration like Name, Mail ID, Mobile Number, Date of birth etc. Fill in the captcha and submit.
  5. A Registration ID and Password will be sent to the registered mobile number and mail ID. 
  6. Use the ID and Password and login again to continue filling up the Application form. 
  7. Given all the information asked, upload the necessary documents like, passing certificates, scanned signature and photograph, etc.
  8. Recheck the details provided and Submit. 
  9. Choose the mode of payment and pay the NDA application fee..
  10. Once the fees are paid registration for NDA/NA exam 2022 is completed.
  11. Save and download the Online application form for future reference.

Application Fee

  • The NDA application fee is Rs 100 for all the candidates. SC/ST/Children of JCOs/ORs are exempted from fee payment. 
  • The fee can be paid in cash at any SBI branch, online using the bank’s net banking service, or with a Visa, MasterCard or Rupay credit or debit card shown in person.
  • Aspirants who are willing to appear for the NDA II 2022 exam also have to follow the same procedure to fill the application form. 
Category Application Fee
General Rs. 100/-
SC/ST/Disabled Nil

Aspirants who are preparing for AFCAT exams should check the AFCAT Exam Dates, in the linked article.

NDA Exam Dates

The Union Public Service Commission announces the tentative NDA exam dates by releasing the official exam calendar. UPSC releases NDA Notification to commence the recruitment and announce the examination dates. According to the probable UPSC exam calendar for 2023, the NDA NA-1 2023 exam notification will be made available on December 21, 2022. The deadline to submit an application is January 10, 2023. The NDA 2023 will take place on April 16, 2023, and applicants can view the complete schedule on the UPSC website.

UPSC NDA 2 2023: Exam Dates
Events Exam Dates
NDA II Notification 2023 17th May 2023
NDA II Application form  17th May 2023
NDA II Last date to apply  6th June 2023
NDA II Application Withdrawal Date 17th May to 6th June 2023
NDA II Admit Card 2023 To be announced
NDA II 2023 Written Exam   September 3rd 2023
NDA II Result 2023 To be announced


Given below are the NDA exam dates of previous years for candidates’ reference. 

NDA Exam Date 2021 

The commission has announced the commencement of NDA 2 2021 recruitment on June 9th, 2021. As per the notification, the NDA Exam date 2021 is given below-

NDA II 2021 Exam Dates
NDA II exam event NDA 2021 Dates 
NDA II Notification 2021 June 9th 2021
NDA II Online Application start date June 9th 2021
NDA II Online Application last date June 29th 2021
NDA II Admit Card 2021 October 22nd 2021
NDA II Written exam 2021  September 5th 2021 Postponed to November 14th 2021
NDA II Result 2021 December 15, 2021

The NDA I 2021 recruitment was started by the Commission on December 30, 2020. The last date to apply for NDA 2021 exam was January 19th 2021.  

NDA 1 2021 Exam Notification PDF – Download PDF Here

Candidates can check the detailed notice of rescheduling of NDA 2 2021 exam on the pdf given below-

NDA 2 Exam 2021 Postponed:-Download PDF Here

As per the notification, NDA Exam date 2021 is given below-

NDA I 2021 Exam Dates
NDA I exam event NDA 2021 Dates (Tentative)
NDA I Notification 2021 December 30 2020
NDA I Online Application start date December 30 2020
NDA I Online Application last date January 19th 2021
NDA I Admit Card 2021 March 26th 2021
NDA I Written exam 2021  April 18th 2021
NDA I Result 2021 June 30th 2021

Candidates who appeared for the NDA 1 exam 2021 on April 18th 2021 can check their names on the NDA Result PDF provided on the given link. Candidates whose names or Roll numbers are there on the list have qualified for the interview by the Services Selection Board (SSB).

