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Basic Numeracy Questions

The number systems chapter is one of the most important topics of the CAT quantitative aptitude section. Here are some numeracy questions that would help to analyse the current preparation level for the CAT exam. The answer link is given at the end of the page.

Basic Numeracy Skills: Questions

1) Find the remainder when 1034 – 7 is divided by 3.

a) 1 

b) -1 

c) 0 

d) 2


2) What is (127)8 + (12)6 = (?)5

a) 230

b) 124 

c) 340 

d) 240 e) none of these

e) none of these


3) (11100)2=(1001)x . x can be?

a) 4

b) 5

c) 3

d) 10

e) none of these


4) A certain number gives a remainder 4 when it divides 400, a remainder of 6 when it divides 600 and a remainder of 3 when it divides 806.Which is this number?

a) 6

b) 9

c) 13

d) 17

e) none of these


5) If 44x = 1600, what is the value of (4x–1)2?

a) 40

b) 30

c) 20

d) 5/2

e) 7/4


6) When a number is divided by 48, it leaves a remainder of 17. What will be the remainder when the number is divided by 12?

a) 10

b) 7

c) 5


e) 1


7) If a, b and c are the three positive numbers, the value of 8abc – (a + b) (b + c) (c + a) cannot exceed

a) 3

b) 2

c) 1

d) 0

e) 4


8) Find the remainder when (x + 1)5 + (x + 2)4 + (x + 3)3 + (x + 4)2 + (x + 5) is divided by (x + 2), if x is a two digit number.

a) 2

b) 7

c) 1

d) 4

e) 8


Directions for 9 to 10:

J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q represent 8 consecutive 2 digit even numbers not necessarily in that order.

K & O are multiples of 5. P is a multiple of 11. N/2 is an odd number. L + O = 74 Q is a multiple of 7. P + J = 76

9) If the numbers are arranged in the descending order, which number shall be in the third position?

a) O

b) N

c) M

d) L

e) P


10) What is the median of the numbers?

a) 35

b) 39

c) 36

d) 37

e) none of these


11) A lies between -4 and 10. B lies between 20 and 50. lies between?

a) 2, 25

b) 0,50

c) 5,12.5

d) none of these


Directions for questions 12-13:

A Fibonacci series is a number series in which the nth term is given by Tn= Tn-1 +Tn+1. Also, T1=1 and T2=1 12) The 66th term of the series is

a) odd

b) even

c) cannot be determined

d) none of these


13) If the 12th term is 144 and the 14th term is 377. What is the 15th term?

a) 502

b) 401

c) 610

d) cannot be determined


14) Which of the following numbers satisfy the following condition in base 10?:

Digits are alternatively 0 with the units’ digit being non-zero 1) (100110110)2 2) (110010010)2 3) (11001001)2

a) Only 1

b) Only 2

c) Only 3

d) More than 1 of 1, 2, and 3


15) There is a machine which accepts two values A and B. The values are updated as A=A+4 and B=A(B+3).The machine stops at X>400. Input values are A=1 and B=3, how many steps are performed before the machine stops?

a) 1

b) 3

c) machine never stops

d) 2


16) Integers a, b, c, d are such that -5 = a = 4, -2 = b= 6, -3 = c = 8 and -4 = d = 6.If X = ab+bc+cd+da , then find the least value of X?

a) -96

b) -72

c) 48

d) -144

e) none of these


17) Find the remainder when 9400+9401+9402………. 9410 is divided by 6?

a) 0

b) 1

c) 3

d) 2


18) The sum of n positive numbers will be which of the following, given that their product is unity?

a) a positive integer

b) divisible by n

c) equal to n + 1/n

d) never less than n


19) Find the smallest value of ‘X’in the four-digit numbers (981X, 982X, 983X, 984X, 985X and 986X)which give the same remainder when divided by natural number ‘x’.

a) 3

b) 4

c) 6

d) 10


20) Find a number which when multiplied by 13 produces a number whose digits consist entirely of 8s?

a) 52176

b) 63376

c) 68176

d) none of these


21) In a multiplication problem, Instead of taking 45 as one of the multipliers, Vineet took 54. As a result, the product went up by 540. What is the correct product?

a) 2700

b) 5400

c) 1440

d) 1590


22) The integers P,Q,R and S shown on the number line above are all equally spaced. If R and S are equal to 712 and 713, respectively,what is the value of P?

Basic Numeracy

a) 710

b) 711

c) -713

d) 79

e) none of these


23) Using only coins of value 2,5,10,25,50 and 100, distribute the minimum number of coins possibleto 4 people who need 57, 95, 126 and 27 in value respectively.

a) 11

b) 8

c) 14

d) 15


24) What is the remainder when 77+ 777+7777+ 77777+?777777777 is divided by 8?

(a) -1

(b) 1

(c) 7

(d) 0


25) Two different primes are said to equalize an integer if they are the same distance from the integer on either sides of the number line and the integer is said to be equalized by those integers. Which integer among the following is the most highly equalized?

a) 20

b) 18

c) 17

d) 15

e ) 12

For the detailed answer to the above questions, visit basic numeracy solutions. Keep visiting BYJU’S to get more practice questions on different CAT exam topics and sections. BYJU’S also provide various engaging video lessons to help the CAT aspirants prepare more effectively and ace the exam easily.