Nodal Analysis Questions

A closed path through which electrons move to generate electric current is the electric circuit. There are three types of circuits: Series, Parallel, and Series-Parallel.

A node is any region on an electrical circuit present between two elements. Nodal analysis is a technique for studying node voltage as the circuit variable. Nodal analysis is also known as the node-voltage method. It is the mathematical method for calculating the voltage distribution between the nodes in a circuit. The below methods are used in the nodal analysis.

  • Ohm’s law
  • Kirchhoff’s voltage law
  • Kirchhoff’s current law

The voltage across any two points of a node with negligible resistance is found using Ohm’s law:


Types of nodes in the nodal analysis are:

  • Non-reference node
  • Reference node

The node with an actual node voltage is known as a non-reference node.

The reference node is also known as the datum node. The node behaves as a reference point to all the other nodes. Reference nodes are of the following types:

  • Chassis ground
  • Earth ground

Voltage source connected between two non-reference nodes so that these two nodes form a generalised node called a supernode. A supernode has no voltage of its own. A Supernode satisfies Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) like a simple node. A supernode has no voltage of its own.

Read more: Nodal analysis.

Important Nodal Analysis Questions with Answers

1. What are the three types of circuits?

The three types of circuits are:

  • Series circuit
  • Parallel circuit
  • Series-Parallel circuit

2. What is the use of a fuse?

A fuse avoids fires mishaps due to overloads by breaking the circuit.

3. A____ is any region on an electrical circuit present between two circuit elements.

  1. Point
  2. Node
  3. Breaker
  4. Region

Answer: b) Node

4. Nodal analysis is an application of ____

  1. Kepler’s planetary law
  2. Newton’s law
  3. Kirchhoff’s current law
  4. Faraday’s law

Answer: c) Kirchhoff’s current law

Explanation: Kirchhoff’s current law describes how a charge enters and leaves a node on a wire.

5. Fill in the blanks: When earth potential is used as a reference in any circuit, then this type of reference node is called____

  1. Earthing
  2. Planet node
  3. Earth Node
  4. Earth Ground

Answer: d) Earth Ground

6. To obtain all the node voltages, ____ should be solved.

  1. n
  2. n+1
  3. 2n
  4. n-1

Answer: d) n-1

Explanation: To have ‘n’ nodes, there will be ‘n-1’ simultaneous equations to solve.

7. Which is the formula of Ohm’s law?

  1. F=ma
  2. V=IR
  3. E=mc^2
  4. KE=1/2mv^2

Answer: b) V=IR

Explanation: Ohm’s law is given by the formula: V=IR

8. Which law is applied to the supernode?

  1. Faraday’s law
  2. Kirchhoff’s voltage law
  3. Kirchhoff’s current law
  4. Option b and c

Answer: d) Option b and c

Explanation: Kirchhoff’s voltage and Kirchhoff’s current laws are applied on a supernode.

9. The difference between the voltage of two non-reference nodes can be known by _____

  1. Node
  2. Supernode
  3. Junction
  4. Region

Answer: b) Supernode

Explanation: The supernode is a voltage source connected between the two non-reference nodes.

10. State true or false: A supernode does not have its voltage.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: The voltage difference between two non-reference nodes is calculated at the supernode. Supernode will not possess any voltage.

Practice Questions

  1. What is an electric circuit?
  2. State and explain Kirchhoff’s voltage law and Kirchhoff’s current law.
  3. List the properties of supernode.
  4. List two features of nodal analysis.
  5. Define a node.

uestions – Practice Questions with Answers & Explanations


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