NDA 2020 Exam Dates

The Commission has successfully conducted the NDA I and NDA II 2020 exams on September 6th. UPSC announced certain changes in the NDA examination for the year 2020 due to coronavirus disease. The changes by the commission were –

  1. Wearing of masks was compulsory while appearing for NDA exam 2020.
  2. This year, a common exam for NDA 1 and 2 was conducted as NDA I was delayed.
  3. Though a common exam is conducted for NDA I and II, the results for these exams will be announced separately.

The NDA 2020 exam dates are highlighted below:

NDA 2020 Exam Date
NDA I and II exam events NDA I and II Exam Dates 
NDA I Notification & commencement of application January 8th 2020
Last date for NDA I Online application January 28th 2020
NDA I 2020 Written exam April 19th 2020 (postponed)

September 6th 2020 (new date)

NDA II 2020 Notification & Application commencement June 16th 2020
Last date for NDA II Online application July 6th 2020
NDA II 2020 Written exam  September 6th 2020 (along with NDA I exam)

NDA Admit Card

The UPSC issues the NDA admit card three weeks before the scheduled date of examination. The Admit Card for NDA II 2022 were issued on 10th August 2022. The candidates can visit the official website to download the Admit Card.

The commission clearly mentions in the notification that no admit card will be sent by post. Candidates have to download the e-admit card of NDA/NA 2022 exam from the official website of UPSC (upsc.gov.in). 

To download the NDA Exam Admit Card, candidates have to follow the below-given steps:

  • Log on to the official website
  • Click the NDA Admit Card Link provided
  • Insert the Registration number or roll number and password
  • NDA exam Admit card will appear on the screen in PDF format.
  • Check all the details carefully and then download the NDA Admit card. 

The Union Public Service Commission issued the NDA I Admit Card 2022 in March. Candidates can check the relevant details given below:

NDA Admit Card 2022
NDA I 2022 Admit Card  14th March 2022
NDA II 2022 Admit Card 10th August 2022
NDA I 2022 written exam 10th April 2022
NDA II 2022 written exam 04th September 2022

Aspirants should know that the NDA admit card is available to download till the day of the exam.

NDA Exam Centers

Candidates while filling the application form are required to mention the choice of preference for examination centres to appear for the written exam. 

NDA exam centres once allotted by the commission, no request for change of centre by the candidates will be entertained. 

The list of NDA exam Centres is given below:

NDA Exam Centres
Agartala Chennai Hyderabad Kolkata Raipur
Ahmedabad Cuttack Imphal Lucknow Ranchi
Aizawl Visakhapatnam Itanagar Madurai Sambalpur
Allahabad Dehradun Jaipur, Udaipur Mumbai Shillong
Bangalore Delhi Jammu Nagpur Shimla
Bareilly Dharwad Jorhat Panaji Srinagar
Bhopal Dispur Kochi Patna Thiruvananthapuram
Chandigarh Gangtok Kohima Port Blair Tirupati

Aspirants of other exams conducted by UPSC can go through the given links for assistance-

UPSC Syllabus UPSC CAPF Syllabus UPSC CAPF Eligibility
IAS Exam UPSC 2023 NCERT Notes

Government Exam 2023

NDA Result

The NDA exam result is declared by the commission. UPSC announces NDA results in two stages, first for the written exam and then for the SSB interview. 

The result for NDA is made available on the official site in a PDF format. It gives the roll number of the candidates qualifying the National Defense Academy Or Naval Academy examination. 

As already mentioned that this year UPSC conducted a common exam on 10th April 2022 for NDA I 2022, results of which were announced on 9th May 2022. The NDA 2 2022 is scheduled to be held on 4th September 2022. The results of the exam will be declared in October and the final selection will be made after the successful conduct of the SSB.

After the NDA-II 2022 exam is completed, the written test results will be released. Candidates who clear the cutoff with the desired score will be called for the SSB Interview, where they need to qualify for certain rounds to be considered for the post.

Further details on NDA Result is available on the article linked here. 

NDA Exam Answer Key

Following the completion of the written test, the official answer key for the UPSC NDA II Exam will be made available. The commission will initially release a tentative answer key, to which the candidates may file objections. The final answer key will be reelased upon evaluation of the preliminary answer key and any raised objections.

