Carnot Engine Questions

A Carnot engine is a theoretical engine that operates on the Carnot cycle. A Carnot cycle is defined as an ideal reversible closed thermodynamic cycle. Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot developed the basic model for the Carnot engine. The Carnot heat-engine cycle is a completely reversible cycle.

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Important Carnot Engine Questions with Answers

1. The heat engine converts heat to _____ energy.

  1. Solar
  2. Chemical
  3. Mechanical
  4. Wind

Answer: c) Mechanical

Explanation: The heat engine converts heat to mechanical energy.

2. ______ is the study of the relation between heat and work.

  1. Dynamics
  2. Thermodynamics
  3. Mechanics
  4. Anthropology

Answer: b) Thermodynamics

Explanation: Thermodynamics deals with work, temperature, and heat and their relationship.

3. The Carnot engine is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle proposed by _______.

  1. Kepler
  2. Newton
  3. Leonard Carnot
  4. Faraday

Answer: c) Leonard Carnot

Explanation: Leonard Carnot was the first person to propose a theoretical thermodynamic cycle.

4. Adiabatic process equation is ______.

  1. PV<sup>γ</sup> = constant
  2. PV = 2*constant
  3. 2*PV<sup>γ</sup> = constant/2
  4. None of the options

Answer: a) PV<sup>γ</sup> = constant

Explanation: PV<sup>γ</sup> = constant


P is the pressure of the system

V is the volume of the system

γ is the adiabatic index

5. A quantum harmonic oscillator is also an example of ______.

  1. Adiabatic system
  2. Non-adiabatic system

Answer: a) Adiabatic system

Explanation: A quantum harmonic oscillator is an ideal example of an adiabatic system.

6. Thermodynamic process which occurs at a constant temperature is known as ________.

  1. Adiabatic system
  2. Isothermal process

Answer: b) Isothermal process

Explanation: The isothermal process occurs at a constant temperature.

7. The Carnot’s engine’s efficiency depends on the absolute temperature of the _____.

  1. Source
  2. Sink
  3. Both source and sink
  4. Neither source nor sink

Answer: c) Both source and sink

Explanation: The absolute temperature of the source and sink affects the Carnot’s engine’s efficiency.

8. What is the equation for the first law of thermodynamics?

  1. ΔU = q – W
  2. ΔU = q + W
  3. ΔU = q / W
  4. ΔU = q * W

Answer: b) ΔU = q + W

Explanation: The equation for the first law of thermodynamics is given by ΔU = q + W.

9. Choose YES or NO: The efficiency of a heat engine is 100%.

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: b) NO

Explanation: The efficiency of a heat engine cannot be 100%.

10. The Carnot heat engine operates on a ______.

  1. Reversible Carnot cycle
  2. Non-reversible Carnot cycle

Answer: a) Reversible Carnot cycle

Explanation: Carnot heat engine operates on a reversible Carnot cycle and is a theoretical engine.

Practice Questions

  1. What is a heat engine?
  2. What is a Carnot cycle?
  3. Define the Carnot engine.
  4. What is thermodynamics?
  5. Define adiabatic index.