Eclipse Questions

An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one spatial object comes within the shadow of another spatial object. Two types of eclipses are the Solar eclipse and the Lunar eclipse.

A solar eclipse takes place when the moon comes in between the earth and the sun. The moon blocks the sun’s light from reaching the earth’s surface and casts a shadow on it. Partial eclipse, annular eclipse, and total eclipse are the types of eclipses.

The moon’s eclipse occurs when the earth comes in between the sun and the moon. Here the earth blocks the sun’s radiations from reaching the moon’s surface and casts its shadow on the moon. The lunar eclipse is categorised into partial eclipse and total eclipse.

Read more: Eclipse

Important Eclipse Questions with Answers

1. A total eclipse occurs when the observer is within the _____.

  1. Antumbra
  2. Umbra
  3. Penumbra
  4. None of the options

Answer: b) Umbra

Explanation: Umbra is the region where the total eclipse takes place.

2. The cross-section of the objects involved in an astronomical eclipse is _____ shaped.

  1. Star
  2. Rectangular
  3. Pentagon
  4. Disk

Answer: d) Disk

Explanation: The cross-section of the objects involved in an eclipse is disk-shaped.

3. Which eclipse is NOT safe to watch with the naked eye?

  1. Solar eclipse
  2. Lunar eclipse

Answer: a) Solar eclipse

Explanation: The solar eclipse is not safe to watch with the naked eye since it can damage the vision.

4. A lunar eclipse occurs when the ______ shadow falls on the Moon.

  1. Sun’s
  2. Earth’s

Answer: b) Earth’s

Explanation: Earth’s shadow falls on the moon in a lunar eclipse.

5. The Moon orbits the Earth in _____.

  1. 33.3 days
  2. 32.3 days
  3. 27.32 days
  4. 21.7 days

Answer: c) 27.32 days

Explanation: The Moon takes 27.32 days to go around the Earth.

6. In an eclipse where the Moon, Sun, and Earth are involved, they are nearly in a _____.

  1. Circle shape
  2. Oval shape
  3. Straight line
  4. Polygon shape

Answer: c) Straight line.

Explanation: The astronomical objects involved in eclipses like the moon, earth, and sun are aligned in a straight line.

7. How is the lunar eclipse classified?

The lunar eclipse is classified as a total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse, and penumbral lunar eclipse.

8. Define total solar eclipse.

The total solar eclipse is defined as the phenomenon which takes place when the sun is entirely covered by the moon.

9. How many solar eclipses can be seen in a year.

Solar eclipses occur two to five times a year.

10. ______ takes place when the Earth intersects the umbra portion of the Moon’s shadow.

  1. Partial solar eclipse
  2. Total solar eclipse
  3. Partial lunar eclipse
  4. Total lunar eclipse

Answer: b) Total solar eclipse

Explanation: Total solar eclipse takes place when the Earth intersects the umbra portion of the Moon’s shadow.

Practice Questions

  1. What is an eclipse?
  2. What are the types of eclipses?
  3. Explain solar eclipse.
  4. Define lunar eclipse.
  5. Differentiate solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.

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Watch the video below to learn in detail about the rare annular solar eclipse which took place in the year 2019.


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