For better exam preparation, it is advised to take the NDA mock test and practice previous years’ NDA papers. Checking the government exam previous year’s questions will help the candidates with a good score.

NDA Exam Cut Off

Every year, following the successful completion of the recruitment process, UPSC publishes the NDA cut off on its official website. Separate cut off scores are announced for the written test and the selection round. For the number of suitable attempts in th exam, candidates taking the NDA 2022 exam must refer the cut-off from the previous year. Numerous variables, like the number of vacancies, the level of difficulty of the test, the number of candidates, etc., have an influence on the overall cut-off.

NDA cut off marks for the written exam will be determined out of 900. The last recommended candidates’ scores out of 1800 marks are used to determine the final cut-off scores (900 marks for the written exam and 900 marks for the SSB Interview). Each subject requires a minimum qualifying mark of 25%. Below are the NDA Exam cutoff scores from the prior year for candidates to review.

Paper Written Exam Final Exam
NDA-I 2021 343 709
NDA-II 2020 355 719
NDA-I 2020  355 726
NDA-II 2019  346 709
NDA-I 2019 342 704
NDA-II 2018 325 688
NDA-I 2018 338 705
NDA-II 2017 258 624
NDA-I 2017 342 708

Aspirants of NDA 2023 exam and other government examinations can check the given links for assistance – 

Check details related to Government exams after 12th in the given link. 

NDA Salary

The Indian Defence Force offers an attractive pay scale and allowance to candidates who are able to make it to the final selection of NDA. 

The UPSC clearly mentions in the notification, the detailed salary of the NDA/NA officers from the training sessions to the highest ranks in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Naval Academy.

Aspirants of the NDA/NA exam should know that the stipend given to candidates during the training session at IMA is Rs 56,100 per month. After completing their training, cadets are awarded ranks, with monthly pay ranging from INR 56,500 at level 10 to INR 1,77,500 as they advance in grade.

Below is a detailed table of the NDA salary structure by rank.

Rank Grade Pay Level
Lieutenant INR 56,100 – INR 1,77,500 Level 10
Captain INR 61,300 – INR 1,93,900 Level 10 B
Major INR 69,400 – INR 2,07,200 Level 11
Lieutenant Colonel INR 1,21,200 – INR 2,12,400 Level 12A
Colonel INR 1,30,600 – INR 2,15,900 Level 13
Brigadier INR 1,39,600 – INR 2,17,600 Level 13A
Major General INR 1,44,200 – INR 2,18,200 Level 14
Lieutenant General HAG Scale INR 1, 82, 200 – INR 2,24,100 Level 15
HAG+Scale INR 2,05,400 – INR 2,24,400 Level 16
VCOAS/Army Cdr/ Lieutenant General (NFSG) INR 2,25,000 Level 17
COAS INR 2,50,000 Level 18

The detailed rank-wise NDA Salary, allowances, perks and other monetary benefits accredited to NDA Officers are given in detail in the article linked above.

NDA Preparation Books

Choosing the appropriate set of NDA books is crucial to successfully pass the exam. Due to the abundance of study materials available in stores and online, candidates frequently become confused about the study source they should choose.

Therefore, in order to simplify the preparation, our experts have provided a selection of the finest NDA books for all subjects, including English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Geography and Current Affairs. The following books will assist candidates in their preparation efforts and help them ace the exam.

Subject Name of the Book Name of the Author
English Objective General English S. P. Bakshi (Arihant Publication)
History History Of Modern India Bipan Chandra
Geography Fundamentals of Geography NCERT of Class XI & XII
Mathematics National Defence Academy and Naval Academy R S Aggarwal
Physics General Science Physics
  • NCERT of Class IX & XII 
  • NCERT Exemplar
Chemistry General Science Chemistry
  • NCERT of Class IX & XII 
  • NCERT Exemplar
General Science Objective GK Sanjiv Kumar; Lucent Publication
Current Affairs General Knowledge Manohar Pandey
Atlas Oxford School Atlas Oxford University Press

Visit NDA Books for detailed list of books required to prepare for the exam, in the linked attached.

