Particle Physics

Physics is a scientific subject that aims to create and practically test theories of the observable Universe. These theories change in scope and can be organised into many distinct branches. In this article, let’s go into the world of particle physics.


Table of Contents

What is Particle Physics?

  • It is a branch of physics that studies the basic elements of matter and radiation and the interaction between them. The word particle can refer to various types of very small objects, but this branch usually investigates the irreducibly smallest detectable particles.
  • It is also called “high energy physics” as many elementary particles don’t come under normal circumstances in nature. But, it can be identified during the energetic collision of other particles.

Modern Particle Physics

Modern particle physics research is focused on subatomic particles with less structure than atoms. These atomic constituents, like particles of protons, electrons and neutrons, are produced by radioactive and scattering processes.

Standard Model

  • The standard model of particle physics is a theory related to the electromagnetic, nuclear interactions and also classifying the subatomic particles.
  • This model was developed in the latter half of the 20th century, as a collaborative effort of scientists around the world. The development of the Standard Model was driven by a theoretical and experimental particle.
    Particle Physics Standard Model

    Standard Model of Particle Physics

  • As currently formulated, the Standard Model has 61 elementary particles. The standard model contains 24 fundamental fermions, includes 12 particles and their associated antiparticles, which are the constituents of matter. Back in 2012, the standard model predicted the existence of Higgs Boson, which was known as the last piece.
  • However, recently a particle named God’s particle was found that is consistent with the Higgs Boson particle and has stepped forward in the completion of the standard model of particle physics.

Theoretical Particle Physics

Theoretical physics is a branch of physics which employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalise, explain and predict natural phenomena. There are several efforts being made in theoretical particle physics, in an attempt to develop the models, theoretical framework, and mathematical tools to understand current experiments and make predictions for future experiments.


  • Particle physics is used to produce medical isotopes which are used in PET imaging and external beam radiotherapy.
  • Helps to achieve the concept of a superconductor.
  • Touchscreen technologies and the World Wide Web were developed at CERN institute for particle physics.
  • Some other fields that use particle physics are workforce development, medicine, industries, science, and national security etc.

Particle Physics Formulas

Following is the table explaining the formulas used in particle physics with their symbols:

Quantity Defining equation Symbols used
Number of atoms N0=N+ND
  • N is the number of atoms remaining at time t
  • N0 is the initial number of atoms at time t
  • ND is the number atoms decayed at time t
Mass number A=Z+N
  • A=atomic mass=mass number=sum of protons and neutrons
  • N is the number of neutrons
  • Z=atomic number=number of protons=number of neutrons
Radioactive decay
\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{dN}{dt}=-\lambda N\end{array} \)
\(\begin{array}{l}N=N_{0}e^{-\lambda t}\end{array} \)
  • N0 is the initial number of atoms
  • N is the number of atoms at time t
  • 𝝀 is the decay constant
  • t is the time

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The video explaining the spaces between particles


Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is particle physics?

Particle physics is the branch of physics that is concerned with the analysis of the basic elements of radiation and matter and the interaction between the elements. The term particle can point to different types of very small objects, but this branch of physics generally investigates the most elementary (smallest) detectable particles. This field of physics is called high-energy physics, as most of the elementary particles are not detectable in normal scenarios in nature. It can be predominantly detected during the energy collision of particles.

What are the main topics of particle physics?

Modern particle physics focuses on subatomic particles such as protons, electrons, neutrons, quarks, photons, muons, and neutrinos as well as a plethora of other exotic particles. It also deals with various interactions, such as radioactivity and scattering processes.

Explain the standard model.

The standard model is a theory related to nuclear and electromagnetic interactions and also classifies the different types of subatomic particles. The model evolved in the latter half of the last century as a cumulative effort of researchers from all around the world.

Who discovered the first fundamental particle?

J.J. Thomson discovered the first fundamental particle (electron). The discovery of the electron kickstarted the start of particle physics.

Who proposed the concept of the Higgs boson (God particle)?

Peter Higgs, François Englert, and four other scientists proposed the Higgs boson particle.
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