To Verify the Laws of Combination (Parallel) of Resistances Using a Metre Bridge - Physics Practical Class 12 Viva Questions with Answers

  1. When two resistances, r1 and r2, are connected in series, what formula is used to find the series combination resistance?

Answer: The formula to find series combination resistance is RS = r1 + r2.

  1. Does the resistance depend on the dimensions of the conductor?

Answer: Yes, the resistance depends on the dimensions of the conductor.

  1. What is the resistance which obeys Ohm’s law?

Answer: Ohmic resistance is the resistance which obeys Ohm’s law.

  1. What is the resistance which does not obey Ohm’s law?

Answer: Non-ohmic resistance is the resistance which does not obey Ohm’s law.

  1. Give two examples of non-ohmic resistance.

Answer: Vacuum tube diodes and transistors are two examples of non-ohmic resistances.

  1. Give three examples of ohmic resistance.

Answer: Metallic resistance like silver, aluminium, and copper are three examples of ohmic resistances.

  1. When two resistances, r1 and r2, are connected in parallel, what formula is used to find the parallel combination resistance?

Answer: The formula is: R_{p}=\frac{r_{1}r_{2}}{r_{1}+r_{2}}

  1. Is semiconductor diode an ohmic resistance or non-ohmic resistance?

Answer: A semiconductor diode is a non-ohmic resistance.

  1. Define Ohm’s law.

Answer: The current that flows through most conductors is directly proportional to the voltage applied. The voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, provided all physical conditions and temperatures remain constant.

  1. What is the formula of Ohm’s law?

Answer: The formula of Ohm’s law is V = IR


I = current

V = voltage

R = resistance

  1. What are various factors that affect resistance?

Answer: The factors affecting the resistance are

  • Material
  • The temperature of the conductor
  • Length
  • Area of cross-section

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