Chemistry Worksheet Class 6 on Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out with Answers - Set 1

Garbage is the collective term for trash, waste materials, and all unwanted and used products. Waste from the kitchen, waste from vegetables and fruits, spoiled food products, animal wastes, waste papers, dried leaves, plastic materials, husk, weed, cattle wastes, and other waste products are primarily included. Garbage bins are transported to various recycling plants, where waste is separated into two groups. All dry waste, including newspapers, plastics, glass, and other items, is separated into different containers where it can be recycled and reused to create new usable products.

The biodegradable wastes are collected in separate containers and used to make manure, biogas, and biofuel.

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Chemistry Worksheet Class 6 on Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out with Answers - Set 1
Chemistry Worksheet Class 6 on Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out with Answers - Set 1

CBSE Class 6 Chemistry Worksheet Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out – Set 1

Q1. Which of the following is a non-biodegradable waste?

a.) Cloth

b.) Paper

c.) Metals

d.) All of the above

Q2. The act or practice of using an item, again and again, whether for its original purpose or for a different purpose, is ______.

a.) Recycling

b.) Reducing

c.) Reusing

d.) None of the above

Q3. Which of the following is not a method for managing waste disposal?

a.) Composting

b.) Landfill

c.) Recycling

d.) None of the above

Q4. Fill in the blanks.

a.) ____ help in vermicomposting.

b.) Waste that cannot be decomposed naturally is called ____.

c.) Reduce, ____, and ____ are the 3 R’s that help manage waste.

Q5. State true or false.

a.) Paper can be recycled to form useful products.

b.) Drains do not get choked by plastics.

c.) Vermicomposting helps to increase soil fertility.

Q6. What is a landfill?

Q7. What type of waste is collected in green bins?

Q8. How can garbage be classified?

Q9. Why shouldn’t we burn or heat plastics?

Q10. What is garbage?

Q11. Write a short note on recycling.

Q12. How does the packaging increase the amount of garbage?

Q13. Municipalities in some cities and towns provide separate dustbins for collecting two types of garbage – Comment.

Q14. Is it preferable to use compost rather than chemical fertilisers? If yes, why?

Q15. What is biodegradable garbage?

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