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In this article, BYJU’S experts have shared a detailed analysis of CAT vs NMAT. The candidates who are appearing in both of these exams must know the similarities and differences between CAT and NMAT exams to remove confusion. CAT vs NMAT study will help you to know the basic understanding of these two exams’ syllabus patterns, eligibility, marking scheme and other important details.

CAT and NMAT: These two exams are the common MBA exams in India. Every year, lakhs of candidates appeared for these two to study MBA from top colleges in India.

Read the article below to get your answer regarding the differences between CAT and NMAT.

CAT vs NMAT – Know the Similarities First

Check the table below to know the basic similarities between CAT and NMAT exams.



Mode of the Exam

Online CBT


MBA or PGDM courses

Exam Level




Sectional Time

Yes for both of these Exams

What are the Differences Between CAT and NMAT?

Apart from the above similarities, there are some other differences also between these two exams. Note the table below to know CAT vs NMAT basic highlights. You must be aware of these things before applying.




Full Form

Common Admission Test

Narsee Monjee Management Aptitude Test.

Conducting Authority



Negative Marking



Number of Attempts

Once in a Year

3 Times in the same exam window

CAT vs NMAT – Eligibility Criteria

The basic eligibility criteria to appear in the CAT exam is graduation. The candidates must complete graduation in any stream with atleast 50% marks in aggregate (45% for the reserved category candidates) However, there is no mention of this percentage requirement in the official notification, but during the IIM selection process, the authority checks the graduation marks of a candidate in detail.

In the case of NMAT, the candidates must be graduated from a recognized university. They have to score 50% in aggregate. Check CAT eligibility in detail to know about the eligibility requirement to appear in the national level MBA exam, CAT.

CAT vs NMAT – Syllabus and Topics Covered

The syllabus and topics covered in these two exams are a little different. CAT and NMAT both have three exam sections. The CAT syllabus includes three exam sections: VARC, DILR and QA.

However, the NMAT syllabus also covers three sections. It includes:

  • Language Skills
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Skills

NMAT vs CAT – Paper Pattern

The test structure of CAT vs NMAT is quite different. Both of these exams consist of MCQs, But in the case of the CAT exam, the candidates also have to answer TITA questions.

Additionally, NMAT does not have any negative marking scheme. But, CAT has negative markings for MCQs only. However, for every wrong answer, the authority will deduct -1.

Note the table below to get details about the exam pattern of CAT and NMAT.




Total Number of Questions

66 Questions

108 Questions

Number of Sections

3 Sections

  • VARC
  • DILR
  • QA

3 Sections

  • Language Skills
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative skills

Sectional Timing

40 Minutes for each section

  • Language Skills: 28 Minutes
  • Logical Reasoning: 40 Minutes
  • Quantitative Skills: 52 Minutes

Total Marks



Differences Between CAT and NMAT – Weightage

The sectional weightage for both NMAT and CAT is different. Note the table below to get the latest sectional weightage of CAT, as per the CAT 2022 exam analysis.

Exam Sections

Total Questions

Section-wise Time Limit



40 minutes



40 minutes



40 minutes



120 minutes

The table below represents the sectional weightage of the NMAT exam.



Section-wise Time Limit

Language Skills


28 Minutes

Quantitative Skills


52 Minutes

Logical Reasoning


40 Minutes



120 Minutes

Both of these exams have a total time of 120 minutes. But the sectional time of CAT vs NMAT is different. So the candidates must be aware of that if they are preparing for both of these exams.

CAT vs NMAT – Difficulty Level

Both examinations have quite different degrees of difficulty. The majority of candidates who prepare for CAT can attempt NMAT with ease because it is much simpler than CAT. So, the NMAT shouldn’t be a problem if you are properly prepared for the CAT.

Most topics, with the exception of a few minor ones, are the same for both exams. The sole difference between the two tests, however, is that the NMAT is predicated on speed while the CAT is not. This is another reason why NMAT by GMAC is simpler. The emphasis is placed more on answering problems fast and accurately than on the method employed to do so.

This is why, it cannot be said that you will perform well in the NMAT if you perform well in the CAT. The tactics for handling these exams will be covered in more detail in the points that follow.

CAT vs NMAT – Strategy to Solve the Question Paper

Here’s a crucial and fascinating section. Even though the subjects may be identical, the approach for both of these tests is extremely different. The CAT questions call for thoughtful decision-making and methodical resolution. You may need more time (the optimal time) to complete the questions because they are more difficult, but you must complete them correctly. You’ll get into problems if you provide too many incorrect answers purely for the pleasure of solving.

NMAT, on the other hand, is a test that emphasises speed. You must answer your questions really quickly. But precision is also crucial if you wish to achieve a score of 220 or higher. How do you balance speed and precision, then?

  • Learn shortcuts and rapid computations.
  • Be familiar with the fundamentals and principles to the point that you don’t have to spend time debating which subject the question pertains to.

The NMAT syllabus differs slightly from the CAT syllabus as well. The logical reasoning used for the NMAT differs from the CAT’s. Some topics covered by the NMAT syllabus are absent from the CAT logical reasoning section.

Frequently Asked Questions on Differences Between CAT and NMAT


Which one is easier to solve? CAT vs NMAT?

If you compare the NMAT to the CAT, the NMAT is simpler. The candidates can attempt the NMAT with ease if they are preparing for the CAT. To better comprehend both tests and plan appropriately, one should read the differences between CAT and NMAT.


How is CAT different from NMAT?

The CAT is generally different from NMAT, in terms of paper pattern. Read the above article to know more about CAT vs NMAT exam pattern.


Is CAT preparation enough for NMAT preparation?

The candidates may find that NMAT is easier than CAT. So, it can be mentioned that CAT preparation is enough for NMAT. But the candidates must be aware of the test structures of these two exams.