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How to Prepare for CAT from Zero?

Is it possible to prepare for CAT 2023 from Zero? The CAT Exam is one of the most competitive exams in India. It is conducted by IIMs on a rotational basis in the month of November. There are 3 exam sections in CAT: VARC, DILR and QA. So, if the candidates want to prepare for CAT from zero must follow result-oriented preparation strategies.

How to begin studying for the CAT exam is a crucial question that necessitates a well-thought-out plan of action for students who want to pursue a career in business and corporate administration. A candidate must pass the CAT exam, an aptitude screening examination, in order to be considered for MBA admission to one of the nation’s more than 1200 management schools.

Read the article below to know experts’ tips on How to Prepare for CAT from Zero.

CAT Preparation Tips from Zero Level

Candidates who are thinking to do CAT Preparation from scratch must be aware of all the latest changes in the exam structure, syllabus and section-wise weightage. The total number of questions in CAT Question Papers is drastically reduced due to the covid-19 pandemic in 2022. In CAT 2021, a total of 66 questions were asked, which were remain the same for CAT 2022.

So, preparing for CAT from zero level should be always based on the latest CAT Exam Pattern.

In the section below we have discussed the tips and strategies that the candidates should follow to prepare for CAT from scratch.

How to Prepare for CAT From Zero – Expert’s Tips

Candidates naturally become perplexed by the concept of preparation when time is of importance. Even individuals who began their preparations for it months in advance experience anxiety about passing the CAT exam. It’s because the CAT entrance exam is the most challenging and lacks a predetermined official syllabus.

Know the Exam Pattern First

To help the candidates in their preparation, BYJU’S exam experts have shared some important tips here. You can follow these tips to prepare for CAT from zero.

Know the Exam Pattern First

You can start from the beginning while preparing for the CAT 2023 with commitment and diligence. If you’re a student who’s taking the exam for the first time, be sure to abide by the fundamental success guidelines. It is advised that all applicants review the CAT exam pattern once before beginning their exam preparation.

There are three exam sections in CAT, including VARC, DILR and QA. From this, the candidates can expect a total of 66 questions in all, which will include both the MCQs and TITA Questions.

In the table below, we have shared the latest sectional weightage of this exam, considering the CAT 2022 Exam Analysis.


Number of Questions

TITA Questions


Difficulty Level




Total Time is 120 Minutes with 40 Minutes of Sectional Time





Moderate to Difficult





Check the Syllabus

The candidates must note that there is no official CAT Syllabus, declared by the conducting authority. The IIM CAT officials only declare the names of the exam sections along with the CAT Exam Notification.

As per the latest updates, no changes have been made to the syllabus and important topics of CAT. Here, we have shared some section-wise preparation tips that you can follow to prepare for CAT from zero.

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

It includes questions like English Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Synonyms, Antonyms etc. Read newspaper articles daily to enhance your word stock. Attempt word quizzes to track your preparation level.

Aside from Odd One Out, Para Jumbles, and Para Summary, critical reasoning is a very important verbal ability topic. Facts, Inferences, Assumptions, and Conclusions make up the fundamental parts of critical thinking problems. You should comprehend the questions and respond in accordance with the pertinent factual information that is provided in the question.

  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning

This section is little trickier than the other two sections in CAT exam. It is logic-based and involves some addition and subtraction. It is therefore a talent to be learned rather than a piece of information to be recalled.

Work on your speed and accuracy. Practice a lot so that you can easily understand the easiest way to solve the exam papers quickly and accurately.

  • Quantitative Aptitude

Being thorough with each and every chapter is the only way to earn high marks in this part. Take on the QA section of the CAT by attempting a range of example questions. Calculations may be necessary in this section. Use your brain to calculate; it will take less time than a calculator.

Review the fundamental ideas and learn the key equations for subjects like geometry, menstruation, and profit & loss. When answering questions, it will speed up the process and cut down on time.

Attempt Mock Tests

Keep in mind that mock exams must be a part of your CAT preparation from the beginning of your study days. Don’t wait until the very last minute to take mock exams. The majority of candidates commit this serious error.

Take at least 2-3 CAT mock tests each week. It will assist you in becoming familiar with the test-taking atmosphere, understanding the paper format, and benchmarking your performance against other test-takers.

Solve Previous Year’s Questions

Every year, almost 2 lakh applicants take the CAT exam. So, try to practise CAT-level questions, and take mock exams that are as close as possible to the real exam. Solve CAT question papers from the last years after completing the syllabus.

Solving the previous years’ question papers is really required for the candidates who are preparing for CAT from Zero. It is an important CAT Study Material and helps the candidates to gather all the information related to question types, difficulty level, chapters and so on.

Join Online CAT Classes

Most importantly, join BYJU’S CAT Online Coaching to prepare for CAT from Zero. Our expert always provides a result-oriented study plan to all the aspirants, by giving the best study materials.

Giving you a genuine classroom experience at a time and location that suit you is the aim of the CAT Classes. As a result, the candidates can ask any questions or express any doubts on the platform and our experts are always ready to answer them quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Prepare for CAT from Zero


Is it possible to Prepare for CAT from Zero?

Yes, it is possible. But the candidates need to be focused and dedicated in the exam preparation.


How to Prepare for CAT From Zero?

The candidates should know the paper pattern and syllabus first to prepare for CAT from Zero. Apart from these, solve mock questions and chapter-wise exercises to track your preparation level.


How many hours do I invest daily to prepare for CAT from scratch?

At least 7-8 hours of study is extremely important to prepare for CAT from scratch. Because conceptual clarity is necessary for the CAT exam and the candidates need to clear the chapter-wise concepts first.