CAT 2023 exam dates will be announced in a few months, and the candidates need to gear up with their preparation for the same. As the exam is very competitive, the candidates should be dedicated while preparing. The CAT Mock Tests are extremely important for the exam. Attempting a CAT Mock Test or practising the CAT sample paper thrice a week is mandatory for every candidate. Similarly, the evaluation of mock tests is also critical to know the level of preparation.
Apart from that, keep in mind that you are about to take the toughest exam in the world, so you need to do everything that is directly or indirectly affecting your preparation. It is suggested to create a timetable that will be very helpful for you in preparation. Besides, every aspirant should be very passionate about the exam and the programme they are choosing because there is no place for someone who doesn’t know what they are doing.
Daily Activities for CAT Aspirants for an Effective Preparation
- Critically analyse anything that you read. Be aware of the tone of the author
If you agree with what you are reading, then justify yourself. If not, still justify why not. If possible, make a note of all the things that you are reading so that it will come in handy while preparing for the Written Ability Test for the IIMs. This practice will also help in solving Reading Comprehension questions.
- Read various articles
Follow the habit of reading good books/novels and articles. You can also read Marketing/Finance/Operations or Human Resources (primarily in which you want to pursue a career or your interest) to know about the respective fields in detail.
- Do anything that is coming your way to solve a question
You can solve problems during your commute or on the way to college. This will help to improve your understanding of how quantitative decision-making affects your life and resonates with how it is vital for future managers.
Here is another example for you: If you are filling a bottle and it’s taking 15 seconds to fill a litre of water, then how many water bottles can be filled up in an hour?
- You can use your phone as a recording device for your opinion
Take notes when you come across new words. If you are talking to your friend, then think about rephrasing the words that you are about to say to them with respect to your newly learned words. This practice will, again, act as a boon, to help increase your vocabulary.
- Play word games like Scrabble and crosswords
Play word games and crosswords. In this way, you can increase your understanding in the right way.
These are just a few examples of how you can make use of your time. Remember, CAT aspirants should treat time as a currency. So invest it wisely to reap the benefits later in your life. Be passionate about learning, and you can ace the exam easily.
Stay tuned to BYJU’S to know the latest CAT 2023 details and strategise your preparation accordingly. BYJU’S also provides the latest CAT syllabus and pattern, along with various preparation tips and engaging video lessons, to make CAT preparation more effective.
Also Read:
CAT Exam Info | CAT Syllabus |
CAT Exam Pattern | CAT Preparation |
CAT Sample Papers | CAT Question Papers |