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Importance of Reading Habit For CAT Reading Comprehension

No one can argue with the fact that reading good books will make you wiser. Books are considered your best friends. Reading will not only make you well-informed but is also an indispensable part of taking the CAT exam.

Importance of Reading Habit For CAT Reading Comprehension

Preparing for CAT 2023 with mock tests and solving sectional questions are of course essential. Moreover, to ease the journey of CAT preparation and master Reading Comprehension, aspirants need to inculcate a reading habit that will help them gain the following advantages:

  • Reading good books will help you concentrate better

CAT preparation requires staying focused throughout the RC passage. Reading books helps you create a flow and stick to it, thus improving your concentration. The best tip would be to start reading news articles every morning; it is a great way to start your day and propel your mind to concentrate. The benefits of starting your day with reading will be equal to meditation and help keep your mind attentive throughout the day.

  • Read for fun

Always read the comprehension passage with interest and fun. It will help you to understand the meaning of the passage clearly.

  • Reading helps you increase your reading speed

The more you spend time reading, the better will be the pace of your reading. This will help you in understanding the content faster and lead to better clarity. Excellent conceptual clarity and flow when clubbed with high reading speed will help save a lot of time in solving the Reading Comprehension and Data Interpretation problems in CAT. With increased speed, the candidates will be able to solve the questions in less than a minute.

  • Practising Kaizen

Reading a book is always going to feel like you are having a conversation with your book. You might be arguing with the logic of the author or you might be questioning what he is saying. With all these factors, it might be possible that the book is changing your personality to a better, wiser version of yourself. Hence, reading is essential to build a great character.

  • Vocabulary Enhancer

Reading a good book will help you better understand the meaning of the new words you come across, in the correct context. Whenever you spot new words, make a note of them and try to use them in conversation, writing, chatting, etc. This will help you level up your vocabulary with a free confidence booster.

Watch the Below Video to Tackle the 5 Toughest RCs of CAT:


List of Books Recommended by Successful People:

  1. Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras – Recommended by Jeff Bezos
  2. The Remains of the Day – by Kazuo Ishiguro – Recommended by Jeff Bezos
  3. The Pleasure of Finding Things Out by Richard Feynman – Recommended by Elon Musk
  4. The Catcher in the Rye by D. Salinger
  5. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee – Recommended by Oprah Winfrey
  6. Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela by Nelson Mandela
  7. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card – Recommended by Mark Zuckerberg
  8. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy – By Douglas Adams
  9. Freakonomics and SuperFreakonomics by Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt – Recommended by Bill Gates
  10. The Four Hour Work Week, by Tim Ferris, Recommended by Bill Gates.

Visit the below-given links to check more recommended quality books:

With all these benefits in hand, one cannot step back in instilling the reading habit. At BYJU’S, candidates are always kept notified about the latest CAT exam dates and other notifications. The candidates can also learn from engaging videos to strengthen their learning.