NDA Preparation Tips

Since lakhs of candidates apply for the NDA exam, the competition level of the examination is highly intense. Therefore it is necessary for aspirants to have a proper plan and move ahead with the NDA preparation strategically. 

Given below are a few points of assistance for NDA exam preparation. 

  • Have clarity of the exam pattern, subjects covered and the types of questions asked in the exam.
  • Gather good books to start your NDA exam preparation. Avoid referring too many books to prepare for one topic.
  • Devise a study schedule and follow it religiously. Devote equal time of preparation to each topic and subject.
  • For maths, first, clear the basic concepts by referring to the NCERTs books from class 8 to 12th.
  • Watch news channels and read newspapers regularly to upkeep the current affairs part.
  • Refer NCERTs to prepare for various subjects covered in the GAT.
  • Prepare Notes as and when you go through any important topic or subject. 
  • Regular revision to all that is studied is extremely crucial, and regular practice for maths and English is also imperative to gain accuracy and speed.
  • Refer to previous year’s question papers and solve Mock tests to understand the exam pattern, scope of questions and strong and weak areas in your preparation.

With proper plans and strategies, it is not as difficult to outshine the competition of the NDA/NA exam.

Candidates can go through preparation strategies for competitive exams to do diligent preparation for the examination.

For further assistance on preparation, strategy and tips, important books etc. look no further than BYJU’s. 

Find more links related to the NDA and other Defence Exams in the links given below:

Sashastra Seema Bal Central Reserve Police Force
Central Industrial Security Force Indo-Tibetian Border Police
Border Security Force Combined Defence Services

Online Quiz 2023

Frequently Asked Questions about NDA Exams


Q.1. When will the recruitment for NDA 2023 start?

Ans. According to the probable UPSC exam calendar for 2023, the NDA NA-1 2023 exam notification was released on December 21, 2022. The deadline to submit an application was January 10, 2023. The NDA 2023 will take place on April 16, 2023.

Q.2. When will NDA 1 2023 exam admit card release ?

Ans. The NDA/NA I exam 2023 admit card released on 24th March 2023 and exam is scheduled for 16th April 2023.

Q.3. What are the stages conducted for NDA 2 Exam 2023?

Ans: The commission will conduct a written examination followed by an interview round to select candidates for defence jobs through NDA Exam.

Q.4. Can married candidates apply for the NDA exam 2023?

Ans. No, only unmarried male and female aspirants are eligible to apply for the NDA exam. Also, they have to undertake that they will not marry until they complete their full training.

Q 5. What if a candidate gets married after filling the application form?

Ans. Candidates who get married after filling the NDA application form will not be selected for training even though they have qualified the written test and interview rounds.

Q6. What are the minimum qualifying marks to apply for the NDA exam in 2023?

Ans. There are no minimum qualifying marks to apply for the NDA/NA exam in 2023.

Q 7. What is the difference between NDA I and NDA II exams?

Ans. The NDA exam is biannual recruitment of candidates to the defence forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) conducted by UPSC. There is no difference between NDA I and NDA II exams.

Q8. Can girls apply for the NDA/NA exam?

Ans: Yes, as per Supreme Court’s order, women candidates can apply for the NDA exam. Earlier, women candidates were not allowed to appear for the exam. Women candidates will be granted permanent commissions in the armed forces.

Q 9. When will the NDA 2 admit card for 2023 be available?

Ans. The UPSC will release the NDA 2 admit card for 2023 in August 2023. Candidates can access their admit cards online by providing the necessary information.

Q 10. Can I join NDA after my 10th grade?

Ans. No, to be eligible for the NDA 2023 exam, you must have completed the 12th standard (10+2). The candidates who are appearing in the 12th Class under the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination are too eligible to appear in the UPSC NDA examination.


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