Rotation and Revolution Questions

A rotation is a circular movement of an object around a centre of rotation. The motion of the Earth around the Sun in its orbit is known as revolution.

Read more: Rotation and Revolution

Important Rotation and Revolution Questions with Answers

1. Choose the correct answer: The spinning of the Earth around its axis is known as ______.

  1. Revolution
  2. Rotation

Answer: b) Rotation


2. How long does it take for the earth to rotate around the sun?

Earth takes 365 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes and 16 seconds to rotate around the sun.

3. The Earth takes ______ to complete a rotation with respect to the sun.

  1. 30 days
  2. 24 hours
  3. 365 days
  4. 6 months

Answer: b) 24 hours

Explanation: Earth takes 24 hours to rotate with respect to the sun.

4. State true or false: The Earth rotates on its axis, which is an imaginary line.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: Axis is the imaginary line on which the Earth rotates.

5. What is the time when the sun shines vertically over the equator called?

It is known as the equinox.

6. Which of the following causes day and night?

  1. Rotation
  2. Revolution

Answer: a) Rotation

Explanation: The rotation of the Earth is responsible for the day and night.

7. Daylight is less in which season?

  1. Summer
  2. Winter
  3. Neither summer nor winter
  4. Both in summer and winter

Answer: b) Winter

Explanation: Since the Northern Hemisphere leans away from the Sun, the Earth receives fewer daylight hours.

8. Choose the correct answer: Seasons change due to _____ of the Earth.

  1. Revolution
  2. Rotation

Answer: a) Revolution

Explanation: Revolution of the Earth causes the seasons to change.

9. Revolution is the movement of the Earth around the ______.

  1. Moon
  2. Sun
  3. Venus
  4. Pluto

Answer: b) Sun

Explanation: Revolution takes place when the Earth moves around the Sun.

10. State true or false: The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical path.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: Earth travels in an elliptical path around the Sun.

See the video below to know what if the Earth stopped spinning?

Practice Questions

  1. List five features of the Earth.
  2. What is rotation?
  3. What is the revolution?
  4. Give an example of the Earth’s rotation.
  5. Give an example of the Earth’s revolution.

Related links

Interior of Earth

Explanation of rotation of Earth