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Five Must Things To Do Before Taking The MOCK CAT Tests

Attempting CAT Mock Tests is the most important phase of a candidate’s preparation. It can boost a candidate’s confidence and morale. Therefore, the CAT aspirants must be well prepared with the concepts and should have practised a lot of questions beforehand.

5 Most Important Prerequisites for Taking CAT Mock Tests

1) Understand the Basic Concepts

Understanding the basic concepts of Quants, i.e. Algebra, Numbers, Permutations & Combination, Geometry, etc., is elementary. Also, it is equally important to understand the basic problem-solving technique. At BYJU’S classes, Byju Raveendran makes the basics easy to understand.

2) Practise a Lot of Chapter Tests

The second step is to practise a lot of chapter-wise tests to understand basic concepts and topics and improve your problem-solving capability and speed. With BYJU’S tablet programme, you get over 200 chapter-wise tests that help you to improve your speed with SWOT analysis – Strengths and weaknesses with time management strategies.

3) Practise Sectional Tests and Revisit Difficult Topics

Since the CAT exam has stopped the toggling between sections, it is important for the student to practise lots of sectional tests. It is very important to take sectional tests, as it helps to improve your speed and accuracy. With the BYJU’S tab, you can take sectional tests that will help you analyse your strengths and weaknesses and improve your time management skills. Revisit the weak topics or chapters and practise them and attempt more tests.

4) Try Predicting the CAT Paper

Attend CAT pattern workshops to revise the important topics of the CAT exam, practise previous years’ questions and revise basic concepts. Work on time management strategies and solve the probable questions with shortcut techniques. Formulating strategies is crucial for CAT preparation. In CAT 2018, there were 100 questions from three sections which are Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, and Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation. Attending pattern workshops would be the ideal thing to aid in your preparations. It is also important to know the detailed CAT Exam Pattern to understand the exam better and devise personal test-taking strategies.

5) Solve Previous Years’ CAT Questions

It is very important to practise previous years’ papers because, often, similar questions are asked in the exam. Most students attempt a lot of CAT mock exams before the actual test. Solving important questions from previous years’ CAT papers leads you to rectify your errors and, therefore, makes you better prepared for the test. Moreover, solving the previous years’ papers gives you the confidence to solve CAT exam questions on time.

Watch the Below Video for the CAT Mock Attempt of VARC


Candidates are suggested to take the mocks strategically and analyse them in-depth. With mock tests, they can build up their confidence and ace the exam easily. They are also suggested to stay tuned to BYJU’S to get notified about the latest announcements, know the latest syllabus and get various solved sample question papers.