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CAT 2016 – Official Notification, Exam on December 4th

CAT 2016 notification: Official notification for CAT 2016 exam is finally out. This year CAT is going to be held on December 4, 2016 in 2 slots.
The notification has been pushed in all leading journals and newspapers bringing a much-needed respite to the MBA aspirants.

CAT (Common Admission Test) is a compulsory exam for entry into India’s top management institutes like IIMs, TAPMI, SPJIMR, IMT, XIMB, Great Lakes, GIM, FMS, MDI, NITIE etc. This is considered the first hurdle to get the golden ticket to the college seat. After securing a high percentile in CAT, candidates are called in for Written Aptitude Test(WAT) or Group Discussion followed by a Personal Interview.

Registration starts from 8th August 2016: Aspirants can visit the official website to register for CAT 2016 on or after 8th August and will continue till  22nd September, 5 PM.

Registration fees is Rs. 1700/- :
Registration can be only done online. This time there is an increase in the registration fee that is:

>For General category candidates: Rs. 1700/-
>For SC/ST/PWD(DA) Category candidates: Rs. 850/-
Candidates can be able to choose 4 cities out of 138 cities: CAT will be held across 138 cities and candidates will be able to choose up to 4 preferred cities from the list. 1 of the 4 cities will be allotted to the candidates in any of the 2 slots.

Admit card will be available from October 18th: After successful registration, the candidate will be able to download the admit card from the official website on October 18th, 2016.

To sum up :
All CAT aspirant should mark the following dates on their calendars and start preparing for CAT:

Check out the CAT exam pattern and syllabus in the linked article.

Activities Dates
Notification release date July 31st 2016 – Sunday
Registration opens August 8th , 2016 – Monday
Registration Closes September 22nd , 2016  â€“ Thursday
Admit Card issue starts October 18th 2016 – Thursday
CAT 2016 EXAM DATE December- 4th –  Sunday
Declaration of result 2nd week of January

Team BYJU’S wishes all the CAT aspirants. Good Luck with the forthcoming exam!