Pinhole Camera Questions

One of the simple kinds of cameras is known as a pinhole camera. It does not feature a lens. It consists of a light-proof box, a piece of film and a pinhole. The simple image formed using a pinhole camera is always inverted. The size of the images depends on the distance between the object and the pinhole.

Read more: Pinhole camera.

Important Pinhole Camera Questions with Answers

1. Are pinhole cameras used in solargraphy?

Yes, pinhole cameras are used in solargraphy to view eclipses and to note the movement of the Sun in the sky.

2. Pinhole camera features ______.

  1. Single-lens
  2. Double lens
  3. Both single and double lens
  4. No lens

Answer: d) No lens

Explanation: Pinhole camera features no lens. It consists of a tiny aperture known as a pinhole.

3. The image formed in a pinhole camera is _____.

  1. Real
  2. Inverted
  3. Small
  4. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Explanation: Inverted, real, and small images are formed in a pinhole camera.

4. State true or false: Pinhole camera is extremely fast in performance.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: b) FALSE

Explanation: Pinhole camera offers very slow performance.

5. The ‘pinhole’ in a pinhole camera behaves as a _____.

  1. Stand
  2. Lens
  3. Magnifier
  4. Camera case

Answer: b) Lens

Explanation: Pinhole in the pinhole camera behaves as a lens.

6. What is a pinhole camera also known as?

The pinhole camera is also known as camera obscura or dark chamber.

7. Choose YES or NO: The pinhole cameras need longer exposure times than conventional cameras.

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Since the aperture of the pinhole camera is very small than the conventional cameras, it requires longer exposure.

8. To get a well-focused image, the diameter of the pinhole should be______.

  1. 0.46 mm
  2. 0.36 mm
  3. 0.56 mm
  4. 0.236 mm

Answer: d) 0.236 mm

Explanation: To get a well-focused image, the pinhole diameter of the pinhole camera should be 0.236 mm.

9. State true or false: The pinhole image is a natural optical phenomenon.

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: An image of a scene on the other side of a screen is projected through a small hole in the screen as a reversed and inverted image; it is considered a natural optical phenomenon.

10. Pinhole camera offers ______.

  1. Infinite depth
  2. Finite depth
  3. Zero depth
  4. None of the above

Answer: a) Infinite depth

Explanation: Pinhole camera offers infinite depth and produces comparatively sharper images.

Practice Questions

  1. Define pinhole camera.
  2. List two advantages of the pinhole camera.
  3. What are the disadvantages of the pinhole camera?
  4. List two characteristics of the pinhole camera.
  5. Which type of image is formed in the pinhole camera?