Hydroelectricity and Hydro Power Plant Questions

Hydropower, also known as water power, is generated due to the gravitational force of falling water. Hydroelectricity or hydroelectric power is mainly produced from hydropower. Hydropower uses falling or fast-running water to generate electricity or power machines.

Read more: Hydroelectricity and Hydro Power Plant.

Important Hydroelectricity and Hydro Power Plant Questions with Answers

1. Choose the correct answer: Hydroelectricity is the ______ energy.

  1. Renewable
  2. Non-renewable

Answer: a) Renewable

Explanation: Hydroelectricity is a renewable source of energy.

2. State true or false: Hydropower is a method of non-sustainable energy production.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: b) FALSE

Explanation: Hydropower is a method of sustainable energy production.

3. What are the four types of sustainable energy sources?

The four types of sources of sustainable energy sources are:

  • Geothermal energy
  • Hydropower
  • Wind energy
  • Solar energy

4. The huge wall that blocks the flow of the river is known as _______.

  1. Lake
  2. Pond
  3. Dam
  4. Sea

Answer: c) Dam

Explanation: The dam blocks the flow of water since it is constructed across the river.

5. What is a watermill?

A watermill is a structure that harnesses kinetic energy from moving water bodies to generate electricity.

6. Which factor reduces the flow downstream?

  1. Presence of rock in the river
  2. Construction of the dam
  3. Boating in river
  4. None of the options

Answer: b) Construction of the dam

Explanation: Construction of the dam blocks the natural flow of water and hence reduces the flow downstream.

7. Which is the biggest hydroelectric power plant in the world?

  1. Vajont Dam
  2. Sand Dams
  3. Banasura Sagar Dam
  4. The Three Gorges Dam

Answer: d) The Three Gorges Dam

Explanation: The Three Gorges Dam, located in China, is the biggest hydroelectric power plant in the world.

8. Which is the largest power plant in India?

The Koyna hydroelectric plant located in Maharashtra is the largest hydroelectric power plant in India.

9. Hydroelectricity accounts for ______ of the world’s total energy consumption.

  1. 300%
  2. 30%
  3. 13%
  4. 3%

Answer: d) 3%

Explanation: Hydroelectricity accounts for 3% of the world’s total energy consumption.

10. Is hydropower emission-free?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Since it does not create any pollution in the environment, hydropower is considered emission-free.

Practice Questions

  1. What is electricity?
  2. Explain hydroelectricity in brief.
  3. What is a hydropower plant?
  4. Mention the advantages of hydroelectricity.
  5. Mention the disadvantages of hydroelectricity.

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Advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric energy